
RAGNAROK: A Perfect or Corrupt World?

Marlecio a young man of 25 years who when he dies will go to a world called Ragnarok where all the Gods of different religions are, they adopt as their children to the humans who come to this world, when a human inherits the power of the God who chose him must train and go to different dungeons to improve his power,but not everything is perfect and there seems to be a truth or something dark in that world that threatens to destroy it, what will it be? only time will tell

DylanVeras · Sci-fi
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49 Chs

Chapter 2 Alliance

Kraiton was sitting on his throne thinking about what to do until his servant arrived.

The servant asks him if he has already planned anything?

Kraiton looks at him and says nothing yet but he is not afraid of what might happen.

Kraiton tells him that he should make the virus affect the half-human Gods.

This makes Kraiton do and ask him that don't you understand that I am half Human and Demon God, do you want to kill me?

The servant apologizes and tells him that it's not like that but half Human Gods can be trouble.

Kraiton proceeds to sit back in his chair and asks what are they? Hercules? After using my potion I now have many clones of him and I keep him captured.

The servant gives a folde with information to Kraiton.

Kraiton grabs it and starts to look at what's inside.

While Kraiton is looking around the servant begins to speak:

Goddess of weapons and the balance between darkness and light Lisa Trinigara, an outstanding adventurer and prodigy who became the strongest of her family with only one eye, in the human world she was a great military woman feared and respected by both her enemies and allies.

When Hephaestus died she decided to kill the god Ra to obtain more power, although she achieved a lot of power she did not manage to kill Ra completely and he came back to life and...

Kraiton throws the files and asks her what is her point.

The servant tells him that Lisa and Marlecio are a very big threat, they could destroy everything that we built in less than 5 seconds, you should know what we are facing and who we are dealing with.

Kraiton gets up again and starts walking while he laughs and says: Do you think I don't know? I used the infected Heimdall to study their movements and I know they are not a threat and I know how to get rid of them.

The servant is surprised to hear this and asks him how and what is his plan?

Kraiton goes to the chessboard and asks him if he has ever made a deal with the devil?

The servant is confused and says no and why the question.

Kraiton proceeds to put on a governor's suit and says: even if I am the devil because I have his powers I will do just that, I will make a deal with the devil, isn't it ironic?

The servant gets upset and tells him that he is doing something very dangerous and that he is playing with fire.

Kraiton starts to laugh and makes a smile with his hands and says: that excites me, I love playing with dangerous things and it's too late, right now they should appear in 3.....2....

Kraiton disappears from the room which worries the servant and puts an alert.

Kraiton appears in a desert and sees a big corpse in front of him and starts clapping and laughing: so this is the Apophis snake? Wow it's bigger than I imagined, tell me did it cost you a lot to kill it?

The figure that was looking at him from a distance remains silent while staring at him while another one that was behind him does the same.

Kraiton is surprised and bows as he apologizes for his rudeness and proceeds to introduce himself:

My name is Kraiton former son of Jesus and current King of Hell and Camelot, it is a pleasure to meet you God Marlecio and Goddess Lisa, thank you very much for considering this meeting and coming here.

Marlecio looks at him and tells him to stop with the manners and ethics and say what he wants.

Kraiton stops looking at Marlecio and looks at Lisa and kneels for 2 seconds while he says: sorry for ruining your wedding, I didn't know that it was celebrated that same day.

Lisa takes off her hood and looks at him while she uses the power of Apophis generating a big evil storm and tells him to speak and answer.

Kraiton looks at the 2 of them and tells them that he wants to make an alliance with them.

Marlecio walks a little and asks him what alliance and what he is talking about.

Kraikon creates a box on the ground and Lisa opens it using one of the knives that he had floating on the ground

Marlecio is surprised to see all that and asks her what is the trick.

Kraikon tells them that all this will be theirs if they agree to something.

Lisa takes a good look and is surprised and worried to see that in the box there are also things for small children and babies and asks Kraikon how does he know?

Kraikon looks at her and tells her that a servant has a lot of communication and information and knows about her daughter Janet.

Lisa gets upset when she hears this and Marlecio proceeds to grab his sword.