
R.E.D Gemstones

The story of the life of three people, in a world that is controlled by utter greed and monetary influence so much so that humans have been experimented on to create a new age; three successors of their respective families had to join the research and developed powers. In a world which would soon be ruled by the strong, follow their journey and how they overcome all the hurdles in their way.

Bliss_gal · Realistic
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7 Chs

chapter 7:Betrayals&Awakenings(II)

As I opened my eyes to see the glass surface🫙 I had seen before closing my eyes,trying to rub my eyes before remembering that I was paralyzed a minute ago but suddenly shocked by the fact that I can move my hands again before finally realizing that the greenish liquid which was reaching me to the top of my head is no longer there and with that realization came the sudden headache as though it was trying to tell me that I'm finally awake from that dreaded dream. As I recalled the dream that haunted me until about a second again a scram echoed from my mouth as my head ache rapidly increased so much i started hitting the glass walls of the container until a large crack ruptured from it, feeling shocked but happy as I was about to hit it once more my head beacame so clear with the headache totally disappearing and my memorie surged through my head or my say the memories of two different people,the headache which I thought left me came back like a sudden truck, who am I? I asked myself until I could answer that question and I finally figured it out I am "Ethan Vegas" but I'm also "Alexandrite" but who is truly me Ethan or Alex?Guess I would find out, Ethan says as he throws a huge blow at the glass and it completely shatters

(Meanwhile with Dominic)

Screams and shouts from my mind woke me up, as I wondered how my mind could wake me up from itself but my thoughts were interrupted by my sudden dizziness, I closed my eyes shut but then recalling the nightmare I had shortly before, my mind was blank until sudden memories of Damien flashed through my mind as I felt anger, frustration,sorrow and most importantly pain, I punched the glass wall right in front of me which made me realize that the pain I was feeling wasn't physical but was mental made emotional pain. I felt like a dagger stabbed my chest and just wanted to faint but then I looked at the glass in the form of shards in front of me, I broke the glass container with just one blow. Once my chest felt relieved of the pain and the blankness in my head suddenly started disappearing I started remembering all the betrayals that my friends and I were victims too and the pain and sadness I felt was converted to anger and if only I knew how my eyes changed colour from its usual light blue to a dark wine kind of red colour at that point then I would have known something was seriously wrong with me ahead of time.Well too bad I guess I would find out later on.

(Meanwhile with Reagan)

Damn!I shouted due to annoyance,"First it was Ethan screaming like a girl and now it's Dominic shouting, how many times have I told them to remain calm in life and seath situations such as this?" I said feeling frustrated until a sharp pain suddenly struck at my head and sent shivers through my spine, I suddenly open my mouth and sigh before saying " as if they weren't enough, now I have this annoying headache to deal with, when I catch those uneven wigs that put us in here, I'm going to put an end to them

(Meanwhile with Ethan

Ethan:(Sneezes) I always sneeze when Reagan makes a cringey insult or abuses someone verbally with with fashion, I better go find her and Dominic before they get themselves into trouble. I wonder how they moved her and a whole glass container somewhere else though since we were both trapped here before or was I the one moved but this pace looks exactly the same as it did before. Anyways, I better start moving now.

(Meanwhile with Dominic)

Dominic: (Shivers) I heard Reagan curse just now I better go find her and I unfortunately heard the cringey threat she made, it's either our rooms are extremely close or my hearing is just that much better since I heard the cringey threat she made to the people that put us in here which are our so called parents, I wonder if she knows that. Anyways got to go find her and Ethan, I don't what they would do without me

(Back with Reagan)

Reagan:(Sneezes) Feels like someone 's talking shit about me, anyways…..how do I get out of here? (Smacks the glass and glass shatters)

Reagan: Damn, who knew it would be this easy, something is seriously wrong with my strength but damn I'm sir I look so cool right now probably as cool as the Kohinoor diamond, it's literally my favorite diamond because it's dangerous to every guy that touches it, just like me(giggles)Anyways I better go find the boys before they do something dumb as usual.

*End of chapter

Bliss gal: Well,that's the end of this chapter, the MCs are stuck in a predicament right now so they can't greet you but they wish you all a blessed day, bye 😘 you all

I hope they would be back in the next chapter to send their greetings, what do you guys think?Are they coming back or not and where do you think Dominic’s powers come from, if Ethan’s is from the Alexandrite and Reagan might be the Koh-I-noor diamond but we’re not sure yet, are we ?(*winks*)

Bliss_galcreators' thoughts