
Ragnarok's Resurgence: Ascension of the Sage's Heir

[WPC OCT&NOV Entry] [Monkey, Mythology, Sassy MC, Long Chapters, Good Quality–I got you covered!] In the year 2024, humanity teeters on the precipice of an unprecedented crisis, one that threatens to plunge the world into chaos. Ancient monsters and deities, once regarded as mere legends and myths, resurface from the depths of history. These enigmatic beings, spanning the spectrum from malevolence to benevolence, are reawakened by cosmic forces far beyond human comprehension. As the world quakes in the face of impending annihilation, gods from the pantheons of old descend from the heavens. They bestow their divine blessings upon chosen mortals, granting them extraordinary abilities. Among those unexpectedly caught in the maelstrom is James Welt, who, along with his girlfriend, finds himself stranded in the remote and treacherous Kunlun Mountains. Against all odds, he survives the harrowing first night of chaos. It is amidst the ancient peaks and mist-shrouded valleys that he receives a blessing of the highest order–a divine whim from none other than the legendary Great Sage Equal to Heaven, Sun Wukong. Trapped in Kunlun due to unforeseen changes in the world's fabric, James makes a solemn vow. He pledges to ascend to the status of a second coming of the Sage, wielding unmatched power to surmount every challenge and adversary that crosses his path.

Nightrice · Fantasy
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8 Chs

How to survive in the mountains

In the heart of the Kunlun Mountains, the newly blessed semi-immortal James was faced with a newfound dilemma: how to preserve meat with just basic camping gear.

So, how does James keep that freshly hunted bird meat edible? First up, the old faithful technique of salting!

The method he employed was both ancient and effective. He generously coated the fresh bird meat with salt. The salt acted as a natural deterrent against bacteria, preventing the meat from spoiling. Once salted, he arranged the strips on a flat rock near his campfire. This allowed them to undergo the drying process, which is crucial for preserving meat.

James collected greenwood from the forest in the valley, carefully selecting wood known for its flavor-enhancing properties, like hickory. He then kindled a campfire, and using branches, he hung the meat strips above the fragrant, smoky flames. This process both smoked and dehydrated the meat, further inhibiting bacterial growth.

Now, James turned his attention to those unique serrated metallic feathers that once belonged to the Stymphalian Birds. Recognizing their potential as makeshift daggers. By combining these metallic feathers with sturdy wooden handles, paracord, and his resourceful skills, he forged daggers capable of serving him well in future hunts.

To protect the preserved meat from environmental factors, James gathered dozens of coolboxes from other campers. He stored a good amount of meat inside them.

James then sat down for a small break next to the campfire. All this meat preservation tired him mentally. The hickory wood crackled and released its aromatic embrace as it burned in the campfire. The scent that filled the air was both earthy and sweet, carrying notes of smokiness and a touch of nuttiness.

[Not bad, I didn't even need to teach you anything on that.]

"Yeah, that happens when you watch too many survival in the wild videos on the internet," James remarked with a helpless expression on his face.

It was one of his pastime activities when he did not have much to do. A man alone surviving Mother Nature using her gifts fascinated him.

One of the reasons he was a bit introverted was also due to this. He enjoyed hobbies like hunting, fishing, hiking or camping. An activity he mostly always did by himself. The anniversary trip was also supposed to be like this. Ever since they started dating, Grace got mad at him for leaving her on random weekends to go camping or fishing. He asked her to go with him but she always refused, rather stayed at home or went to parties.

The anniversary trip was a way for him to show her the beauty of nature, but that turned out great. He was shown the beauty of human nature, truly a blessing.

James let out a sad chuckle as he remembered how she pushed him towards the Minotaur. The expression on Grace's face told him everything he needed to condemn her to the deepest pits of hell. Oh well, Underworld should exist since the Gods are real, no?

"Hey, does the Underworld exist?"

[Yes, there is the Diyu for us and other pantheons have their versions of that.]

"Do you think Grace ...?"

[Oh, that little traitorous girl? Yes, her soul was consumed and fused with the Banshee–you essentially killed her along with the monster by breaking that core. Good riddance.]

James sighed, good riddance indeed. But he also felt disappointment over her death because it was too fast. At this point, he could only hope for the underworld–wherever her soul was–to punish her for good.

