
Chapter 56

We quickly go down the tunnel and enter a complex of wooden walkways with a dead elf body at the entrance and several more in a spike pit... the area are being patrolled by about 4 or 5 bandits who are quickly finished off by the girls, there are several doors in the place including one that we cannot open so I place a stone there to block it, at the end I decided to bring Pyrrha with us, I don't want to risk leaving her in the cabin and some guy comes in and takes advantage of her.

This place seems to be connected to other tunnel networks, even one directly to Helgen but almost all of them blocked. I'm going to explore this place and clean several of them, it will be interesting to have several entry and exit points using them, we approach a door, behind this door there is a cave that is not really connected to another place, there are only two exits, this door here, or the other one I blocked before, so we open the door and enter the place....

"Aaah! Ahhh! Wait! Le-let me re-rest! Ahh!" They really have a good soundproof absorption system here, I never would have thought that they would be having fun on this side. We advanced a bit and waited... since Kurumi took a little while to come after us.

After moving to see the place, we discovered a group of 11 bandits, 3 women and 8 men around a table and several chairs, including one of them a redguard woman taking 4 men inside her like a pro, although before we can plan anything, several Kurumi clones enter and grab all the men by the necks, ending their lives, Kuroka immediately advances, killing two of the women and I throw a knife at the redguard, who tried to scream and seeing that she couldn't she immediately stabbed one of Kurumi's clones before dying.

I signal to Kuroka, pointing to two different places, to the first I signal that there are 8 bandits, and to the second that there are 4, Kuroka quickly moves around the place and I turn to see Kurumi who apparently doesn't understand what happened, just seeing her clone of her dying without trying to do anything to help her.

I immediately approached the clone and took out a potion giving it to her mouth, she was stabbed in the center of her chest, where she has no much protection from her astral dress apparently. so I immediately ripped the top of her dress to see the wound better, something easier said than done since I had to use a lot of force for it, but I get to work, quickly extracting the Dwemer knife and checking that nothing was left inside and using the Heal (the spell from Ragnarok) in her, In the end, I use a damp cloth to clean the blood seeing that she has no scar and turn to see the original Kurumi., something simple thanks to the fact that my system marks it for me.

"Kurumi can you explain to me what happened? Why did you attack like that and put her in danger? " I only see that the others clones are a bit surprised to see that I'm seeing their 'original' while the original lowers her head again, although after a while she looks up with a look and smile that would make the Joker proud.

"Leonhard-san~, do you care about their little lives~, or do you... " I don't let her finish speaking when I get up and turn to her.

"I AM seriously asking you Kurumi, why did you do this? You not only put her in danger but also us, I want to know why you do this." This time I clearly sees how she look at me angrily pointing her gun at me and the rest of the five clones do the same.

"Don't make me laugh, I'm just going along with you because you're the only ones I can speak to, don't think for a second that I really care about any of you, I just... " I leave Pyrrha on the table and walk towards Kurumi.

"Shoot, come on shoot me, I know very well that you don't care about us, but if you make threats..." BANG! The sound of a shot is heard, my head moves back as she shot me in the forehead. "... Make sure you have the power to make them happen." I immediately move my hand and take her by the neck, the rest of the clones point their weapons at me but they don't shoot since I have the original in my hands.

Kuroka is back, from what I see on the map there are no more bandits left in the cave, she really shouldn't have any problem in this place, the bandits are strong, easily at the low-level class and some medium at best, but that's not a problem for none of us, and unlike Kurumi she quickly goes to Pyrrha's side and takes her, not really reacting much to what I am doing.

"I'll ask one more time, why you do that? If you wanted to kill them there are easier ways to do it... sigh just don't do it again okay." In the end I lower her to the ground, I really can't force her to say something to me, to a stranger she has only known for a little over an hour. Although apparently she has other plans...

"Zafkiel, Zayin!" She immediately steps back and now with both weapons in her hands a clock appears behind her stopping in the number seven, she points at me and shoots, though something really weird happens.

I can clearly see and understand that I am stopped in time, however I am still conscious... I see how she moves towards me and begins to speak, but nevertheless I cannot hear or understand what she says... I open my system and change jobs, Knight first, now I can understand what she says, apparently she is explaining to Kuroka that my time is stopped...

