
Raging Flames Incestuous Love

The so-called eternity Perhaps it's just a fleeting moment in life A hazy dusk at a street corner in a light rain The slender, bony hand reaching out next to you And the warm, wet kiss mark left on the back of the neck...…

Beeber167 · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

Extraordinary Chapter 5

Xin Pei anxiously paced up and down Zeng Kun's living room. The huge clock in the corner of the living room struck fourteen times, as if he did not hear it, and looked at his watch.

"Sit down and wait, there is no use in your hurry," Du Zhonghua, drinking tea, glanced at Xin Pei like an ant on a hot pot with a bit of mockery. "No one dares disturb Master Zeng at this time."

Xin Pei knew what Du Zhonghua meant by this kind of time, the last few times to saw the Zeng family some eleven or twelve-year-old girls, Zeng Kun would certainly go back to his wife's house for the night, during the day in this villa to meet his subordinates, by the way to play with the little girl, Zeng Kun a young age but boasted of love, is an old playboy, his deeds have long been known.

Du Zhonghua is Zeng Kun's second in command, less than 30 years old, male and female, with a pair of red phoenix eyes captivating, skeletal symmetry tall. If you let his gentle appearance deceive you, you will not be far from death. This man controls Zeng Kun's main source of income, all the nightclubs and prostitution in A City, as well as the operation and management of underground casinos, and has also taken over the narcotics trade since his third in charge, Liao Kai was assassinated in his own home six months ago.

Not only that but the man's marksmanship and assassinations are well known in the northern underground. Du Zhonghua also therefore sits on Zeng Kun's second hand chair.

Du Zhonghua looks down on the rebellious Xin Pei, the intention of Zeng Kun to train him to take over the third hand of the gang, nothing is always a sting in the words. Xin Pei just arrived, do not want to enmity him, but the matter was urgent, see Du Zhonghua did not mean to help, so he rushed to the floor, just then the old man also opened the bedroom door, and saw the anxious Xin Pei slightly surprised, stretched out his hand to show him downstairs to talk.

"Simple, is there an emergency?" Mr. Zeng sat down in the master's chair and asked.

"Master Zeng, our plan seems to have to be changed," Xin Pei cleared his throat and explained the reason: "Jianming should have found something wrong, one of my men has just been killed."

'Oh? Master Zeng thought for a moment: "We still have those two boys in our hands, even if we do your people, the impact on the outcome of the negotiation is not big, as long as the pier is ours."

"This is the case," Xin Pei had to lay out the trump card ready to take credit in the future: "I originally designed the inside and outside, mainly not to immediately get the control of the dock," he said straight the point: "I am responsible for the management of the drug warehouse, which is the largest Treasury of Jian Ming and Lu Sen if they are aware of it, they will start to prevent."

Du Zhonghua interjected: "You said that one of your men was killed, what about the other two?" They just let it go?"

"Will start, so I am worried, Zengye, after getting the control of the dock, open up the waterway smuggling channel, but also need huge funds to maintain legal protection," Xin Pei methodical analysis: "Rather than their future slowly, it is better to preempt now, when they handover chaos, the warehouse freight to A city?" On the contrary, if they lose their financial backing, it will be very difficult for them to make a comeback. What do you think?"

"Well, this method kills two birds with one stone, Zhonghua, what do you think?" Mr. Zeng asked.


"That's right." Simpei replied, "He has as many men as I have, and with your men, it will be no problem to rob the goods."


"Well, he is the local snake, Jianming and Lu Sen will certainly have an arrangement before they leave B city," Master Zeng twirled his chin: "Kill him first, B City is leaderless, to ensure that nothing is wrong, Zhonghua, this matter is left to you."

"Good," said Hermione. Du Zhonghua finished and immediately began to arrange.

Jianming and Lu Sen arrived at A City at 2:30 p.m., and it was more than 3 o 'clock at 下ngrui Restaurant designated by Zeng Kun. They just arrived at the door and were warmly welcomed by the hotel manager into the private room, Lu Sen scanned the lobby, full of diners who were thugs, Zeng Kun this old fox careful.

On both sides of the box, there were also seven or eight bodyguards standing, and Zeng Kun stood up and said with a smile: "General Jane and General Lu, the two believe in people ah, the long journey can not miss every second."

"Zengye is overpraised," Jian sat down and smiled, "Since we are here to talk about business, punctuality is supposed to be."

"Not bad," Zeng Kun smiled, and cut straight to the theme: "How is Jane thinking about Zeng's proposal?"

"It's reasonable. If it's convenient for Mr. Zeng, I'd like to meet them both first." Speak plainly and concisely.

"Of course," but fearing that the two boys would be injured, Zeng Kun was already ready and raised his hand to the man at the door: "We have been very devoted to hosting them both, Jane always knows it when she has seen them."

Mu Yao and YY more than 2 o 'clock in the afternoon are re-blindfold, and escorted by Chen Ping to a place like a hotel private room, then thought of concise may come, want to return to thinking, now suddenly see the man nearby hand outside, but still can not control the mood, not cry out: "Jane..."

Concise looked up and down Mu Yao, to make sure that he did not suffer any injuries turned to face Zeng Kun with a smile: "Zeng Ye is also a letter, our business even if negotiated." There is another problem, "he paused:" The shares of Xintian Company are not all in my name, I have to go back to prepare, three days later, then the official signing, please take Zeng Ye with them two direct transactions, what do you think?"

Zeng Kun had heard Xin Pei say before that the simple assets were all decentralized management, so he said very readily: "Of course, this is completely no problem." However, "he twirled his chin and smiled slyly:" I think Jane misunderstood, 30% is just the number of Mr. Mu a person, and the one next to him, we haven't talked about it?"

