
Raging Demons

Set in a fictional world where he is the child of a demon father and a human mother. Zairo, who wanted nothing more from this world but to be with his mother, and to live on Fried Chicken, loses everything in one day. Mother, friend and teacher. For a five year old who had never been away from his mother and was different from other normal human kids, life would've been tough, but with the help of new found friends, Zairo will learn to harness his demonic powers to the fullest. And use them to protect himself and those around him. Together, they will strive to become the greatest demon hunters the world has ever seen, and battle the evils of the demon and human realms. All the while trying to catch the one who took everything from him... Arguse.

_Queen_A · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

4. The Girl...


"Master, we found her!"


{Human realm}

The next day Zairo already got up as early as 4:30 in the morning ready to go for their trip or maybe he was more excited about the chicken. Either way, he was already up and ready to go.

When Kiara was up and ready, they left the house and headed for the subway.

Zairo didn't really like taking trains he says it sometimes felt like a lot of bad eyes were watching him so they rarely followed the subway.

But it was the fastest route to get to where they were headed. So they had no choice.

When they got out of the subway they entered a taxi which eventually took them to their final destination...


Zairo was amazed by what he saw as they entered the temple, in the center of the temple was a huge statue of a dragon. Wrapped in the embrace of the dragon was a little turtle holding a spear. Like the dragon was trying to protect the fighting tortoise.

Some people were practicing different kinds of martial arts and that was what caught his attention the most.

"Mom I want to learn that too!!" Kiara chuckled.

"You can learn whatever you want Zai. As long as you promise to be less mischievous from now on."

"I promise, I won't play in the mud, I won't play with dust, I won't go anywhere without your consent, I promise I will be a good boy from this moment on." He quickly rapped, making his mother chuckle.

"Can I learn that now, please?" He tries making a face, a cute face, only he looked like a lifeless possum.

"You can, but we haven't even seen the person we came here to see." She was still explaining to the child when a young man walked up to her...

"Are you in need of something or someone ma'am?" The young man inquires.

"I am here to see master Shinok my name is Kiara," she informs him.

"Okay, just wait there for a while, I'll be back shortly." he points to a little shade where she could sit with her son and runs off.

"Mom I like your friend, I like his house. Will he let me stay?" He questioned as they sat down. His eyes roaming around the place since his legs were limited to that spot alone.

"If you are a good boy, he might. But if you are naughty, he will spank you." she threatens the poor child, actually terrifying him for a second, but then...

"Before he can spank me, I'd have learned all this whoosh whoosh paw, and I'll dodge all his attempts to touch me. I'll be so strong and fast that he won't even see me." He declared determinedly. Kiara couldn't help but giggle out loud at the shocking bravado of her son.

He kept on asking question after question nonstop, and most times not even waiting for a response from his mother, as he was sure of what the answer was supposed to be.

Still busy looking around the place with just his eyes, and his legs still glued to one position, his hawk eyes spots a little girl. She was training in an empty room just some feet away from Zairo and Kiara. She moved rather fast for a girl of her size.

"Master she has arrived,"

"Kiara?" Shinok who was meditating while levitating lowered himself to the ground. The man that brought the message nods in response.

"And the child?" Shinok asks again and the man answered with another nod.

"Bring her in."

"You can come with me ma'am. The master would see you now." Taero announced as he got to where they sat.

"Zairo, come on let's go," she stands up, but the boy wouldn't budge.

"I thought you said you wanted to meet my friend, don't you want to meet him again?" She asked confused and flashed an apologetic smile at the man standing.

"I want to, but I also want to watch them." He conveyed when in actuality, he just couldn't fathom the fact that a little girl of about his age was moving so fast and doing some serious whoosh whoosh paw.

*Sigh* Okay fine, but don't cause any trouble okay. Remember you promised. Don't do anything you shouldn't okay? He nods flashing her a cute smile, exposing his deep dimples.

"Okay, let's go sir" she turns to the man to leave, but then Zairo pulls on her skirt.

"What is it?"

"What about my chicken?" She laughs and brings out the box of chicken from the bag and hands it to him as she walked away with the man.

Now with his box of chicken in his hand, his eyes trail off back to where he had seen the girl practicing, and soon his legs moves him there too.

She was still practicing, he watched as she moved almost too perfectly for her age and size, He wasn't sure, but it seemed her eyes were green, but at times it sparkled a dust of gold, her raven black hair flowed like the dancing palm does in a cool summer breeze.

She had a tattoo on her neck or was it a birthmark? He couldn't tell. It was shaped in the form of the dragon and turtle in the middle of the temple.

He just stood there watching her like a person in a cinema watching a movie with popcorn in hand. Only instead of popcorn, he had chicken.

She was done practicing and that was when she noticed him. He was pointing a chicken at her, she tilts her head a bit as if that would help her see and understand him better.

The girl walks over to him, and scans his appearance, the huge grin on his face was evidence that he wanted to be friends.

Her eyes trail to the chicken in his hand. It was a drumstick.

Unconsciously, she licks her lips, and without further thinking, or wondering who the perfect stranger was, she collects the chicken.

An enormous grin now curled up her own face.

They both sat down together eating chicken. As she clearly loved it too.

"What is your name? Mine is Zairo."

In between a mouth full of delicious chicken she says...


Master Shinok and Kiara were already talking about old times and then suddenly...