
Life at Orphanage

Years has been passing.A litlle nameless boy (They Named him B7) was 6 years in Orphanage.And a Rule was he must work in Orphanage Farm All day like other kids . 4 Years Later Woman that was taking care of him until he was 6 year old stole his necklace when he was sleeping.When he woke up he thought that kids that bullyed him every day stole it so he in rage started arguing with them.Older kids get Angry and beaten him.The Guard who is watching them work on Farm Stoped The Fight.Guard Told that some Litlle kid B7 started fight for nothing.He was punished and kicked from the orphanage while he was Lefting the Orhanage he saw The Only Woman he liked Smiling And holding his Necklace.He had Nothing just his clothes.He was Shocked he fell on his knees.And Loudly Screamed:"FUCK EVERYTHING!!!" All around him turned black he was in dark but It was a Sunny day. the Demon has come down from the sky.and introduced himself in really deep Voice :"I'm Gekido Give me your Body Now if you want to become stronger"

Litlle kid looked at him without any fear and said :"Why?"

Gekido replied:"i Spent 238 years Searching for Someone who doesn't like Anybody.Everyone likes Someone ,If they don't they like god At least but Your Rage Summoned me The Strongest Demon on Earth " *Thunder Storms* "Ready?If you continue i Will Share my Powers With you But Someday At End Of your Life You must Give me your Body"

-Now Litlle kid And Strongest Demon Are One,One Name ,One Body ,One Soul -

In next Chapter you will see "Black Demon Sword"

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