As he contemplated these thoughts, his focus was abruptly shattered by the distant sound of approaching footsteps. The unmistakable chatter and laughter of a group of Koropokkuru reached his ears and carried on the wind. It seemed that the tantalizing scent of the freshly smoked meat had attracted some unexpected visitors.

James quickly realized that he needed to take action. The Koropokkuru, though small in stature, could be quite resourceful and skilled in the art of foraging. With his campsite stocked with freshly preserved meat, he couldn't afford to lose his supplies to these curious creatures.

With his makeshift weapon clutched tightly in his hand, James moved silently and swiftly behind the tents, scouting.

As the diminutive figures came into view, their faces filled with anticipation at the prospect of a generous meal, James prepared himself. With a controlled lunge, he struck, using the sharpened metallic feathers as a deadly weapon. The blade-like edges sliced through the air, expertly finding their mark.

The Koropokkuru let out surprised cries as the makeshift dagger found its targets. James's precision was uncanny as his eyes glowed and he moved swiftly, decapitating them with a single slash.

It was not much of a challenge. James stood there, stained with the blood, and felt a small gain of strength coming from the corpses. It was minuscule compared to the birds he had killed earlier. There was no value in hunting them, he only killed them because they dared to venture to his campsite. It was the survival of the fittest.

James gathered everything and burned the bodies in the fire. The smell of dead Koropokkuru should keep other low-class monsters from venturing here.

The smell of the Banshee must have become too faint over these days since those small goblin creatures dared to come here. 

"Is there anything I can do to avoid monsters from coming here other than slaying strong beasts and spreading their smell around the camp?"

[Well, I guess it's time for your first lesson on Energy Manipulation, also known as Qi. If you learn to flare your aura, it will help you avoid pesky monsters. They will mistake you for a high-level monster and stay away from your campsite.]

James smiled as he wiped the blood from his face with a damp hand towel. He placed it on the ground, next to the fire, and sat on top of it, making himself a bit more comfortable.

[Close your eyes and concentrate your energy, gather your Qi, and let it flow. The key is to control it, make it an extension of yourself.]

James followed the guidance, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He visualized the flow of his inner energy, imagining it as a vibrant, shimmering aura surrounding him.

[You should be able to see a bright light inside your mind. That's your core because I made you semi-immortal. Now try to draw some Qi from it by making it spin.]

As he began to experiment with what Wukong had shared, James felt the power building within him. It was a subtle transformation, but he sensed his presence shifting as if his very essence was expanding. He focused on controlling this newfound energy.

[Excellent. Now try to condense and release it.]

James channeled the spinning energy, concentrating it into a compact form. He sensed the condensed power gathering within him, ready to be unleashed.

As he opened his eyes, the area around him seemed to shimmer briefly, and an aura of vibrant energy surrounded him.

[Congratulations, you have successfully formed your Aura. Not bad for a beginner.]

"I feel invigorated. Is that normal?"

[It is, spinning your core will help you absorb more Qi from your surroundings. The only good thing about this place is the high density of Qi, you'll be able to improve much better. It's at least five times as high as in Beijing.]

"Wait, you have contact beyond this place? Why didn't you tell me?"

[It only encompasses China and parts of India, and it's not like those Heavenly Bastards are going to tell me much.]

Right. Sun Wukong, also the self-proclaimed Great Sage Equal to Heaven, was not like any other immortal or god. He was his own man, free to do whatever his heart desired, unfettered and strong unlike any other being under the sky.

"Can you at least tell me what you know?"

[Well, listen kid. It's the first stage and many have died–like those stupid campers and that girl, but others who have survived the night also gained the favors of certain gods. I know that Cai Shen is dishing out Lesser Blessings nothing. Stronger gods have yet to make a move, and transcendental beings are not even watching over this world yet–except for me.]

"It's a fucking apocalypse."

[Indeed, but don't worry. They'll manage, the gods will make sure of that. Now, get back to your training.]

James was a bit worried about his parents, who were in Germany celebrating the new year with some relatives, but he put those thoughts away for now. He needed to make the best out of his situation and that was training and hunting. The priority was to get out of this mountain range.

He took a look at the distant snowy peaks of the Kunlun and closed his eyes to focus on his Qi once more. Feeling the spinning force inside his body made him forget all the troubles and bad experiences. The inner world was only about him and his Energy Core. The vibrant energy around James began to condense again. Under the watchful eyes of his patron, the training continued.