
RA: The self dragon of destruction

Ascais Hidall, the self dragon of destruction was apparently forced into a relationship with the 3rd daughter of the 8th demon lord on the very day he decided to get his terminal vacation. The next thing he knew that he was forced to visit her in the realm of Pharos where he became weirdly acquainted with her and was forced to be a typical handyman for her administration of the realm of Torus.

KajimaYuki · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Ra: the self dragon of destruction- The 1st few hours in Torus

Torus(Earth)- the same place from the attack at Rhine.

"Goro" The 3 orbs moved in a straight direction to the most likely position of the targeted attack.

A huge fog could erupted on impact resulting in waves of air mass getting pushed out in the direction of impact. "Planning to kill the caster with that spell" Rhine stood emotionless complaining to Ascais about it, "It was more than enough"

As he said it, the body of a male 10 years older than them fell on the ground the guts were torn out and the lungs were being torn off, the blood decorated the entire scene, "AH, ah."

"That was a dark bullet, how did you do it Ascais, I will heal him. Give me a second" Rhine took her feet forward to help the one poor soul who angered the self-dragon of destruction, as she up her step forward, her hand was grabbed by the hard cold hand of her Fiancé'. "Helping the soul who was going to kill you" Ascais went ahead without a change in his face. The feelings of hatred and anger explained his expression-less face if allowed Ascais could show his true feelings but that would result in Rhine running away from him.

"Thy name, poor soul"

"Xeion Argus, you bastard"

"I guess you know what is going to happen next" Ascais' face was filled with grim and dark.

He drew out his arms to the nearly dead person, given the chances with normal great healing, spell the person would be freed from his condition, but this was him. Ascais thrust his hands inside the body of his victim and pulled out his guts from the body, Ascais had a smile on his face when he was doing this work. A purple hard stone came out from his body, that stone is known as a magic stone, a stone which has stored mana, naturally occurring magic stones are rare and the only stable source of them are monsters. His hands were dripping with blood.

"That is a magic stone, isn't it."

"Yes, it is, it's natural sensing it"

"Finding in it, in a human"

"Torus is Torus"

"What do you think" It was like nothing had happened, Rhine had a smile on her face, as went and hugged Ascais' shoulder you started moving to the nearest living object. The whole death was now just a pass, she didn't care about the soul. For her, it was just a normal being of another world she wasn't asked to protect him or anything. But Ascais was to look after her, so she wasn't upset with her for killing the person if it was meant to protect her from harm's way.

"Stop hugging my arm, it's covered by blood"

"Then, 'Purify' " Ascais' body glowed white for a second, when the light vanished all that blood covering his shoulder hand vanished and only the pure white Ra uniform remained.

"Now, let me hug you, sir"


'Is this normal, what I just did. Why didn't I kill him in an instant

"Ascais, you just spaced out in the middle of nowhere" Rhine questioned.

"To think why you love me. why do you love me"

"Jeez, that's so like "

"Off you say"


"There isn't been a single time when you have approached me at night"

"So that's natural, isn't it?"

"No, it is not. 2 weeks and nothing has happened"

"It will happen with time"

"With time"

Rhine and Ascais were walking to the nearest possible destination toward human or living things,

"Ara, Ara. Looks like a sweet couple having a romance quarrel, just to be young"

A mysterious girl of the same age appeared before the pair, she was wearing a school dress, as stated by the summoned members of this realm, the girl is about 16 or so years old and is in high school. The girl was blond with most of her hair being out of shape, yet she had a golden aura cheerful around her.

'Eyes of dragons'

Name- Unknown.

Age- 17

Mana- 10

Mana Cap- 100

PHY- 60

ST- 50

DEF- 10

Race- human

Rhine removed a gemstone from her bag, almost about to summon a beast to kill the soul, to isolate them. 'Stop it Rhine, she is just a local on that matter, she has no harm intentions'

'And how can you say it'

'By my eyes' Having seen that even an lv. goblin could have better states than her. There is no way the girl can even stand a chance against 2 high-rated ACE of Ra 'Rhine let me handle this matter'

"Young miss, could you guide us through the forest" Ascais was on his feet, holding the hand of the girl to his, he stared into her eyes in a passionate way that, blisters of fire made up of jealously rose up from Rhine's body,

The girl was flustered, she withdrew her hand immediately once she felt the gaze of Rhine on her, "Please, don't that"

"My apologies young miss"

"No, No. That's nothing"

'Acting so chummy with other girls in front of your Fiancé' , so natural of you Ascais'

'That's work'

"So, where are you two going"

"We are going to my uncle's house"

"If you don't mind, is the girl standing beside you your girlfriend"

"To be true she is my Fiancé' " Ascais snapped close to Rhine, putting his arm around her shoulder, 'open your mouth, say something'

'Shut up'

"You see is the of the shy type, so please don't mind her"

"Of course, but 1st let me see out of the forest, you know you don't want to be roaming out at night in a dark forest, It takes guts to adventure at night"

"Sure, it is"

- As we were following the girl, Rhine questioned me, 'What is her name, 'As if I know'

'Then ask her'

'Why me, you want to know her name not me, plus I am just here to look after you'

'Just do It, you know I am the shy girl in this world, for you'

"I just remembered that we haven't introduced ourselves to you" Ascais carried the flow of his words, he bowed his head down, "I am Ascais Hidall, and she" Ascais kept his hand on Rhine's head, leading her to bow her head down. "Is Rhine al ve ron Diablos"

"Do, you two come from some kind of Noble background"

"Of course not, we are just common people"

"So sorry for that, I am Kasugai Hiro, look we are just at you can even see it from here the city there it is, I would accompany you to the gate but It's that I have to go to the temple which my family looks after so I will have to part away, but fill free to visit the temple if you ever need me"

"Thank you miss, Kasugai. We are in your debt, if you wouldn't lead us out of the forest I don't know what would happen to us"

"No, don't say that"

"If, that's what you want"

The girl left Rhine and Ascais as she went to the right side disappearing into nothingness as the woods covered her feet,

"I hope she would be fine," Rhine said.

"From where did you start to care about other people"


"So where are we going" Rhine glanced at the modern city from the forest,

The city had a of wide avenues and small places to sit and eat, to relax as folk went about their day. There were the sky towers in the centre, what was once thousands of homes now took up less ground space than an old shopping mall. The rest was parks and wild spaces, a chance to walk among nature or enjoy the trails on bicycles or horseback. Yet perhaps the most giving thing was the river that flowed through the centre, crossing the bridges and the modernisation of the whole area, it had sufficient space for trees and vegetation while having huge skyscrapers which spaced through the sky.

"It shouldn't be difficult to find some kind of a roof to rent out or buy it at least" Ascais proclaimed, "Then what about the currency, I down see anyone buying the coins which we have, but we could try and sell our coins to a jeweller for some currency of this world, but again our status is nothing in this new world, we are just a bunch of normal high schoolers, there is no one who I think will buy precious metals from a bunch of 17-year-olds without suspicion" There was a weighted pressure on Rhine, her head was paining just by thinking about the ways to survive and try to scout the habits of the newly added realm to Ra expansion, plus to find a representative for this realm is going to be tuff like finding a specific needle in the whole world.

Relax, Ascais removed a bunch of cash from his Inter-dimensional storage of his. "I was at the frontlines when the head of the state gave this pile of notes to him, he reported saying that this was used to purchased, but I feel we will have to change into other currency, For I don't think that this realm as a unified government.

"Full of surprise as ever Ascais, but I somehow expected this from you"