
Ragnarok Online Gamer System

A man appears in a room, without many memories and without a name due to a system error and to compensate a little for the problems that caused him, he receives an "old" version of the gamer system. Little by little he recovers his memories and begins to discover that the small error of which he was the victim is nothing more than the beginning of a disaster. - The system is based on the game Ragnarok Online, a small part of the story takes place in the game but it will focus more on the worlds where the MC will enter. _____________________________________ This is my first story, also English is not my first language so any problem that exists I will appreciate if you mention it. Disclaimer: *I don't own the novels, games, mangas, animes, and movies.

KKLRS · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Chapter 3

After some hours, I was very lucky to find a blade, who would say that a cockroach would have one inside of it, how long ago would it have and 'It can even have indigestion?'

I got my sword in nest of insect eggs, there were dozens of them and I got almost 3 levels there. But then it showed up.

[Thief Bug Female LVL: 10 HP 170/170 MP: 11/11 Race: Insect

Large brown insects that are gruesome to the eye and disgusting to the touch. Notorious for quickly grabbing whatever drops to the ground. It tends to steal items on the ground and lays eggs from time to time.]

I was prepared for an epic fight, but it turned out to be the same as her smaller cousins or children? It just tried to tackle me, I dodged and finished him... her.

-20 HP, Critical Hit -34 HP, Critical Hit -34 HP, Stunned, Critical Hit -34 HP, -21 HP, Critical Hit -34 HP.

[You have obtained 175 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Worm Peeling, 1 x Red Herb, 1 x Sword, Money: 35]

[Sword: Unknown sword, can be identified with a Magnifier or skill]


[Blade (4) Rank: Common Type: Sword

An one-handed sword with a thick, flat blade.

Req. Lvl: 2 Attack - 53 Price: 2900]

Now with my new sword, I went to kill as many enemies as possible, I managed to go up to level 6, so now I am going to face what will probably be the mini-boss of the area, the mushroom.

[Name: Leonhard Hausner

Age: 25


Job: Novice - LVL [6/10] [Exp: 20/900]

Level: 6 [Exp: 20/900]

HP: 42/42 -> 72/72

MP: 11/11 -> 17/17

STR: 6 -> 11

VIT: 6 -> 11

AGI: 6 -> 11

DEX: 6 -> 11

INT: 6 -> 11

LUK: 5 -> 6

Stat Point: 25

Skill Point: 5

Money: 5981]

Another thing that I discovered is that when I go up to level 5 I gain a point in LUK, besides that I don't need to say the ability that I want to use, just think about it and it works.

Other function that I tried was the inventory, I have to remove the items manually but I only need to use the word commands, I just have to place any object and place a specific word on it and it automatically transfers to my hand only by saying or thinking the word, a good way to surprise the enemy, The first time I used it, I changed my sword to the club, but when I wanted to take my sword back I remembered that I hadn't put a word command for it, it's always good to experiment with the new functions, so you don't get surprises later.

I sneak up to the back of the Spore and prepare to tackle him, managing to knock him down and stab him with my blade.

-34 HP, Critical hit -68 HP, -55 HP, -55 HP, -34 HP, Critical hit -68 HP, Critical hit -68 HP, -55 HP, -55 HP, -55 HP.

[You have obtained 330 Exp.]

[The enemy has dropped: 1 x Mushroom Spore, 1 x Red Herb, 1 x Strawberry, Money: 36]

[Mushroom Spore: A spore discharged from a mushroom. Price: 36

Strawberry: A red berry that is renowned for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best eaten fresh. Recover a little MP. Price: 200]


That was... simple, I expected more from the mini-boss of the area, even the Picky still give me problems, maybe I should name them the mini-bosses.

But hey every hour I'm closer and closer to my goal, now I only have 3 more levels to go. And with the amount of experience that the Spore gives, it will be much faster.


In total it took me 5 hours to go from level 1 to level 10, it even gave me a +2 stats at level 10. I would say extremely long, but I am just in the beginning of my journey, 6 hours ago I appeared in a white room, 5 hours ago I didn't even have a name, I can only wonder what I will be tomorrow.

And yes, little by little I recover some memories, nothing major unfortunately, just some television series, movies, the face of a asshole and news that by the way were in English, so I assume I was from an English-speaking country or immigrated to one, I'm still not very sure of it since I don't know if my current appearance is the same as my other life.