I switch to Lord Knight, and now if I can feel the difference, I feel like I'm under water, although much, much heavier, I try to move but clearly I fell how difficult is to move, I can probably flex my finger in a 2 or 5 seconds at least... Now if I can observe what happens with my system... Hahahahahahaha, I knew very well that those two skills were broken!

[Gamer's Mind, stopped the modification of mental temporal perception. If strength of the user is 5 times superior to the caster, the effect is minimized]

[Gamer's Body, stopped the modification of the body's temporal perception. If strength of the user is 5 times superior to the caster, the effect is minimized]

From what I see Kuroka is impressed by her ability, although when I changed my Job to Lord Knight she turned to see me, clearly noticing how my eyes and head are moving slowly towards them, so she tells Kurumi who also turns to see me, showing a face of total surprise, then she gets upset and aims her flintlock at her temple using Alep, and accelerating to where I am, although this time I'm prepared and switch from Job to Rune Knight.

And I practically recreated the Flash scene with Superman in the Justice League movie, now with all my stats maxed out, I moved my head turning and following Kurumi's trajectory who is moving to max speed, although unlike the movie here it clearly looks like I'm breaking and stretching something around me that is trying to stop me, and therefore it seems that I have to move more slowly.

Although that's just an effect since I'm actually moving much faster than Kurumi, apparently when I move so fast the world can't react to my movement? but I don't go faster since I instinctively know that something bad is going to happen if I break it, I'm going to call it breaking reality? Or would it rather break the time plane? I even feel someone's gaze on me for a few moments...

Even so, I manage to walk towards Kurumi who simply stares at me with her mouth open, and she dodges my hand once I get close to her, however while she is jumping back it seems the effect of her bullet ends and I can finally move normally, so I quickly follow her stretching my hand towards her grabbing her hand with the flintlock, and with my other hand I aim to her head, in the end she just covers her face with her left hand... trembling a bit....

'I think I had seen this scene before... I don't remember what anime it was it, I just remember that the girl even had tears in her eyes while covering her face... Although unlike that anime that the guys pretends to be defeated if I remember correctly, it would be better to do something else, hmmm... I know!' I just continue to stretch out my hand and I can feel how she prepares for what will happen closing her eyes, so with my fingers I just poke her forehead a bit hard to leave a small red mark, making Itachi's classic move.

"Groan... where I am...? Was I attacked by a group of fans?" And just like that, the opportunity to say something was gone, thanks to our sleeping beauty who finally woke up. Kuroka lowers her to the ground and I release Kurumi's hand who only stares at me with what I can see is fear... Although it doesn't last long when I see her face change filled with fury....

"Kyaah! Why are they naked... wait, that woman is bleeding! We have to help her!" I can hear Pyrrha moving from her position going towards the redguard woman, for my part I just keep watching Kurumi without really doing anything... although she clearly has problems as her face is going through several facets, fear, anger, amazement, shyness... wait shyness?

I decide instead to stop looking at her and see how Pyrrha is putting the redguard girl on the ground with her mouth up, but I immediately move after her and stop her when I see that she wants to give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Apparently she really is kind to help a woman in danger regardless of the fact that she is full of cum both in her mouth and face.

"You don't have to, she's already dead, calm down and take a deep brea... you better not take a deep breath we're going to get out of here." I can only feel her fight a bit when I stopped her and then she stands still and just collapses when she finds out that the woman is dead.

"Sigh... to think we couldn't help them... Huh? what is this white liquid....? Kyaahh!" Pyrrha got up and saw her hand, closing it and opening it, and then she only saw a little bit the men in the place and the woman for her mind to connect the dots and discover what she was really touching, well there goes my theory that she's an Amazon if she know what semen really is.

"Here, water wash your hands." I start to pour some water into her hand and she began to wash it frantically. "My name is Leonhard Hauser, we found you near the mountain, do you remember what you were doing?"

"I am Pyrrha Nykos.... I was training in a park..." Huh now that I notice... she is talking in English and she's acting shy, isn't she used to men or is this situation? My theory about her being an Amazon can be proved!? And although I would like to continue playing, the best thing is that we get out of here, clearly being next to corpses is affecting her a lot, in addition to the fact that they are naked.

