
Racing for your Heart

Lara has been in Formula One for four years, and during all that time, she had to fight against everything for the simple fact of being a woman. In the last season, she has won the world title, making her the first woman in history to win that title. What will happen when Cameron returns to F1? Will the rivalry continue? Will he be the same as the rest of the people who say that she shouldn't be running among all the men? Will Lara get her second world title?

Guada_IP · Urban
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

18. Lara, stop


It was half past ten in the morning when I woke up and the first thing I do is look to my side, having Eli in sight, who was sleeping peacefully. I lay back on the bed and put an arm around her hip causing her to move closer to me and leave her head on my chest. Once she settled in, she sighed, and I couldn't stop my mind from going back to last night. 


There were a couple of minutes we had finished dinner and both Lara and Cameron had gone to her room so she could rest her knee since apparently there was no way to get it into her head to slow down, but at least Eli assured us Lara wasn't forcing it at all and it was healing quite quickly, so I was calmer in that regard. 

At this moment, both Eli and I were walking through the streets of Holland since apparently, she wanted to talk about something, but since we had left the restaurant, she hadn't said a word, so I guess what she wants to tell me is important and she's having a hard time finding the words. 

Honestly after Ellie disappeared from my life, I didn't give a shit about relationships because for me, she had disappeared out of nowhere, which I later found out was because she died, but since Eli appeared in my life was a time when I would consider having a relationship. 

Of all the nights we stayed up talking, she told me she would like to have someone to share her life with and she asked me how it is I could be one night with a man or a woman and the next day I didn't give a shit about them with what I thought it happened with her sister best friend. 

The thing is, Eli and I spent a lot of time together since Lara and Cameron started spending more time together, and I had noticed I didn't like anyone flirting with her and my heart would race considerably when she was around. I knew very well I had feelings for her, and even though we had only known each other for more than a couple of months, I knew my attraction is quite strong. 

"Bianca, are you okay?" Eli asked next to me. "What?" I asked "Are you okay." she replied and I nodded "I am, I'm sorry, I was distracted." I assured "I could see it." She said with a small smile on her face "I'm sorry." 

"You don't have to apologize; I just need your attention for a couple of minutes." she said and seemed a little nervous about something "Ok." I assured "Ok... I don't want you to think anything weird and above all I don't want to lose your friendship, but I feel something for you Bianca... it might sound crazy to you and you'll probably end up leaving because I know you don't have the relationship thing... but I really feel..." 

I ran my hands over her hips and kissed her, thus keeping her from saying whatever she wanted to say. It doesn't take long for her to kiss me back and after a few seconds, we part ways, keeping our foreheads together. 

"Bianca…." began "I think I have an idea of what you want to say, but listen to me, because I'm not joking." I assured "Ok." she whispered a little confused "Eli, I feel something for you, and no, I'm not kidding, I feel something for you, and I would love to try to have a relationship with you." 

"This can't be real…I'm dreaming…. it started, but I denied it, because it wasn't "You're not doing it, it's real." The smile she had begun to widen. I gave her a little kiss on the lips, on the forehead and then I hug her. 

"Come on, I'm taking you on a date." I said taking her hand "Bianca, it's late, almost everything will be closed." she said laughing "But not everything, but if you don't feel like it..." I said turning slightly in her direction "No, it's fine." 

"Perfect, let's go." I started taking her to an ice cream shop not far from where I wanted to take her. Once I bought our ice creams, I began to take her to the highest part of the city and from which we could see practically the entire city. 

Once we got there, she walked over to the railing and stared at the city for a while until she turned around and looked at me. She stretches out her hand in my direction, which I don't hesitate to take, and I stay by her side looking at the city. 

"How did you find this place?" Eli asked looking from side to side "Having a sister with insomnia helps I guess." I replied with a shrug. "Did Lara find it?" she asked, and I nodded "It's a beautiful place." 

"Maybe, but I like the company much more." She turned back to me with a smile, and I gave her a kiss on the cheek. Eli ended up putting her head on my shoulder and we stared at the city for a couple more minutes. 

"Does that happen to your sister a lot?" She asked after a few minutes "What?" I asked a little confused "The insomnia thing." She said "Quite a lot, but since Cameron's with her, she seems to be sleeping better." 