[Name: Leonhard Hausner

Age: 25


Job: Novice - LVL [10/10] [Exp: 0/0]

Level: 10 [Exp: 130/5500]

HP: 42/42 -> 97/97

MP: 11/11 -> 23/23

STR: 11 -> 15

VIT: 11 -> 15

AGI: 11 -> 15

DEX: 11 -> 15

INT: 11 -> 15

LUK: 6 -> 7

Stat Point: 45

Skill Point: 0

Money: 9753]


[Basic Skill - LVL 9/9] (Passive)

List of basics skills that grant knowledge to help the user.

Now by placing my skill points, I was teleported to the white room again and a new message appeared in front of me.


[Congratulations user, you have completed the advanced tutorial. Now please choose one of the classes below. Note: Depending on the player's fighting style, the corresponding job will be unlocked. You will be able to choose multiple classes once you complete the third phase of the current chosen class.]

[Do you want to open the selection?]


"Hey, why the hell didn't you tell me that before, if I had known... no, I really would have chosen the same option by taking the club, but let's see what jobs I can take" I give up while selecting yes.

[Please select one of the following classes (you only need one requirement to unlock:

• Swordsman: Swordsmen are the masters of the sword as they are strong both offensively and defensively, conquering battlefields and providing protection for teammates. Swordsmen do not demonstrate physical strength unwillingly to their enemies, for that is not the way of a Swordsman. Requirements to unlock: Kill a enemy with a Sword. Level Up Bonuses: +1 STR +1 VIT per level, +1 AGI + 1 DEX every 2 levels, +1 INT +1 LUK every 5 levels.

• Acolyte: Having lived with the gods within the cathedral, Acolytes receive permission from the archbishop to answer the call for adventurers. In a profession that does not use weapons to kill the enemy in accordance with the teachings of Odin, Acolyte serves to help friends battle through various prayers that heal and amplify the allies abilities. Requirements to unlock: Use a Blunt Weapon. Heal or support another player. Level Up Bonuses: +1 VIT +1 INT +1 DEX every level, +1 LUK every 3 levels, +1 AGI +1 STR Every 10 levels.

• Merchant (Locked): Merchants are adventurers who are officially affiliated with the Merchant Guild. They learn how to earn an income out of buying, selling and dealing with items in general, possesses additional features that can be used with carts and in some cases can use the power of money or the items they carry as an asset in battle. Requirements to unlock: Kill an enemy with a Axe. Level Up Bonuses: +1 STR +1 DEX every level, +1 VIT +1 LUK every 2 levels, +1 AGI +1 LUK every 5 levels.

• Thief (Locked) : The Thief is hard to convey. Anyone who has stolen something in an area is called a Thief on the spot. And so the title for the first type of thieves was born. When more thieves came about, a leader rose who then formed the Thief Guild. In the act of thievery, killing and/or stealing from the poor and weak are unacceptable. If the guild rules are broken, the guild leader will judge the violator in an unimaginable way. Though Thieves may not have the strength for intense combat, they do range in dexterity and quick movements that can help in the battlefield. Requirements to unlock: Kill an enemy with a Dagger, Steal items from someone. Level Up Bonuses: +1 STR +1 AGI +1 DEX every level up. +1 LUK Every 2 levels, +1 INT +1 VIT every 10 levels.

• Magician (Locked): Magicians, or Mages, are imbued with the power of elemental magic. With insight into all the elements that exist in the world, Magicians possess a spell of magic that grows inside of them to become great wizards, constantly grinding and refining it. Magicians thoroughly prepared in advance with high intellectual abilities and knowledge, and are thus able to overcome difficulties by studying and judging the opponent's nature thoroughly. Requirements to unlock: INT Stat: 25. Use a Staff to kill a enemy. Level Up Bonuses: +2 INT every level, +1 DEX +1 LUK every 2 levels, +1 AGI every 5 Levels

• Archer (Locked): Archers are skilled with the bow and have the ability to accurately hit their targets from long distances. Those who are talented in dealing with the bow became Archers that boast high accuracy rate through excellent dexterity. The bow in the hands of Archers is enough of a threat with destructive power that it can choose to either target an opponent directly or near it. Requirements to unlock: Kill and enemy with a Bow. Level Up Bonuses: +2 DEX every level, +1 AGI +1 STR every 2 levels, +1 LUK +1 VIT +1 INT every 10 levels.

