"you killed him, you killed my daddy, you killed the only person that ever told me I love you baby girl" with the anger in her she crushed the man's facial structure with just a squeeze, the other men who accompanied him stood there trembling in fear being too scared to escape or attack, she slowly looked up with a devil's smile on her face as she silently murmured "RUN"
"Ahh...." Sasha opened her eyes to the white ceiling of a room, she turned over and her vision was obstructed by the crumbled up sheet she laid upon she then gave one big stretch to get up and find here way out of the room to find herself in the kitchen, the house appeared to be empty as she approached a folded sheet of paper on the counter top, she picked up the note and struggled to read the words as she mumbled to herself some guesses.
As she performed this activity her attention was slowly drawn away from the note to the opening front door, she took a security pose ready to defend her comrade's fortress. Berry walked into the house to see a messy young lady in a loud shirt, he turned he's attention to the note in her hand in other not to accept to himself the fact that he let a bush lady into he's apartment "what are you doing?" the boy questions to break the silence, she moved forward into the living room and placed the note on the coffee table "huh?" she blurted to avoid the question.
"anyway, what are you going to have for breakfast?"
"rice and chicken"
"again? that's what you had Last night"
"well you see, that's the only thing I know from the menu, there was the guy by the counter as well and he ordered chicken and rice so I ordered rice and chicken"
"so you didn't or you can't read the menu?"
"I can! it's just that it takes a really long time for me to read sometimes so I didn't even actually bother to do it"
"okay, this isn't a restaurant so what do you really want?"
"can I have toasted bread?"
"ok, dry?"
"I can have butter with it?"
"sure "
The basic meals of this "criminals" was burnt toast in the morning, literally nothing in the afternoon and if you can scavenge a few buds of beans from the dried out farms then you got yourself dinner.