"I suppose running his hand over her arm or back helps, but I don't think it does it all the time." She replied, "Why do you say that?" I asked with a frown. "Because the same thing happens to me." 

"Do you also have insomnia?" I asked surprised "Yes, and despite the fact Cameron did everything he could to make me sleep, sometimes it was impossible." Eli assured "Did you sleep with Cameron?" I asked again "We used to watch movies and most of the time I would fall asleep until I woke up later." 

"Does it happen very often?" I asked, "I've been dealing with it for a couple of years, more or less, but sometimes when something bothers me or stresses me out, I usually don't fall asleep." she replied, "Well, I can help you like Cameron did." 

"Honestly, it would help a lot." she said with a small smile on her face "Then that's it, I'll help you with the insomnia. What do you think if we go to the hotel? It's starting to get a little cold." 

"Come on." We walked towards the hotel with our fingers intertwined and once we reached it, I walked her to her hotel room, which just so happens to be next door to mine. "Do you want to drink something before you go to sleep?" I asked and she agreed. 

We walked to my room, opened the door and let her in. I went to the fridge I had and when I opened it, I could see champagne, tequila, water and soft drinks. "Which do you prefer, champagne, tequila or lemon soda?" I asked looking in her direction "Bring the tequila." 

"Wow, strong drink." I said laughing "I like tequila." she assured "Okay, then tequila will be." I grabbed a couple of glasses and carried them over to the sofa, setting them down on the coffee table. After drinking almost half a bottle between the two of us, I felt how it was beginning to go to my head, so I put the glass on the table and turned to look at Eli who was laughing at something I don't have the slightest idea, but that ends up infecting me until we calm down. 

"Be my girlfriend." As soon as those words are out of my mouth, Eli stares at me in shock and I move closer to her. "The tequila went up your head." she whispered, "Maybe a little, but I know what I'm saying." 

"Are you serious?" she asked in surprise, and I nodded, because I am. "I told you before we drank tequila. I want to try a relationship with you. We may have had our first date not long ago, but I'm already planning our second date…" 

"Oh no, the second one is up to me to plan." she said, crossing her arms, "Okay, so I'm planning our third date, but I want you to be my girlfriend… I want to be your girlfriend, Eli." With that she started to kiss me and a few seconds later, she straddled me, causing me to automatically run my hands down her waist ending on her butt, until we ran out of breath, but kept our foreheads together. 

"So is that a yes?" I asked "Of course, now I want you to make love to me Bianca." She said, "Are you sure?" I asked, because now she must be the one who had gotten the tequila to her head "If I wasn't sure I wouldn't be telling you." 

We started kissing again and after a while, I got up to take us to bed and make love for most of the night. 

End Flashback 

"Are you thinking about it?" When I hear Eli's voice, I happen to look down and see her with a sad smile looking at me, which I don't like at all. "I still want to be your girlfriend." I assured her. 

"Aren't you thinking about it then?" she asked surprised and I denied "No. I might have been a little drunk, but I meant it, Eli." I replied, "So what were you thinking?" she asked now curiously "On the great night I spent with my girlfriend." 

"I also had a great time. Could you go get some clothes in my room while I go to the bathroom?" she asked and I nodded. Eli gave me a little kiss, we got out of bed and put on a robe. She took the key from one of the pockets of her bag and passed it to me. When I open the door of the room to go to Eli's, I see Lara leaning against the opposite wall with a smirk in her face, what made me close the door and Eli stick her head out of the bathroom door. 

"Is something wrong Bianca?" she asked with a frown "My sister..." I started, because if she was leaning there, it's because she had heard us "What's wrong with her?" Eli asked, "She's there." I replied, "Oh shit, I had told her we would meet at ten." 

Before I could say anything, Eli opens the door, which makes Lara's smile widen and she has a mischievous glint in her eyes, which I didn't like at all. "I'm sorry Lara, I swear I'm going to take a shower and then we'll go with your physio, okay?" My girlfriend "Take the time you need, I'm in no rush." 