• (Locked) lack of information to unlock]

With this it shows that my system is based on that game, I had already remember it, but I thought that maybe they had only taken the monsters from there, but when I saw the available jobs I know what it is based on. Ragnarok Online, an old MMORPG that was famous at the time, I still remember the years I spent on it. I remember a few things from the game, but I'll need to recover a lot more memories before I can fully remember it.

So my only options are swordsman and acolyte, I really don't have much of a choice, the acolyte is difficult to climb alone and it will be even more so since it's my first job, so I have to choice swordsman, which I remember vaguely, I remember that they become a crusader or knight that are their advanced jobs, but that's it. So without much choice I select Swordsman.

[Name: Leonhard Hausner

Age: 25


Job: Swordsman - LVL [1/100] [Exp: 0/550]

Level: 10 [Exp: 130/5500]

HP: 42/42 -> 141/141

MP: 11/11 -> 34/34

STR: 15

VIT: 15

AGI: 15

DEX: 15

INT: 15

LUK: 7

Stat Point: 45

Skill Point: 0

Money: 9753]


[Sword Mastery (Passive) Lvl: 0/30]

[Sword Mastery increases damage when meleeing with a Sword or Dagger at a certain percentage.

5% Increase in Damage with Swords or Daggers.

1% Increase in Speed Damage with Swords or Daggers.]

[Increase Recuperative Power (Passive) Lvl: 0/20)]

[Increase Recuperative Power can be considered the backbone of the Swordsman classes. For every 10 seconds that elapse while a character remains on the same place without moving, a certain amount of HP dependent on the skill level and the character's Max HP will be restored. Healing items will also restore more health.

Every 10 seconds regenerate 1% of Max HP.

Effectiveness increase from healing items 10%.]

[Provoke (Active) MP: 3 per level Lvl: 0/10 Type:Debuff]

Enrage a single target to decrease player's defense based monster's physical defense at cost of increasing its Attack Strength. Ineffective against the Undead and Boss monster. Effect of Provoke on Enemies by Skill's Level.

Increase Enemy's ATK +5%, Decrease Enemy's DEF -10%]

Very good, I just need to start leveling up, although as I remember the maximum level of the skills was 10 no? Strange but now i have to think about what job will I choose next?

Crusader or Knight, the crusader specializes in holy arts, defense and sacrifice, so it is effective against demons or undead but I can die unexpectedly if I don't pay attention, the knight is a light, adaptable and fast endurance unit.

I look at the top of my UI and see that it says 55 hours, that means I still have 55 hours to wait, but then I take notice of an icon under the time with a green mark. I select it and a new window appears.

[Congratulations user for completing the entire tutorial, then while waiting for the end of the synchronization, you are invited to enter your dungeon, the dungeon time passes from 1:10, so the wait inside will be longer. From now on the system will become independent and no more help will be given to the user, due to this a gift package and a special guide have been prepared and will be delivered to you when the synchronization is complete. Thank you very much for your attention and we are sorry for the inconvenience Mr. Leonhard.]

"Well, thank you very much for the service delivered, despite the fact that there were some problems, You tried to help me as much as you could so I thank you from the bottom of my heart." I bow my head.

[We must apologize, we caused you too much trouble, the least we can do is help you in any way we can.]

I am surprised to see the answer... so they are chatting whit me at this moment, they are watching me or perhaps they could always read my thoughts.

[The last service I can do is to answer any questions you may have, the only thing I don't know is the destination you will go to since we ourselves don't know about it yet.]

"Well thank you, I would like to know who I am or was, why I was chosen and what should I do?"

[Mr. Leonhart, to tell the truth you should not be chosen by the system, the chosen person lived below you and because you possess the basic qualities sought by our target, the error occurred and when you were transported your memories ended being forgoted. It should be emphasized that your memories were not lost, they were extracted and stored, they will be returned gradually to avoid complications with the system.]

"I don't know what to think or say, and the fact that this wasn't for me would have to make me angry and demand to be brought back, it's probably the Gamer Mind skill in action? So what are the necessary qualities?"

