
R.O.A.D.: Garden

With unknown history Mikeru Gebara is trying to piece everything together in order to achieve his goal. Having The same dream every night, he must uncover the mystery of this supernatural phenomenon using logics and technology that his time possess.

NightmareShark · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Trick 1: A new beginning?

In my mind, the first words that I thought were "I'm here again...".

While kneeling on top of an endless bed of red roses whose thorns are piercing my legs, before me is a figure that looks just like me. He holds a glass of red beverage and bears an elegant posture while sitting on a throne made of white marble stained in red. He is wearing a black coat with red linings as design.

"Tell me..."

He raised his hand and points at me while glaring with his glowing eyes.

"What is it that you desire?"

I hear that question from him every time yet I can't give an answer. I couldn't give an answer. I am tied down with shackles that were linked at the ground below the bed of roses. I am too weak to speak let alone blink an eye.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

I was pulled back to reality by my alarm. I pulled off my blanket as I lazily groan. after a few seconds to recollect my thoughts, I went off my bed to start my preparation to go to school. It's my first day in high school so I can't slack off.

In school, I was instructed to head to the faculty for one last briefing from a teacher. All I did during the briefing was to pretend I'm listening because it's boring. I was then guided to the class I am assigned to.

The classroom is full of freshmen like myself introducing themselves to one another hoping to find a group they belong to. Some are just sitting there quietly and so do I. Moments later the bell started ringing and soon after that a teacher went inside.

"Okay class! I am Cherry Claire and I am your home room teacher. I know it's rare to have a foreigner as your home room but do not be bother by it. Anyways Introduce yourselves to the class."

the teacher then pointed out the student on her left to start their introduction. Most of their introduction were pretty generic with some trying to stand out by adding some hobbies and what not. Suddenly a prettly lively voice cought everyone's attention.

"The name's kishibe Kosaru. I am a Merk."

Everyone's eye widened and I clearly heard someone clenched his or her teeth upon hearing it.

"Please refrain from mentioning those kind of info next time."

The teacher warned Kosaru with outmost authority. Kosaru just sat down and sighed.

Few more people passed then its the guy in front of me is giving an introduction.

"Uh... Ummm... I... Uhhh"

"Calm down and make it brief. don't prolong it or you'll fully embarrass yourself"

I wispered to him and gave him a gentle push.

"I.. I am Minamoto Genma... Nice to meet you."

with his generic stuttering introduction over. it's my turn to introduce myself.

"I am Gebara Mikeru. I am here to finish my last course in AGE. Happy to be acquainted."

The next thing you here were wispers asking if their seatmate knows what "AGE" is. The teacher silenced the students and explained on my behalf.

"A.G.E. stands for Advanced General Education. This program is exclusively for orphans who are willing to go through non-stop educational and physical training before they reach the age to enter high school. they were to study and train in the fundamentals everyday ranging from middle school to college level academics to livelyhood and military training. They were also free to choose their specialty where they can focus more of their time on. Gebara-san here is focused on culinary and is only here for the Social adaptation program. Meaning he doesn't need to participate in exams. Anything more to add?"


I answered in satisfaction. The introduction proceeded with the generic lines and gimmicks. after the introduction we reviewed the school handbook. few houred have passed and lunch break has finally arrived.

"Hey... Thanks for saving me back there."

"Don't sweat it. I just don't want anyone to get left out if I can do something about it. And besides, Im currently under the social adaptation program so its a plus."

"Then lets go with the flow and let me be your first friend. Call me Gen!"

"I shall take you up on your offer then. Mikeru..."

We shook hands while smiling at each other. after that I was bombarded with questions about my experience in AGE. Then few others joined in with their own bombardment of questions. I dodged as many as I could until the bell for the next period rang and saved me.

I just went with the flow of the teachers' briefing of their classes pretending to listen to anything they say.

After the classes were over, my laziness kicked in so I rushed home to sleep. I never got the chance to talk to gen since I'm in a hurry.

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