
Chapter 1 Death Was Also a Rebirth

"Why am I again? What kind of rubbish game is this?"

Sitting in front of the computer, Donal cursed.

He downloaded a game called "Tribe" today.

Each player could get a base, base crystal, and barrack at the beginning.

Through army barrack, players could summon arms branches to develop their own base and protect the crystal of the base.

If the crystal was damaged, the player would die.

However, in this game, countless races coexisted, invaded each other, fought each other, and danger was everywhere.

Every time Donal played for a few minutes, the crystal of the base would be destroyed, the game was over.

"FUCK! I quit!"

When he was about to turn off the video game, he suddenly lost consciousness.

After a long time, when Donal regained his consciousness, everything around him made him feel strange and surprised.

The desolate village, the wolf corpses all over the ground, the bloody ruins of the wall...

Why did this scene look so familiar?

Donal was stunned.

Wasn't this the scene that his role in the game was destroyed by a hungry wolf in the game of the Tribe?

Wait a minute. Why was he in the game?

Donal was so frightened that he stood up in a hurry and looked around. The ground he stepped on, the cold wind around his ears, the giant birds flying in the air, and the roars of beasts from afar...

Everything felt so real!

"Ding Dong! Welcome the player, Harry King, to the Tribe. Please set up your base with the backpack at the bottom left in time to prevent your character from dying."

A mechanical prompt tone of system entered Donal's mind silently.

At the same time, a shining backpack logo appeared on the left side of the virtual interface.


Donal was stunned.


What the hell was this?

The new VR game?

However, the Tribe he played before was a real computer game.

Harry King was the role name he had registered when he played with the Tribe.

Donal finally confirmed one thing.

He was in the game!

"Damn it! I must find a way to live!"

Donal shouted angrily.

Now he was not sitting in front of the computer to play games, but in the real game world. If he died, it was impossible for him to play resurrection!

Donal remembered that the Tribe's game was designed to be able to last forever.

He didn't want to live forever. He just wanted to live longer!


A wolf's roar suddenly came from behind Donal, which made him shiver.

"Build the base as soon as possible!"

Donal clicked on the backpack in the bottom left and opened a virtual interface.

There was a square blue crystal in the first grid of the first row of the backpack.

It was the same as the base crystal he saw in the game before.

After Donal clicked on it, system prompted, "Are you sure you want to establish a base?"

"Yes, sir."


A white light shone around him.

The next moment, all of them were reborn.

The base was exactly the same as the one Donal built when he entered the game.

There was a village in the small city.

According to the information provided by the interface, the base covered a total area of 600 square meters, and with the city wall, it was not big.

But at least, he had a place to stay, so Donal didn't have to worry about wild wolves for the time being. He looked at the other information on the interface with relief.

"The nickname of the base: The base of Harry King (can be changed)."

"Master of the base: Harry King."

"Base level: LV.1."

"Base barrack: LV.1."

"Base arms branch: Goblin."

"Base weapons: No."

"The current balance of ores in the base: 10."

"The next condition of the base upgrade: Ore 10/100, crystal raising stone 0/1"

After reading the introduction of the arms branch, Donal read the introduction of the arms branch goblin.


"Level: LV.1."

"Ores required for summoning: 0.1 (piece)."

"Summon coolness interval: 60 (seconds)."

"Attack power: 50"

"Movement: 100."

"IQ: 10."

"Endurance: 50."

"Game reference table (adult man): Attack power: 100. Movement: 100. Endurance: 100."

After reading it, Donal couldn't help cursing, "FUCK... Except for speed, I am worse than an adult?"

When he was playing the game before, he always summoned low-level arms branch, so he died very quickly every time.

This time, the arms branch was even worse than the werewolf he had summoned before!

If it went on like this, he would not live long!

But Donal had no other choice but to summon 50 goblins first.

"You have deducted 5 ores and successfully summoned 50 goblins."

After the prompt of system, a golden ring of light appeared beside Donal.

A few seconds later, green skinned monsters with shields and spears appeared in the circle of light.

Looking at the 50 goblins, although it was a little imposing, Donal was extremely disappointed.

"Even if these goblins become LV. 2, I can still live for a longer time!"

As soon as Donal finished his words, he found that a green double headed arrow appeared at the feet of these green skinned monsters, with the word "synthesize" written in the middle.

"What? Can I synthesize it?"

Donal was stunned. He didn't have this function when he played this game in his previous life.

So this was his golden finger?

He became excited and tried to click the word.

The faint halo immediately appeared on two goblin's bodies, which was LV. 1. Then it slowly merged into a larger goblin.

At the same time, the newly synthesized goblin nature appeared in front of Donal.

"Race: Goblin."

"Grade: LV. 2."

"Attack power: 70."

"Movement: 120."

"IQ: 10."

"Endurance: 100."

"Talent: One berserk attack (after using talent, attack power will increase by 300%. This talent has 8-second CD)."

"Skills: Cultivate LV. 2 (cultivate biological plants and animals...), collect LV. 1 (collect all kinds of resources...)."

"The skill rating is LV. 1 black iron, LV. 2 silver, LV. 3 platinum, LV. 4 diamond and LV.5 king."

"Evaluation: this is a creature with combat power. Ordinary adults can't fight against it."

Donal seemed to have found a new continent and quickly synthesized the remaining 48 goblins of LV. 1 into 24 goblins of LV. 2.

After composing, Donal found that there was still a green arrow under the feet of goblins, which was LV. 2.

"I can continue to synthesize!"

With excitement, Donal began to synthesize again.