
Check In

The large entity slithered through the air as if it were the ground. The beast was so fast that nobody could do anything in an attempt to escape. All they could do was run and hope for it to stop. Running as it tore through everyone, the only thing that could be done was run faster than the person next to you but they just weren't fast enough so they put out their leg and tripped them looking back to see them devoured in one quick bite. They cried because they knew they would be next in the feast of this monster spinning around they quickly plunged the blade into what he could only describe as the neck of the beast, the whet sound of the blade digging into the beast gave him hope it might stun it for a bit but his hopes were crushed as he was torn to shreds by the serrated blades that were its teeth.

The tires sped against the asphalt, kicking up rocks and dust as they rolled by. David was listening to the news on the radio before his phone began to ring "Are you there yet" a voice said. "Angela, I left 20 minutes ago, there's no way I'm going to be at the zoo already," David replied in an agitated tone. "This is our big chance to hit off our big career as Broadcasters if you're not the first one to be at this protest, nobody is going to see us," Angela said in an urgent tone.

"Look, Angela, I know this could be a hit, but why would anyone care about a protest on the ethicality of Zoos," David said.

"David David David don't you know that protests are all people care about nowadays and if you're on the scene and some animal escapes well make the front paper".

"I'm fine with escaped animals just as long as it's not some ape. If I even get the hint of a monkey, I'm out."

"What's the matter with them are you afraid that you'll lose the spotlight, are monkeys just that much more interesting than you."

"No, the problem is that too many people get their faces mauled off by those things and you know I can't lose my gorgeous looks". David said sarcastically

"If anything you might look better," Angela mumbled.

"What was that"

"Nothing, Byeeee" *beep*

"Jeez, the nerve on that girl," David said, returning his phone to his pocket and focusing back on the road. The desert road he was on seemed to be going endlessly. David checked his GPS to ensure he was on the right road, nothing seemed off. "Have I been on this road before?" David questioned himself. Just then a black SUV passed by, David grabbed the water in his center console to take a drink and only got a little out before it was empty. "When did I drink all of this?" David sat the empty bottle back down and kept driving. After a couple of hours, David found himself still on the desert road and the sun was setting "Fuck! Angela is going to kill me." David said before rechecking the GPS to make sure had the right location set, and sure enough, he set it for the Columbus Zoo.

David began to grow tired and his eyes were heavy he was about to pull over when he saw a hotel in the distance he woke himself up a little bit and sped up. As the car pulled into the parking lot there was no problem finding a place to park, it was empty with no car in sight. Not only was the lot empty but the hotel was very shabby it almost looked abandoned. David considered just sleeping in his car but he saw that the lights were on and it seemed open so he grabbed his supply bag, got out of his car, and walked into the hotel. There was a drastic difference between the inside and outside that could be recognized immediately from the clean red carpets, the wallpaper that looked brand new, and the chandelier lighting the room that was at least $2,000. After Admiring the interior David next noticed the receptionist (who had a strange mask covering there face, it had a clean white color with black eyes and a disturbingly wide black smile that seemed strangely welcoming) diligently waiting for him to walk up to the desk, "Welcome the Hitch Hotel, how can I help you sir?" she asked.

"How much would it cost for a single bedroom?" David said once he arrived at the desk.

"That will be $20." The receptionist said, holding her hand out. David proceeded to give her a $20 bill from his pocket and then he took the room key she gave him. The key read room 137 so he looked for the room with that number. "Hitch Hotel? That's a weird name." David thought. Once he found room 137 he opened the door and without a second thought, he jumped onto the bed and felt himself sink into the sheets as if they were pulling him in, all the exhaustion in his body sunk in him pushing him deeper as he surrendered his mind to the night.

David opened his eyes and found himself on the bed in a dark room. He remembered he was in a hotel room and tried to stand up but couldn't move his body. He struggle a bit then he stop trying to move, he started looking around and his sight soon adjusted to the dark and he focused on a particular corner. He saw a tall figure in the corner forced to hunch over to keep its head from