"Thank you, I won't be long." She thanked my sister, ran into the room, and I quickly left it to go get Eli's clothes. "So, Eli huh...? I knew this was going to happen." My sister said laughing and following me "Lara, I don't have time for your games." 

"Oh, of course not… what was what I was heard… let me think… something like faster… How much do I like that language? … maybe that last one… there are also the fingers…." she enumerated, and I turned in her direction with a threatening look "Lara, enough." 

"If you expect me to leave it, you're wrong Bianca, you know it." she assured "I'm hating you right now, Lara." I stated "Cameron and I will be having breakfast at the hotel restaurant. When you're done, come downstairs, unless you're distracted by tonight's games, if so, send me a message and we'll wait for you in the gym." 

"Fuck off, Lara." I said a little annoyed with my sister "I love you too Bianca." With that I closed the door in her face and headed into the bedroom to get Eli's clothes. Once I finished, I opened the outside door a bit to see if I could see Lara, but luckily, she wasn't there, so I quickly close the door and head to my room. Once inside and with the door closed, I lean against it and sigh. 

"Are you ok?" Eli asked approaching me "Yes, only Lara being annoying." I assured her "What did she do?" Elie asked with a frown. "My sister loves to pick on me." I replied, "I can imagine, but you like it too." 

"Could be." I said with a shrug. "You know that's how it is. But why exactly is she annoying? she asked. "Let's just say there's a chance she heard us moan." I said, "Is she on the other side?" my girlfriend asked surprised "Yes, and she has great hearing. I just want you not to get upset if she says anything." 

"It will be the least important thing to me, in the end I had a great night, with a great girl and with some great orgasms." she assured, and my eyes increased in size by two "You're like Lara!" I said pointing at her and sticking to the door "In that sense? Clearly." 

"A turn of events." I said denying "Nobody thinks I am like that, honestly, they must see me as an innocent face or something." she said laughing "You have it dear, you have it." I said giving her a kiss on the temple "Mhm, but tonight it more than proved I'm not." 

"You're right. Now I'm going to shower because they are waiting for us for breakfast." I answered, "I'll get dressed and then I'll go get Lara's things." Elisabeth replied, "I could have brought them to you myself." 

"I know, but don't worry, I'll wait for you on the sofa." I nodded and we kissed and then I went to shower. After about half an hour, both Eli and I were entering the restaurant where we could see Lara and Cameron, the latter feeding my sister, who had a big smile on her face, and then she went on to do the same. 

"Your sister makes Cam happy." Eli said without looking away from them. "As does Cam, and I'm glad my sister has someone with her." I assured "Same with Cam. Now let's go have breakfast." 

With that, we headed over to the table they were at and sat down. During breakfast everything was laughing and Lara messing with me, to which Eli didn't deny anything, mostly because my sister heard a lot, and they stopped talking about it basically because Cameron didn't want to hear how Eli had the best sex of her life, her words not mine, for which she was thanking Cameron. 

Once we finished breakfast, we went to the gym where Cameron started doing weights and Lara doing neck exercises while Eli put the electrodes on her leg. 

"When we're done with the electrodes, I'll remove the stitches, okay?" Eli said. "As long as I can move my knee, I don't care." My sister replied, "You can do it." Half an hour and after Lara finished doing the rest of the neck and rest of the body exercises, Eli sat in front of her to start removing the stitches. 

"It could be some hurt, so if it hurts too much, you just have to tell me and we'll stop, okay?" Lara nodded and Eli moved to focus on Lara's knee. I could see how it bothered her when Eli took out the stitches, but she didn't say anything until it seems one of them hurt her that she pressed her hand against the bench she was sitting on. 

"Eli, I think you should stop…" I started, but my sister shot a dirty look in my direction "Don't even think about it." She replied to Eli "Lara, it's hurting you." I assured "No." Lara countered "No, of course, you don't press your hands against the bench for nothing." 

"It has nothing to do with it." My sister assured again "We can stop for a couple of minutes and then I'll continue." Eli said kindly. "Get them out as soon as possible and that's it." Lara said abruptly "Lara, you don't have…" 

With that, Cameron got up from where he was sitting and sat behind Lara holding one of her hands and with the other arm he brought her to his chest, making Lara relax a bit. With a slight nod, he nodded in Eli's direction, who resumed her work. 

