
Raga||Caca's Story (English Version)

Tells about a girl named Caca Queensa Liberta. Beautiful girl with brain cancer. Caca joins a gang called Alverage, only to find out who the culprit behind her brother's murder is. Did Caca manage to find out who the killer was? Or is it the other way around? Caca is trapped in the kill game. The story of the big liar.

Piano_Dell · Teen
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29 Chs

Chapter 3

Raga had been waiting for Caca who never came, he glanced at the watch that was wrapped around his hand. The first hour was about to start, but the girl had not yet shown her form.

"Where's the kid? He's always late," he monologued.

Although Raga is the leader of a motorcycle gang, he is very disciplined. Raga is rarely late for school, let alone truant. Except for his ragged friends who insisted and whined for him to join the truant.

Raga patted his forehead, He was like an ancient human who did not know what technology was. In fact, now the era is modern. We can easily contact someone without the need to send a letter.

He reached into his pocket to take out his cellphone there, dialing Caca's number. The phone has not been answered several times, until the eleventh time, Raga managed to contact the human.

"Where are you?" He snapped.

"Ha?" There was a murmur on the other side, making Raga sure that the girl on the phone was still sleeping and had to pick up because he kept calling her.

Raga clucked, I had previously thought it would happen. "Me Raga, wake up! Can't you see what time it is? Do I need to buy a watch? hm?" Raga said sharply.

Making Caca who was on the other side stare in surprise, he smirked while scratching his hands. "Eh Ga hehe, I overslept. After all, I stayed up all night waiting for the thief, why didn't I go home, even though I was already waiting."

The king sighed, when he heard the absurd reason that Caca gave him. Waiting for a thief? Is there really a human waiting for a thief to stop by his house? You're crazy!

"You bastard, you have to be here in fifteen minutes, or else? I'll break your leg!" His words are absolutely inviolable.

"But no—"


Raga turned off the connection unilaterally, he was also sure the girl was swearing at him. He already knows that he doesn't like his members who are undisciplined, how can Caca just wake up at this hour and make his anger peak.

Apart from being annoyed, Raga also felt relieved when his only female friend was okay. He was worried and anxious at the same time, afraid that something bad might happen to his girl.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, a girl is riding her motorbike like a devil. Who else if not Caca? I did that only because Raga told him to arrive at school in 15 minutes. I couldn't refuse, if his legs didn't want to be a victim.

Caca yawned, Ka was still sleepy. There was no time to take a shower, all he did was brush his teeth and wash his face. It was only natural that the girl was still sleepy, because she was not exposed to the fresh water in the morning when taking a shower, especially when the wind was light which made her even more sleepy.


Caca patted his mouth while closing his eyes, he didn't realize that someone was crossing the road there.


Hearing the sound of people shouting, Caca spontaneously opened his eyes, his eyes bulged perfectly, when someone would be hit by him. Caca quickly slammed the steering wheel.


"Awsss.. Damn roadblock, why are you here? I'm going to fall, where does it hurt again ouch.." He groaned scolding the roadblock.

Even though it was explained who was at fault? Caca glanced at the person who was almost hit by him, the person was still frozen in shock.

"Hey lo! Why do you help me? My legs are pinched!" Caca jerked, making the man who almost hit him quickly pick up the motorbike.

"Are you okay daddy?" she asked.

Caca shook his head, then got up by holding on to his motorbike. "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it just hit the road divider. Then your leg was pinched by the motorbike, it's okay, it's okay!" Upset Caca.

Did the tall man in front of him not see the scratches on his feet and hands? Even his feet were pinned to the motorbike, then he still asked is it okay?

"Sorry," the man squeaked while playing with his fingers.

Looking like an innocent man, Caca's forehead wrinkled. "Why are you apologizing? In fact, I'm the one apologizing to you, because I wasn't careful with the motorbike. Luckily I didn't get hit, if not? Beabe me!" Caca said while patting his dirty clothes.

"Eh, we're in the same school? How come I never saw you? Why are you late?" He continued, when he saw the uniform he was wearing with the same man.

"Y-yes" the boy nervous as he adjusted his drooping glasses.

"Well, let's go together!" Invite Caca directly to the motorbike.


"No buts, ride! Or do you want to drive it?" Hearing Caca's question, the man spontaneously shook his head quickly.


"Well hurry up!" He ordered again.

"Hey, I have one more question!" Caca said when the man was sitting behind the motorcycle seat.

"What?" The man replied.

"You feel like a boy, why did you scream when I hit you? Why didn't you just run away or didn't say anything other than scream?" Wonder Caca.

"Just relax hehe.."

"Yeehh shit!" Snorted Caca.


The recess bell rang, causing Caca to immediately descend from the rooftop to the cafeteria. Regarding the student earlier, Caca forgot to ask his name. After they entered through the back gate, the man immediately said goodbye.


Caca pounded the table of his friends, then sat innocently while sipping drinks from anyone who was there.

"I'm used to shouting," said Bima, rolling his eyes.

"Answer greetings first, friends, do you know that answering greetings is an obligation?" Icap Caca who suddenly became a cleric.

The girl flinched in surprise, when it wasn't just her classmate who answered the greeting, but the whole cafeteria.

"WAALAIKUM GREETINGS!" They all shouted in unison.

"It's really compact, my sister's heart is about to jump." Caca said while holding his chest.

"Ten o'clock, my feeling told you to come at eight a quarter Ca, why did you just come?" The cold tone of question that came from Raga made the girl chuckle while scratching her neck.

"Which leg do you want?" he asked again.

Caca shuddered in horror, Raga never played with his words. "You're evil, you know? Tell me to hurry, how come I haven't showered yet, look at this!"

Caca opened his jacket which he had worn on the rooftop, at first he didn't want to tell them, but Raga's question made him have to tell the truth. From the leg hit the target right?

"Here, my hands are scratched, my knees, my legs are smooth, here my feet are blue because of being pinched by a motorbike, you still want to get angry and break my legs? You don't have a heart, Lo!" Caca shook his head dramatically.

Their eyes all widened in shock, when they found the beret that was almost dry, but still looked dirty, like it hadn't been cleaned.

"You haven't healed yet?" They asked in unison, including Alzam who also spoke.

"Not yet hehehe .." He smirked, making everyone roll their eyes lazily.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Bima asked while pressing the blue wound on Caca's leg with no morals.

"Hey dog, don't sign stupid!" Caca cursed while blocking Bima's hand.

"Eh?" Caca was surprised when her body was suddenly carried bridal style by Raga.

"Shut up! Don't move too much!" The boy's warning made Caca reflexively put his hands together.

"Emmm, it's really sweet, Mr. Raga." Goda Caca smiled mischievously while raising and lowering his eyebrows.

"Want me to drop it here?" he asked sharply.

Caca is silent.