"I am Toujo Kuroka Nya! Nice to meet you nya!" Kuroka acts normal, apparently she wasn't really affected by my ... confrontation with Kurumi... Kurumi on the other hand...

"I'm Tokisaki Kurumi nice to meet you Miss Nykos..." Huh? Aren't you upset? I know she changes personality very quickly but this is ridiculous... Quickly both girls leave the place taking Pyrrha with them... I see so it's my turn to clean up... well it went wrong with them because I love looting places! So I immediately start keep the bodies in my inventor y and taking all the valuables. They have some really nice weapons here, Dwemer, Elven and Orchish.

The armors are a little more normal from hide and fur, with some iron breastplates, of course the woman version are only some bikinis, although a large majority of women were not using them... the best one Steel Plate Armor (a bikini armor, something like Seiya saint cloth), that the leader Rigel Strong-Arm have, and yes, she was a woman. It's strange how once I take off their armor they return to their normal form, I wonder what explanation the inhabitants of here can give me about this...

I spend a few minutes here, until I see that the girls reached the cabin before going up there, clearly Pyrrha is too shy in my presence... so it's best to let the girls take care of her for now. I also take my armor before going up, I'm going to have to repair it or maybe redesign it, luckily this place has a forge that I really didn't remember having. Once I get back to them, the girls are sitting in several chairs in front of the fireplace, talking a little among themselves and from what I see, Pyrrha is really shy with them too, at least I know I don't scare her.

'Now, how do I begin to say this...' I sit up in bed and start to think a bit, they just stare at me, they stop talking and wait for me to say something.

"Well now that we are all here, I have a lot of explaining to do and I don't know form where start..." I start talking by rubbing my hand over my chin, wondering if it is wise to tell them everything or just what is necessary.

"Don't you tell, you have been lying to us Leonhard-san, you clearly said that you were weakened if you really are like this I don't even want to imagine your true strength." Kurumi talks, she doesn't seem upset with me anymore, although she is much more respectful and cautious with me, at least something good came out of all this. Kuroka doesn't really seem to mind though, giving me glimpses of her legs.

"No, I wasn't pretending I know guys who can spit blood and things like that at will but in my case I was really hurt, another thing is that I recover quickly. Now let's end this fast, as you might suspect, though Pyrrha cannot know it yet, we are in another world!" Kurumi and Kuroka don't really react much, but Pyrrha on the other hand....

"What do you mean by that we are not in Remnant? It's not funny I have to come back soon, I have a photo session soon... that reminds me..." From her bag, she apparently takes out a phone, which surprisingly turns into a transparent tablet when she open it, could that be a virtual screen?

"How do you know we're in another world nya? This could be another Realm what proof can you give us to prove it nya?" Kuroka asks me while we see how Pyrrha begins to get more nervous when she notices that her... device has no signal.

"We have to wait an hour or two for you to see for yourselves, but the main proof in your case would be that you can't teleport, I'm sure all your attempts should come up blank. You can argue that you are being blocked and all, but another proof would be our existence." Saying that, I pointed at me and then at Kurumi and apparently that was enough for her.

"What do you mean by our existence? I don't think the fact that we... you mean that huh..." Kurumi just needs to think about it a bit and she also manages to understand it. "What can we do to solve it? And how come you noticed right away?"

"I already have a solution in mind, although we still have to see if it will work and I know this world for this." I proceed to show a copy of Skyrim Special Edition that shows the dragon emblem that the Imperials used before. "This world is a video game." They both just stare at me, not showing any overreaction, I proceed to give them the game to go through, not really saying much, so I proceed to try and reassure Pyrrha, who is still trying to get her tablet to work.

"Pyrrha, try to calm down, breathe, that's it calm down, you're among friends." Mysteriously, once I start trying to reassure her, I manage to do it easily, although she was really surprised when I said you're among friends... even blushing a bit.

"Thanks, I'm fine... - heh the perfect girl will miss her photo shoot to be with friends..." Even though I only whispered the last thing I'm sure everyone here heard it... so it's lonely and shy girl huh, although a photo shoot... is her world something like DOA? Well with her beauty it would clearly be a waste not to use her in advertisements...