After a quarter of an hour, Lara was doing her knee exercises, which even though it hurt her, my sister got better with each attempt she made, so I guess it was normal. Cameron didn't leave her side at any time and whispered to her something I couldn't hear, and after an hour or so, they ended the session. 

"Do you want to go rest in the room for a while, honey?" Cameron asked "I must go to the circuit…" my sister sighed "You don't need to be there Lara. You must take care of the knee." I assured "And I am doing it. What's more, it hurts more if I spend the day sitting down doing nothing than doing anything." 

"Lara…" I started "I'm fine, really." she assured "Bianca, it's normal that it hurts, especially if we consider she hasn't moved her leg for two weeks. The quadriceps is losing some mobility and needs to be exercised. " 

"Yeah, but Lara usually goes too far." I assured "She isn't' doing it, I can assure you. She's doing everything she can." Eli replied. "Are you sure?" I asked "Yeah." Lara sent me a look that told me to fuck off, I shook my head and went to lean against the wall behind Cam and my sister and Eli didn't take long to follow me. 

"You care too much about your sister, but seriously, she's doing everything she can, she's not doing too much." My girlfriend assured me "If she does, you will tell me, right?" I asked, "I'll tell you and I'll make sure she doesn't do too much, I promise." 

"Alright." I said with a sigh. Eli leaned against the wall next to me and we stared in the direction of both my sister and Cameron, who was running his hand up her arm and whispering into her ear. 

"Sometimes I can't understand why Cam didn't tell Lara anything about what he felt for her before." Eli said and I turned in her direction "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Ever since your sister emerged as a prodigy in the racing world, Cameron paid more attention to her than anyone. Even when he was in London because of what happened to his sister, it was the only thing of F1 he cared about. He always liked Lara." 

"And why didn't he tell her before?" I asked, "Because he's stubborn and because I'm pretty sure he was confused by what he felt." Eli replied, and I frowned. "Confused?" I asked. 

"As I'm sure you know, Cameron would only sleep with any girl on his way." she assured and I nodded because that was something everyone knew "I heard something, but it's not one of those on the news constantly because of it..." 

"No, but he did." Eli answered "And then my sister came to shake up all his principles…" I practically affirmed "Exactly. He fell in love with your sister and one way for your sister to listen to him was by messing with her." 

"I'm pretty sure she had feelings for him too, because ever since he started joking around with her, she did nothing but talk about him and how annoying he was for hours." I said, "They're both very stubborn." 

"They are, but my sister more, I can assure you." I said laughing, "Cameron is, but something tells me Lara will get her way a lot of the time." she stated, "She's probably very persuasive if she wants to." 


After sitting for half an hour with Cameron telling me everything would be fine in a couple of minutes, we decided that it was better to go to the circuit since we had things to do there. 

Both my sister and Eli were leaning against the wall behind us and so caught up in their world that they don't realize we're getting up until we walk past them, which is when they push away from the wall and start walking behind us. 

"Did you know your sister had feelings for Eli?" he asked, "I sensed it, why?" I questioned "Because can I ask you a question without you getting upset?" I nodded and waited for him to do it "Can I trust your sister?" 

"In what exactly?" I asked. "That she doesn't break Eli's heart." He replied, "If it was with someone else, I would say she'll do it, but I see the way she looks at Eli, and I know if she does something to her, it won't be on purpose at all." 

"I just want her not to suffer like last time." he said, and I nodded, because I could understand him "And I assure you nothing will happen to Elisabeth, I'll kill my sister first if necessary." I assured "Would you do that?" I asked surprised. 

"Eli is the best girl my sister can have by her side, Bianca would be stupid to let her get away and I'd be mad at her for it, believe me. Besides, Eli's like she's your sister, my sister-in-law, so no, I wouldn't let anything happen to her anyway. They would have to meet the Galician fury." 

"You don't know how much I love you, Lara." I said pulling her closer to me and giving her a kiss on the temple "I know, but I love you too Cam, seriously." she replied moving closer to me "How about if we have a date tonight? If the leg doesn't hurt." Cameron asked, "I would love to." I replied, "Then let's hope it doesn't bother you."