
Ragnarok: Maxwell, The Ultimate Giant

A boy from Earth gets reincarnated into the world of the famous Netflix series Ragnarok along with being the reincarnation of two giants namely, Tyr and Aegir; The giants of War and Sea.

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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Waking up from the very uncomfortable bed of my new families 2 floor apartment I couldn't help but groan. It was a struggle sleeping on that pile of bricks every night but despite that I still wake up just fine.

I walked down my steps slowly but surely being extra careful since some of the wooden steps were rotten. Everyday I have to go through this little obstacle course just to get to school. Finally on the lower floor I arrive at the bathroom where my mom is doing her hair while I brush my teeth and do my own hair.

I usually dont do anything special with my hair but today was the first day of school so I decided to but the backside of my hair into a small bun. After cleaning up and eating a peice of toast my mom prepared for me beforehand I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and quickly walked out the door.

I usually walk to school but today I decided to ride my new bike to school instead. It wasnt a very flashy bike, just a plain black mettalic bike. I was very excited about my first day since me and mom moved into a new town, and a new town meant new people.

After making it to school I park my bike in one of the spots on the public bike rack and lock it. On the way in I silently prayed to Odin that it wouldn't get stolen. I grabed a school guide on one of the tables set up near the front doors and found my classroom.

I walked into the class with 2 other people, one tall burely blonde kid and a smaller black haired kid. The teacher who I knew as Erik intruduced the blondie as Magne and the black haired one as Lauritts. When left with myself I interupted him by saying, "Maxwell or Max for short." He nodded his head silently.

"Well boys you can find your own seats." instantly Lauritts sits next to Gry, Magne stares at him in angry before he sits next to Isolde which caught him a bunch of weird stares. Confused he just plays with his stress toy. Now left with myself I sit behind the bleach blonde haired girl that I had a weird attraction towards; almost instinctional.

After I sit down Erik passes out are handbook for the year and starts the class. I didnt really pay much attention during class due to the weird spirit-like thing that was in front of my face. It quickly moved side to side in front of my face until it went straight into my head. Pain surged from every cell of my body, it felt like fire ants were biting at my skin. After thirty quick seconds the pain subsided and a nice cool sensation spread all over my body.

A mysterious voice called out to me after the pain subsided, "Hello young warrior, you were chosen to be the reincarnation of Tyr, the giant of war and I, Aegir the giant of the sea. Luck befalls you for you have been chosen to be the reincarnation of not one but 2 giants." Confusion was the only answer from this ordeal, what were giants and why am I the reincarnation of them, am I special in some way?

"Us giants are the founders of your world. Giants have created everything you see in front of you today. The answer to your second question is that yes you are special, special beyond ways that you dont even know." Well this is a lot to take in. So what is the poing of being a reincarnation of a giant anyway, I mean you wouldn't come and make this grand entrance and have it not be imporant.

"Being the reincarnation of a giant gives you unimaginable strength and powers beyond your knowing. Making you a superhuman of some sorts, as well as giving you the benifit of being immortal. A blessing and a curse." Seems pretty cool for the most part.

"Yes it is indeed very cool. Although with this power comes-" before the giant could finish Max intterups him and says, "With great responsibility. I get it dont worry." "Oh ok, good. Now before I leave I have to tell you one last thing; Do not trust any gods. Reincarnation or not." "Understood." Max says quickly.

"Alright then, goodbye young warrior. We'll be watching." "Goodbye Aegir." Max replies. Max then regains conscience only to be greeted with an angry Erik and a laughing classroom. "DETENTION MR. KIDD" "Oh ok." Maxwell replies blandly.

Besides that the school day was pretty chill, nothing very exciting happened besides Magne and Isolde getting made fun of. Doesn't really matter to me though.

At home I instantly started to see the changes of becoming a giant. I had to restrain every time I grabed something, I felt insanely light, and it felt like I had a lot more energy then before.

After seeing the physical changes I go to my bathroom and fill the tub with water. As mentioned before by Aegir he was some type of king of water so I obviously thought that that was connected to my powers which indeed was true. Focusing on the water I could mold it into different shapes and control the current of the water as well as the tempature.

It was mezmerising looking at the beautiful things I created with the water. These new powers were most definetly a blessing, I mean who wouldn't want to be immortal. After testing my water powers out I look online for research on Tyr, knowing that he is a giant of war maybe I'll be good at fighting or something like that.

After awhile of researching turns out I was right, Tyr was an amazing fighter as well as a master of weapons. Walking back to my kitchen I pull a knife out of the knife block and "shadow box". Dodging and weaving through the attacks of the imaginary attacker while also attacking him myself I realized that I proved my theory.

With these new powers I just couldn't contain my excitement, a huge smile spreads across my face as I leave the house