
1 ~ 2_ 1

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Chapter 1: Newbie's Day

March 8, 2138. Today is my birthday and the first day I officially left school. To be honest, although that university was terrible, it still gave me something to do for the past four years. Unfortunately, I do not know how I spent my time. When others were in pairs, I was still alone. When I was one millimeter away from a pillar, I stopped to avoid losing my first kiss on it!

There was a commotion in front of me. It turned out to be an advertisement. In order to let the energetic people have a place to vent and pass the time, the virtual network became the best tool. It was said that this time, it was a game jointly supported by the governments of several countries. I fainted. What kind of world was this!

This was a new globally promoted game—Second World. As this game had received strong official support, the items and currency in the game could be directly exchanged for international currency. This was prohibited in previous games (private transactions were still allowed).

Looking at the lively promotional activities, I couldn't help but have an idea. Since I had two months of leave, I might as well play this game. I didn't have any earth-shattering ambitions, as long as I could find a good wife and live happily. Hehe, my great-grandmother (a strange old granny) said that before I was 20, life was less smooth-sailing for me, but my luck would make a huge turn for the better after I hit 20 years old. But so far, I was still the standard bachelor plus pauper. Sigh…

I ordered a set of "world" equipment and went back to my old nest. My parents were so-called "archaeologists", a job with no money! They were not home all day long. I wouldn't have recognized them if it weren't for the holographic images playing every day.

"Bo~~~ Good son, happy birthday! Your mother and I are on an expedition in the Amazon. We can't return to celebrate your birthday with you. (If you're traveling, just say so, why say you are on an expedition, and just abandon me here?) We have already sent the gift to you. It's a very strange one this time. It had been left behind by your great-grandmother for you."

"Goody boy, you have to be obedient at home." Sigh, I really can't do anything about my mother. I'm already so old, yet she keeps calling me by my nickname.

He turned off his Skylink and finished assembling the gaming equipment. Oh yeah! The design of this helmet is not bad. It is gaudy. After laboring for half a day, it was finally done. It was time to look at the gift from Mom and Dad.

He opened the package. Ah, it was a necklace engraved with a magical five-pointed star. 555~ Old antique!… It shouldn't be from a street stall, right?

"Second World" officially started operating from March 10th. The previous week, it was a free trial game to attract popularity. I'm the solo kind and don't like to team up with others, mainly because I find it troublesome. Although I've played many games, I don't know many people and can't be considered an expert. Xiaomao is one of my best friends. We've played many games together. A few days ago, he was pulling me along, but he never agreed. I have to let him know.

"Xiaomao, it's me."

"Boss, I've been looking for you everywhere! How about this? Let's go. We brothers will dominate the world together and woo beauties."

"Come on, an old virgin! Are we going to level up first or earn money first? Have you found a development goal?"

"Same old rules. I'll earn money, and Boss will level up. When the time comes, Boss can bring me along."

"I knew you were lazy! Alright, we'll settle it as such. What profession are you choosing?"

"It can't be. Didn't you see the introduction on the official website? The profession of this game is directly recommended by the computer based on the DNA of each player. It chooses the most suitable one. If you choose freely, there might be problems later on in the game. If it's really as they advertised, I dare say that it will cause an online revolution! Online games rely on numbers. Just thinking about it makes me excited!"

"Hehe, I just got it back and haven't had time to look at it yet. Alright, we'll talk about it tomorrow. 88." After hanging up, I quickly went to take a look at the introduction. I was actually defeated by this kid. It was beneath my status as the Boss.

In the Second World, there were five main professions: warriors, mages, priests, archers, and thieves. In addition, there were also support professions such as chefs, blacksmiths, appraisers, and so on. Of course, there were also some BT hidden professions that depended on the players to discover.

The Second World was also known as the Dream Dimension. Each country was a region, and it was temporarily closed between countries. The only exception was Europe, and the entire region was called Europe. The only way for each country to leave the country was through a bridge—the Bridge of Helplessness, which was what Easterners called it. Under normal circumstances, only players above Level 80 could freely enter and exit the two continents. Or they could kill all the Level 100 guards on both sides of the bridge. Of course, this was a hundred percent suicide. If they lived long enough, they could experience the feeling of being insta-killed. The professions, treasures, and monsters of each country were different according to their culture and geography. They had their own strengths and weaknesses.

In the game:

Every time one died, he would lose 10% of his total experience. Equipment and money would be randomly dropped.

1 gold coin = 0.1 yuan (at that time, the Earth's unified currency)

1 gold coin = 100 silver Coins = 1,000 copper coins. Players could exchange them directly at the local bank.

Ding! "Hey, who is it? Don't you want to live anymore? You're so noisy."

"Boss, wake up quick. It'll start in half an hour. I heard that the first 10,000 registered players will receive additional rewards. My name is still Gold Money Mao. What are you going to name yourself?"

Ah, it's 7:30. My God, I overslept. "Oh, come on. We've never been lucky before for such things. Well, I'd better call myself Soul Eater."

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