

The world is nearly uninhabitable. Determined to fix this problem, a scientist has been working for years on perfecting a solution. But, her solution is slightly different than most. Instead of going to the root of the problem, the Earth itself, she modifies people to be able to survive. However, what happens when a scientist is consumed by their own curiosity? How many lives will she ruin? How many has she already hurt? One of her experiments, Malachi, is placed back into the world after years of isolation and is forced to try and fit it with society. Unaware of how many problems the 'jobs' she has him perform will affect his life, he happily accepts. Then, one fateful night changes everything, for better or for worse.

sirsquidzzz · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

9 Years and You Still Haven't Changed

Malachi stuffed a hand in his pocket, pushing back his long white hair, grumbling to himself. Silently, he cursed Lux.

'Dammit. I know we can't share our locations right now, but could they be any more vague!?' He thought to himself with an irritated sigh, rolling his eyes as he reopened his interface.

He pulled up his messages with the aforementioned friend, seeing their last message. "Internet cafe in the Central City. Be there by 10 tonight :b"

Letting out an audible groan that drew a few gazes, whether they be annoyed or curious, he looked at the time and noticed it was a full hour past the time he was supposed to be there. He realized that he already stood out, wearing a long cream colored trench coat, a plain white turtleneck and matching pants in the middle of a busy street. At least he had an excuse, not having enough time to change after his shoot, but the time he saved doing that didn't seem to matter at this point. 

Approaching a quaint looking internet cafe, he pressed the small white device on his temple, a translucent light green and gray screen hovering in front of him. He went to his contact section listed under his name and found the one labeled 'bb'

He grumbled a slew of curses as he leaned on the wall next to the door. Malachi opened the contact information and went down to messages. He started typing, an annoyed look on his face as he sent the message.

"Dude pls tell me this is the right place TT^TT"

As he waited for a reply he tapped his foot and started impatiently fidgeting with his white latex gloves. Peeking in the window, he noticed Lux standing in front of a couch, looking out the window. When they saw him, their eyes lit up as they waved him inside. 

Malachi playfully rolled his eyes, a small smile finding its way to his face when he saw how excited they were. Stepping inside, he was immediately greeted by one of the servers there. "I assume you're here with Mr. Zion?" The girl asked.

She didn't seem to be too much younger than Malachi himself. Her light pink hair was tied back into two braids behind her grey server uniform. "Ah, yes I am..." he replied with a gentle laugh as he looked back at his friend. "Alright, follow me," she said, more out of obligation than anything since Lux made it very clear where they were. 

"If you need anything, you can submit your order on this," she handed them a tablet before walking away. 

"So... Zion, eh?" Malachi said jokingly. "C'mon, we hafta be careful and you know it..." they grumbled, taking the seat next to Malachi's in the booth. "Yeah, yeah..." he replied with a smirk, ruffling their hair.

"Hey! It took me forever to get that right!" They whined, trying to fix their hair back into a ponytail. "Ah, the woes of curly hair," Malachi grinned as he watched Lux glare at him. "Nine years and you still haven't changed..." they said, trying to sound annoyed, but the smile on their face betrayed them. "You're one to talk. At least I've grown since then," he shot back.

Letting out an annoyed huff, Lux rolled their eyes. "Anyways... back to business," Lux said, pulling up their interface. As they scrolled through their files, Malachi watched over their shoulder, having to lean down in order to see properly. "Why must you be so short?" He remarked. "Shut your dumb ass up. You're just a giant," Lux muttered back, punching his shoulder. 

As they scrolled through the files, their eyes finally settled on one in particular. They clicked on it, and it opened several documents. "Alright, to summarize all of this shit, she wants you to get a couple things from our dear friend, Councilman Evalde," Lux muttered, their tone neutral.

"Why doesn't she just have me take everything there if I'm just gonna keep goin' back and forth," Malachi grumbled, resting his head on one of his hands as he stared at the screen. Lux glanced at him out of the corner of their eyes, smirking. "Someone's getting impatient," they cooed before laughing. 

Malachi chose to ignore Lux's comment. "What's she havin' me get?"

"Just three things this time. One of em's gonna be a lil more difficult to get access to, but the other two should be fine," they explained, seemingly lost in thought. "Get to the point," Malachi grumbled, annoyed. "Oh, right. All you need is a CRISPR scanner, aerogel, and one of auntie's old files."

"I see what you mean about the last'n bein' a little tricky..." he sighed as he rested his head on the table, his hands folded in his lap. Grinning, Lux pulled up the tablet the girl from before had left on the table.

"Whatcha wanna eat?" They asked, typing in their own order. "Eh, I don't care," he replied, lifting one of his arms and resting on that instead. "Right, I forgot... human composter," they chuckled, ordering him what they got as well. 

"You're paying, by the way," Lux chimed, sliding the tablet over to him with a smirk.

"I always do."

bb = bossy bitch :b

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