
Chapter 60: Punching Bag

Race to the


Chapter 60: Punching Bag

Right now, Yu Hua is really confused after her talk with her daughter

The food that was sent to Hao Jiazhi's house in Province Jinmen, was confirmed to be poisoned as her spies saw Hao Jiazhi falling unconscious after eating food

Those spies made sure that everything is good and also cleaned the whole room and food so that no one could find poison in it

And also, put Hao Jiazhi on the bed to make it look like he is asleep

Everything was done professionally and in a clean manner

But the next day when Hao Jiazhi woke up as if nothing happened; all spies had their eyes rolling out of their head as they had confirmed he is dead

Yu Hua thought that her daughter didn't put much poison in the food and the spies are amateurs, that's why he is alive and makes plans to kill him personally, but she never got time

But, as time passed by, she noticed some change in him