"Well, as I explained to the other two a moment ago Pyrrha, apparently we are in another world and don't worry, you can go back to your worlds... no problem, we just have to get some things to make it work. And of course I will present you with evidence, just wait a while longer and all of you will be easily convinced. "

After this we spent the next 10 minutes asking the same questions about how sure I am, once they were somewhat convinced I began to explain the world of Nirn, its origin, gods, cultures, nothing very elaborate really, then I explained about the Tamriel continent, the different races, and specifically about Skyrim, which is where we are, the monsters and other things, although I left my explanations quite brief since I really don't know what Mods exist, so I really don't know if more things were modified or not.

"So these Daedra gods choose their champions on this land nya?" Each of them was interested in different topics, Kuroka however really paid attention to the Daedra and Aedra, taking into account how the gods of DxD are, the ones here are very similar but on super steroids.

And while we were talking I noticed something interesting, the fire in the fireplace does not go out or decreases... despite the fact that we have not used wood to fan the flames, besides there are some potatoes there and a pot with boiling water that they never burn or evaporate... these game worlds really give physics the middle finger...

"Yes and they call themselves Daedric Princes not gods, that's why I told you not to touch any of the thieves' loot, we don't know if there is any Daedric artifact in it, and being foreign entities in this place I'm not sure if we are safe before them, not to mention if we call their attention, especially to you being beautiful women, don't even go near of Molag Bal, he is not known as King of Rape for being a good person."

"By the Brothers, are there really such horrible gods in this world? Because the rest do nothing to avoid it..." Pyrrha got really excited hearing about magic saying that where it comes from there are many fairy tales about it, so Kuroka and I gave a few demonstrations of it.

She also acted really disconcerting when we talked about how we kill the thieves, until she explained us a bit about her world, that where she comes from humanity and the faunus who are humans with animal features, are fighting a war of extermination against a creature called Grimm, a strange creature of shadows with a hollow mask, and how she aspires to be something called Huntresses, who defend their world from those weird creatures.

Although with that I already have an idea of what their world consists of, apparently it is a world from the stories of Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, since their gods are called the twin brothers and they put a lot of emphasis on fairy tales so that world took a much darker and sinister turn, at least it didn't end as a hentai world.

Another somewhat awkward question was when Kuroka asked me about the armor, which I really couldn't explain well, in the end I just blamed Sanguine, If something bad happens blame the closest Daedric Prince, much easier than having to do lengthy investigations, although I still have that susa as well, I'll probably have to do some research on my own.

As always Pyrrha didn't know what we were referring to so Kuroka made her use a Fur armor that leave her with just a piece of fur for a top don't really covering much of her big chest, and a very small thong, showing off her toned body and leaving the poor girl very flustered and covering with a sheet.... but Kurumi in the other hand....

"I would like to meet the other races, it is really interesting to know how long they can live, I wonder if the elves are immortal as the stories tell..." You don't need to be a nuclear technician to know what she's thinking, although that's a personal matter for her and I'll try to talk about it when we are alone.

"Well I guess that's the explanation, super basic by the way, about this world, we need to talk about the different monsters and other thing but now the moment of the evidence, if you can follow me outside, ladies, it's already gotten dark and you must see something that is really amazing." However, before we can finish getting up we hear a sound.

It seems to be a electronic sound... and then a few more, not very close but continuous enough. From what I see it comes from Pyrrha, although she doesn't seem to react to it as well. Appearing completely surprised by the events.

[Administrator! The system has finished the repairs, in the end it took more time than required to have to recreate several of the extra functions of the system. At the moment the automatic sending of invitations, trips between worlds and the store are still disabled. But now the system is activated and working. Thank you very much for your cooperation!]

"Aren't you going to answer it, Pyrrha? Your... phone has been ringing for a while. And to tell the truth, that is the solution to be able to return to your worlds " That finally makes her react and she takes out her tablet-phone... Kuroka and Kurumi are at her sides so they took a look at her screen and in my case I move behind them so I can see it too... and I didn't do it because I can see their cleavages, even if the view is very good.