
R.O.A.D.: Garden

With unknown history Mikeru Gebara is trying to piece everything together in order to achieve his goal. Having The same dream every night, he must uncover the mystery of this supernatural phenomenon using logics and technology that his time possess.

NightmareShark · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Trick 10: "The Shark of the Skies"

During lunch, Remi was quiet while we talk about our plans.

"So Mikeru, You submitted all our papers?" Kosaru asked while chewing on his pork cutlet.

"Yeah I did... By the way I added a flag pole on your list." I told Kosaru.

"You gonna make me carry a flag while fighting? Don't you think its a little redundant in fights?" Kosaru got confused with my action.

"Well It's true that you already have a lot of silver needle staffs on you but I think you still need a weapon that can be used for thrusting. That pole can be used as such right Mikeru?" Genma assumed.

"You took the words out of my mouth." I praised Genma's analysis.

"We'll have to tune it then. You're putting too much work to me man."

"We don't need to. Its already good for you to handle." I assured Kosaru.

"Thank god! One more hour on that work bench and I will go insane!" Kosaru then gave a sigh of relief.

"Remi... You haven't said a single word... I'm sorry for worrying you yesterday..." Genma finally talked to Remi to break her silence.

"Yeah what's the matter... Its unusual for you to be so gloomy.. that's not the Remichi I know." Kosaru tries to comfort Remi.

"I don't know... I want to be the team manager but I can't just watch you guys get beaten up... I'm scared..." Remi talked.

"Look here... I'm fine see? If you weren't watching and broadcasting the situation, I'll actually be in danger. You saved me back there... I know I'm weak that's why I'll be stronger!" Gemna cheered Remi up.


"I am a protagonist of my own story. I can't stay weak. Mikeru and Kosaru is also here to help me become stronger... maybe Naoshi-san too... Right guys?" Genma cuts Remi's words.

"Yeah man!"

Kosaru answered enthusiastically while I just nodded.

I noticed a girl few sits away from us is looking at us with sharp eyes. When our eyes met, she looked away.

Moments later, some of our classmates are rushing towards the windows and we can hear loud cheers outside.

"Look! Its Luke! He's fighting against Erina!" Said by one of our classmate watching the fight from the window.

We all stood up to look at the fight. Both of them seems to be the same age as me and they look professional. The guy in the beanie with a cloud embroidered to it has fierce and précised strikes while the girl with an armband with the same symbol has entertaining and calculated movements.

"Wow... They're fast..." Genma was amazed by their movements.

They are like dancing with their movements. Each strike were well executed. But I felt something off.

"Bloodlust..." I murmured.

"You said something man?"

Kosaru asked me but I turned away and grabbed my case and threw it on the window.

"What are you doing man?!"

I jumped out of the window.

"We are at the third floor!"

I landed on a tree that is as high as the second floor ceiling and went down from there as far as I could.

The two fighters are about to land a strike at each other's opening. As their blades swing, I stopped them with my hands while wearing a combatant suit.

"What the hell are you doing?" Luke got mad at me stopping their fight.

"A suit! You're a Combatant too huh?" Erina felt a little relieved with me stopping them.

"Combatant or not, Its not nice to interrupt." Luke is pissed.

"I hate to break it to you but I can't have you guys fighting without a suit. It's against the rules." I am now attempting to escape the situation.

"You see... I pissed off Luke here because I drank his Choco milk... I'm really sorry! please take over for me!" Erina begged me to fight him in place of her.

"Get me my suit! Just because you have a replacement doesn't mean you can get away!"


Erina waved at window which I assume their classroom and someone tossed the case containing a suit. Erina then rushed to grab and give it to Luke.

"I'm really sorry! By the way I am Kuroyami Erina. Thanks for taking over!"

She then ran off to the crowd.

"Hey I didn't agree to this!" I attempted to stop Erina.

"You're already wearing a suit. I assume that case right there is your weapon. You're ready to fight." Luke is provoking me.

"Fine..." I then looked up to look and gave Kosaru a sign to get my drink.

I then placed my case in front of me revealing two footmakers. Kosaru then tossed me my bottle as I place my foot to one of the markers.

As I catch the bottle, I pressed the mark. The mark popped out and latched to my leg forming a boot with track wheels on the back and under it. I then pressed the other mark with my other foot and a boot latched to it as well.

"Gebara Mikeru." I introduced myself

"Walker Luke. Now pick up the blade."

"What? I already have my weapon right here."

I then held out the bottle after taking a sip from it.


Remi and Genma rushed to the faculty to look for Claire-sensei.

"Claire-sensei! We got trouble! Mikeru got in a fight with Luke from class 1-A!" Remi was anxious.

"Are they wearing gears?" Claire-sensei asked.

"Yeah..." Genma answered.

"Why don't you watch them fight? It's rare to see professionals fight outside the arena you know."

"Professionals?" Genma asked.

"Don't you know? Walker-san is a Professional with government scholarship and Gebara-san was a Combatant back when he was in AGE. He even has a Code..."

"Huh?" Genma and Remi were confused.

"Yeah! he earned a code at a very young age. I believe his code was Sky Shark"


"Don't Joke around." I pissed Luke off.

"As if Im joking. I can beat you with this bottle." I provoked him even more.

"YEAH GEBARA-SAN! SHOW HIM WHO'S BOSS!" Erina shouts from the crowd.

"SHUT UP OR I'LL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!" Luke shouted at Erina to shut her up.


Seriously I need to think about my actions more carefully next time. This is going to be troublesome.


"Hey Kosaru. What's with the commotion?" Misaki asked while walking towards the window.

"Mikeruchi got into a fight with Luke from class 1-A." Kosaru answered.

"GO! Mikeru!"

"You can beat that Bean bag!"

My classmates cheered me on from the window.

"Show me what you can do poltergeist's younger brother..." Misaki murmured.

Reviews and suggestions are much appreciated. I want to improve my writing so please don't hold back

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