[Basically being what is known as otaku, of course we choose people who we know well will not cause serious problems in other worlds, which would usually end in the destruction of said world or even universe. And this is another mistake that you have, Gamer Mind is not activating at the moment, this is due to your own personality and original way of life, I will not tell you your real name because it is no longer necessary, but you were an important person and worked in the army in your country.]

"Right, I was confused, agitated or upset, but I never thought of complaining. Thinking about it that would be the mentality of a soldier, always having everything against and nothing going well the mentality and having to work with what we get, while trying to add humor to the matter, at least I didn't use sarcasm, or maybe yes?"

[Don't worry, we are prepared for everything and the person who made the mistake has already received his punishment and was removed from his post.]

"That's very good to know, isn't it? So I think I did you a favor by finding out before they made a mistake of a much larger magnitude... never mind that I would recommend that you check his or her work history, if they have made one, they always will have more mistakes and then they cover them up and only are discovered when they cause a mistake so big that they can't hide it."

'I just remembered a mission I participated in, due to some idiot's mistake, we had to come under enemy fire while crossing through an uncontrolled area, we were trapped for almost 1 hour, if they hadn't stopped me I would execute that idiot when he said it was us not following his instructions. What the idiot didn't know is that we came from a mission together with Deltas so the high command was supervising the situation.'

[Thank you for your suggestion, I am beginning to review the work that this person has done... on the other hand let me explain a little about us. We are an organization created from the union of several Heroes who came from other worlds, one day they felt another 3 individuals who turned out to be heroes of another universe and they reached the level of being able to intervene universally in their existential planes, so upon a meeting and reviewing their situations, they came to the horrible conclusion that the number of people summoned to other worlds and perished were numbers that could not even be counted, and many existential planes or alternate universes perished, increasing the loss figures, this was known later like the Conference of Heroes, where they implemented measures to help the survival future heroes.]

[So our organization is in charge of helping, supervising and also hunting down individuals who endanger or help in their respective worlds. It is worth mentioning that we do not physically intervene in other universes, but that does not mean that we cannot do it, in case the individual sent to help that universe causes serious problems, he will be eliminated, even if the system name suggests it we are not playing.

That is why the reward you get is what you call traveling between worlds, where you can do whatever you like without problems, since they are only pocket worlds created from the human imagination.]

[But you case is different, we already gave you too much trouble by making mistakes and you are not someone who should carry this duty, so what you should do now is enjoy your new life, in the beginning there have been cases like yours, but the persons involved are unpredictable, so it is often easier to make them slaves to the system, but soon the time come where they "rebel against the system" and technically people in your situation cannot be punished since you are outside the system... you don't seems surprised right, it seems that we also underestimated your analytical ability, you already had an idea that this was happening.]

"It is not analytical ability or anything, but it is experience"

'If you make a mistake your superior will scold you, if your superior made a mistake he will blame you, if the mistake was made by someone under your superior and it was without their consent, it is when they really feel sorry for what happened, they will give you real rewards in the form of promotions or opportunities to improve your career, not to mention personal favors to keep your mouth shut.'

[... In truth, the soldiers most specifically Officers are scary, it would be good if there were more people like you, it would make our job so easy, is really bad that soldiers always end up with mental problems or hide their true personality to adapt to their environment, on the other hand your quest system will work differently of the other users, your system will not give punishments for not meeting the objectives]

'what an abrupt change of subject'

"It's good to know, I don't want to end up being your slave.... One last question, how old am I?, since in one of my current visions I was starting to have white hair"

[Thanks user. You were 64 years old, and by the way, your disappearance caused quite a stir in your country when they discovered that your disappeared from your home. We incriminate General Stone, and was found guilty and punished accordingly. You're welcome]

"Hahahaha It's the best thing I've heard since I came here, the first thing I remembered was the face of a bastard, I didn't even know who he was and I already hated him, I don't know what he would have done to me but at least a fifth of what I remember has to do with him, the only bad thing is that I didn't hit him in the face wait... I really did, Ok I can rest easy now. Thanks system administrator" I notice that a small green dot under the X in the window turns off.

'So they didn't want to give me more information, damn bureaucracy... Well I don't want to stay for more than 50 hours looking at a white wall'

"ID Create"

[Currently aviable ID list:

1.- Unknown

2.- Midgar Continent]

"Wow I really will be able to visit the city where I played in my childhood, I always imagined how it looked in real life." I close my eyes and I hope to start my new life, without worries and being my own boss.