"Father Zeng, your price is too high." Lu Sen said coldly, this old fox has enough insatiable.

Jian smiled, at the meat on the chopping board, even if the other party was helpless, he directly asked: "Then Zengye want to talk about it?"

"Not much, just 10 percent more." Zeng Kun had no fear.

'Jane... I want to go back with YY." Mu Yao heard each other say so, deep fear of concise do not promise.

Concise frowns considered for a while, just waiting to speak, Lu Sen's mobile phone rang, Zeng Kun pretended to be generous and said: "Not busy talking, Lu always answers the phone first." Then slowly take up the table tea cup.


Zeng Kun looked at the faces of the two people, knowing that the assassination of B city had been successful, the negotiation results were quite ideal, and immediately smiled: "Good, Jane is always really frank, I like to talk about business." I'll see you in three days." Then he took the tea to see the guests off.

Jian Ming and Lu Sen stood up and walked out after two polite words. When they passed Mu Yao, looking at the panic in the boy's eyes, Jian could not help but smile and reached out to rub his hair: "Go back and settle accounts with you." And went out the door.

 If you can get into the building, that means your people have been killed first. 

Fortunately, the other party was not willing to fight. Jia Jinping watched Xin Pei's men outside the window, dragging out large boxes of goods from the warehouse, quickly loading them into the two large trucks, shouting at them, and the dozens of gunmen retreating while fighting. The group of people he raised outside were completely vulnerable. They fell to the ground one after another. Jiang Shunfa didn't know whether it was a mistake or something. Even the patrol police near the dock were withdrawn, making it easy for the thugs. In less than ten minutes, the building was empty of people, leaving only corpses scattered on the ground.

 After Jian Ming left, Mu Yao and YY were escorted back to the basement again. This cell usually only has a small boss in charge. Because two big prisoners were locked up, Zeng Kun temporarily sent his fourth-in-command, his eldest son Zeng Wei, to supervise him. Zeng Wei has great skills and is cautious in his actions. Zeng Kun plans to let him practice for a few years and then leave the family business to him. He will be in charge of the cell, which can be said to be foolproof.

 Chen Ping escorted Zeng Wei and his men to the dungeon. He was supposed to leave immediately, but he turned around and smiled sarcastically at Zeng Wei: "Go down and have a cup of tea. I drove for an hour and I'm so thirsty."

 Zeng Wei thought highly of this person, and his father treated him very politely. In the future, when he succeeded Zeng Kun if he could continue to be a bodyguard with this person, safety would not be a problem. Seeing that he was indeed so thirsty that his lips peeled off, he smiled and said, "No. I'm busy, let's go down and have a cup of tea and chat. I'll tell the old man where he is." After that, he took the lead and went downstairs, and casually ordered his subordinates: "Go, make a pot of good tea for Brother Chen." The man agreed and ran out.

 Chen Ping didn't wait for Zeng Wei to sit down, he directly pulled out a silenced pistol and pulled the trigger at the back of Zeng Wei's head. Zeng Wei didn't say a word and immediately leaned on the table. He probably never imagined that it would end up in the hands of "his" people. After killing him, Chen Ping quickly leaned against the door. As soon as the tea maker entered the door, he fell immediately before he could recover from the blood all over the floor. Chen Ping caught his body and took the tea in his hand. Put the teapot gently on the table, close the door, and go out.

 There were more than a dozen people on both sides of the room who were not easy to deal with. He went up the stairs first and said to the two people holding the door handle at the corner: "Brother Wei has something to do with you." The two people knew that Zeng Wei could not let them leave the door and listened to Chen Ping say this, but still subconsciously took a step forward. At this moment, Chen Ping suddenly drew his gun and knocked him down.

 Chen Ping dragged the two bodies further inside, put them on a stool to avoid the sentry on the roof of the opposite building, turned around again, and returned to Zeng Wei's room, picked up the repeating machine gun that the other party had placed on the table, and tilted his head at the door to signal Opposite, Mu Yao and YY hid in a corner.

 Mu Yao had been paying attention when he saw Chen Ping coming in and out. When he saw his movements, he immediately reacted and dragged YY to the corner quickly. He only heard a rapid gunshot outside the door. Zeng Wei's people were caught off guard and fell with a groan. In one piece, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood and sulfur.

 After the gunfire stopped, Chen Ping quickly retrieved the iron door key from Zeng Wei and opened Mu Yao and YY's cells: "Follow me." He quickly ran upstairs. The two boys were shocked and inexplicably excited. They followed Chen Ping upstairs against the wall. Chen Ping's truck was parked at the door. He opened the door and jumped on: "Come up quickly."

 Zeng Wei's people outside had already heard the gunfire and ran downstairs. Mu Yao and YY climbed up in a hurry. Before the door was closed, the car drove out with a roar. The two guards had just run out of the corridor, but they were immediately shot down by two other insiders arranged by Chen Ping in advance from the roof. By this time their car had already turned.

 Even though no one was chasing him, Chen Ping stepped on the accelerator and rushed straight to the street. The three of them were finally safe. Mu Yao closed the car door with trembling hands. She felt like she was on a roller coaster. YY and she were hugging each other and bumping back and forth. They were so frightened that they didn't dare to sit up.

 The car stopped after driving wildly for half an hour. The bumps made the two of them dizzy and wanted to vomit. As Chen Ping got out of the car in front, the back seat door was also opened at the same time. Mu Yao covered his head and heard the people outside laughing softly: "下oyao, are you having fun?" Before he raised his head, he fell into a familiar embrace.