
Race to The Throne

Synopsis: "so, there is really life after death huh?" "HAHAHHAAAAA" - - - "MC" is killed by his own gang members, he thought that he is dead for good but NO... His soul is sent inside the youngest child of the emperor, in another world Now, what to do? One more time he is young but his greed for power is still the same as ever Let's see what he will do in this new world, will he live a decent life or just go straight towards the throne and one more time become the apex predator of the food chain Or, will he be chained down by his own relatives for political gains? - - - Note- Mc goes into an old china settings world, he didn't really time traveled back to old china but sent into another world but that world has the same old china type look.

mrCat · Action
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338 Chs

Chapter 73: Just another fight

Race to the


Chapter 73: Just another fight


Hao Jiazhi had his head smashed on the trunk of the tree as hard as possible

And it literally sent him to his past life, sorry past memory

Past memory-

People are shouting everywhere, and in the middle of this crowd is a ring or rather a cage

And inside that cage is a man with large size and big build, standing like a rock and having his eyes set on his prey like a lion

A man enters the place, the whole crowd shouts his name and someone even tries to take a photo with him

But the man seems to have no interest in these things

With his guards around him, he steps towards the cage where he will be locked

After reaching near the cage, a man came and asked "Is there anything you want to say before you enter this ring?"

The man smiled and said "Just another fight"

And then he enters the cage

Present time-