

R18,R-18,Rape,NTR,Common Sense Transformation,Slave Wife,Cuckold,Elf, Slave,Mother and Child,Incest, Pregnant,Shota,Pant Creampie,Nipple Licking,Married Woman,foot control,foot licking,violation,creampie,training,losing virginity,pedophile,young girl,succubus,Loli,footjob,anal sex,meat toilet,orgasme,slut,Chinese sex,pervert,Big breasted wife,Mature woman footjob,A child drives a big car,violently raped,humiliationsow,sex slave,meat toilet,slapping,breast fanning,Big dicks, cuties, big tits, big tits, fat asses, big sisters, moms, wild boars, cuckold types, and all the manipulation!,Charming Black,BBC,Slutty Mother-Daughter,Slut with big breasts, big breasts, fat ass, black stockings, beautiful legs, extracts semen from the domineering sister, a female goddess, butt abuse, tongue abuse, rolling eyes, horse face, semen-hungry oral sex, bitch,Black men, black mothers, boars, strong men, straight drops, big cock falls, meat urinals,cos/coser/cosplay/dress up Arknights/real god/little grass god/lily of the valley/princess Nasida/father/incest/lower and upper lolita/young girl/underage/female imp/primary school animal ears/fox girl/shoes small skin /Collar Slut/Unsatisfied Desires/Mature/Dirty Talk/Oral Sex Stockings/White Stockings/Black Stockings/Knee Socks/Pantyhose Night Raid/Breast Sucking/Virgin Loss/Uterus Rape/Virgin Girl Facing Big Tits/Creampie/ Behind the entrance,TSF,Pregnant,Training#Abuse#That’s Fall#Happy Cuckold#Green Mother#Green Family Bucket#ntr#Tauren Big Breasts#Big Butt#Mature Woman#Young Woman Green Mother#Goddess#Black Silk#Mother and Child Chinese#中文#uterine rape#breast ring #motherpregnant#milk#pregnant#stockings#pregnant little horse-drawn cart#child driving a cart#dark green#green slave body shape difference/big ass/mother/mother pregnant#penis worship#oral sex#urine#plump

Penulis_Novelh · Others
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644 Chs

1 R-18

"I remember the school uniforms all looked like mine..." I was at a loss. I just felt that what Yang Xiaotian was wearing was too revealing. I didn't understand where her composure came from, so I pointed at myself. The same school uniform as in her previous life, she explained

"Sure enough, your brain is broken. Didn't I tell you that the restrictions on you boys are useless to us girls. The school leaders will not point out girls' clothes. Even if I went naked today, They won't say anything."

I was speechless and just replied, "Let's go to school." But my mind was constantly racing, trying to understand such a thing.

Yang Xiaotian and I were walking on the way to school. She was walking on the left and rear of me not far away, walking slowly, chatting while walking. I observed the pedestrians and saw that most of them were women. I found that they were not There are not many who are "properly" dressed. Most of them wear stockings as the base, and there are no jackets such as skirts. Some of them can see their underwear with just a slight breeze, and some don't even wear underwear, and the upper body is covered with underwear. My attire was quite normal. Just as I was feasting my eyes on my dick, which was resisting the oppression of my pants, my phone rang. It was a message from my good friend Wang Kunpeng.

Gay friend: Today is 5.21. My girlfriend wants me to have sex with him. What should I do? Should I break up with her? She must know that boys hate this.

Me: No, brother, you've just given it away after we've been together for such a long time. It's useless for you to keep that thing.

Gay friend: Climb, damn, this thing is so annoying

Considering that my common sense was inconsistent with this, I made a few casual jokes and ended the chat hastily.

Not long after, I walked to the school gate, and what caught my eyes was one after another girls who were dozens of times more open-minded than Yang Xiaotian, posing and posing. For those who didn't know, I thought I was walking into a red light district.

When Yang Xiaotian saw that I was absent-minded along the way, she walked away angrily, leaving only a resentful sentence: "You are so weird today."

I really wanted to chase Yang Xiaotian back, but my erect penis told me that I should stay at the door to feast my eyes.

————————It's time for self-study at noon——————————

I came to the classroom. It was a standard high school classroom in this world. There were about 20 people in each classroom. Everyone had a fairly large desk. There were computers equipped with seewo whiteboards at the front and back of the classroom.

I didn't have any outstanding highlights, and most of the friends I made were boys, and the boys came later. As a result, I didn't have anyone to chat with, so I started to listen to the conversations of my classmates after I returned to my seat.

Classmate A: How is your girlfriend? Did you ask for that today?

Classmate B: No, what's wrong? If she wants me, I'll break up with her.

Student A: I also feel that if I can stop giving it, I will never give it to them for the rest of my life. Don't they think this kind of thing is annoying?

Classmate B: You didn't take your physiology class well, right? Our genes are different from theirs.

Yang Xiaotian is not in the same class as me.

Today is May 21st, which is the day when girls launch a collective offensive. They all hope to be favored by boys, and losing their virginity is their biggest asset to show off. Because men's abilities have been suppressed for twenty years, the length and ability of their dicks They are all weakening, and because girls have not had a chance to vent in the past twenty years, their vaginas have always remained very tender and tight, adapting to each other.

When I returned to my seat, I heard two small-breasted girls around 150 wearing only underwear and a jacket discussing about Valentine's Day.

Student A: Did you hear that? There will be no classes this afternoon. The school will hold a special event on May 21. The first three men and women who have sex with boys today will get extra points and bonuses for the college entrance examination. . .

Classmate B: It's impossible. My boyfriend is not willing to do it with me even if he wants to do it. He said that if he let me do it, he would rather let me die.

Classmate A: You try again. Today is the right time and place, so maybe it will happen. Don't you want to try what it feels like to be fucked hard?

Classmate B (heartbeat): Then I,,, try again

After listening to this conversation, I immediately became excited. My dick became even harder. I walked between the two girls and asked

"Do you girls like these?"

"Of course!" the two girls said in unison

"My dream is to find a husband who is willing to have sex with me once every two months," Classmate A said again

"Okay, okay, aren't you embarrassed to say this in front of boys?" Another girl said to classmate A in a slightly shy tone.

"Everyone, please stop talking. I'll give you a notice!"

I saw a woman with wheat-colored healthy skin, wearing a transparent abdomen that only covered three points of dead water. It could be seen that her D-level breasts were constantly protesting, and her feet were wearing rubber-like materials that could be taken off at any time. said the shoe man.

"Yes, she is monitor Liu Nuojie" I thought to myself

"The school is holding an activity after class two this afternoon, no more classes!" The monitor jumped up and waved his hands, followed by not only the cheers of the crowd, but also the huge breasts swaying with the monitor's arms and my evil heart.

"Ahem, and today is May 21, which is a day to express love. The school held an event. I have posted the specific rules on the wall. I hope everyone can lose their virginity today or successfully confess their love to the person they like. !!!"

After saying that, the squad leader sat on the lectern, spread his legs on the table, used one hand to peel off the cloth on Shi Kushui's vagina, and at the same time, with the other hand, he faced his vagina in front of the whole class. Then, the class monitor shouted to the class like an oath in a voice just loud enough for the whole class to hear, "If any boy can do it with me, I... I will... be very happy!!!" , I, Liu Nuojie, welcome boys to visit me at any time."