
Ràndom Seggs Stories

These stories are from Literotica and other sources. Please note none of the stories are mine but of friends and of people that I've asked.

Lustful909 · Urban
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26 Chs

life at a Japanese Shrine PT3


Adriah stretched her arms and legs and got to her feet. She had slept for barely three hours and she was already wide awake and itching to do something. Her tail flicked about behind her and Felicia giggled softly in the back of her mind.

'I warned you, the troubles of a cat. Unlike every other race, we don't sleep for that long. It's in our bodies, we can't sleep that long. That's why I nap so much throughout the day.' Felicia told her as she walked out the door and outside, completely naked.

"So I noticed that I've been stronger and I don't get so winded since Canita was inside me. Are you going to leave me with some of this agility and grace as well?" Adriah asked as she looked up at the Shrine roof. Her tail twitched and she crouched down, leaping up onto the roof in a single leap. She easily scaled to the peak of the roof and stood tall, staring at the moon high in the sky above them. She felt alive and wonderful as she stood there, the moonlight shining on her pale skin.

'Yes, you will retain some of it. I doubt you will be able to do what you just did so easily, but you will be faster and stronger than the average of your kind.' Felicia responded.

Adriah sighed with a smile. Over the last few months she had gone from being alone and starving to being well-loved and well-fed. Her life was all but perfect in her opinion. Felicia and Canita were all she needed and she had come to adore the simple life of a shrine maiden. She liked praying to god with the spirits in the mornings. It was fun to care for the shrine and it's grounds in the evening. Naturally the evening sex was the best thing she had ever experienced.

"Felicia... I love you and Canita. I don't know if I've ever told you just how much you mean to me, but if I have it my way, I'll be here until I die." Adriah said, walking idly along the peak of the roof.

'That means a lot Adriah. We love you too and we'll never be able to properly thank you for what you've done for us. Decades of being alone, without one another we would've gone mad and become evil spirits. We would've abandoned this shrine and gone out into the world to cause chaos and mayhem. You have saved us and more than that, you have given us our purpose back.' Felicia said, her voice full of emotion and care.

"Evil spirits? Is that why you can't leave the shrine?" Adriah asked curiously, sitting down on the roof. The tiles were a bit cold on her bare bottom and she squeaked softly in surprise.

'It is. If we were to leave this shrine, our minds would quickly lose purpose and we would be driven to jealous and anger at the mortals around us. Here we are always reminded of who we are and we are tethered to the physical realm. But that's another reason why you're so special. Your pact with us began a spiritual joining. Your physical merging with us completed that joining. For the rest of time, our spirits will be endlessly bound together. With you around, we will never lose ourselves. We could now leave the shrine if we wanted.' Felicia said happily.

"What?! Why haven't we done that then? There's so much out there I'd love to show you guys!" Adriah cried out loudly.

'I didn't want to tell you until I felt we were ready. You don't know what a temptation it is to just follow you out of those gates, but until I know our connection is strong enough, I don't want to risk it. We might end up hurting good people.' Felicia's voice shuddered, 'We might end up hurting you.'

"Why wouldn't Canita know all of this too?" Adriah was confused.

'She does know it. But she trusts my word and waited for me to decide. A cat is more intelligent than a dog.' Felicia snickered softly.

"So then when this week with you is over...?" She was frantically thinking of all the places she could bring them.

'Yes. I think when I depart your body, it would be lovely to go out from the shrine with you. Just... let's not stay overnight away from the shrine. I don't know if I'm strong enough to bear that yet.' Felicia said with a worrisome note.

"Alright! I'm going to take you two shopping and I'm going to show you the city!" Adriah whooped, leaping up and landing on her toes on the peak of the roof.

'Don't forget that nobody else can see us. We can influence the world in a physical manner, but only those very, very in tune with spirits will be able to see us.' Felicia said, her voice deceiving her joy at the prospect.

"You're as excited as I am, aren't you?" Adriah teased her but she kept quiet.


The week passed as quickly as the last one did. She and Canita fucked pretty wildly throughout the day and Adriah fervently worked around the shrine at night. It was strange when her sleeping schedule became little more than when she felt like laying down for an hour or two. Over the course of the week, Canita became more and more ecstatic about leaving the shrine after Adriah had told her what they had spoken of on the roof.

Then, on the seventh morning, Felicia left her body as simply as Canita had. The young Shrine Maiden immediately grabbed her mirror and began studying her body for any remaining changes. The only she found was that her teeth remained sharp and her tail hadn't changed. The attributes of her body had done as Felicia had said, retaining a good bit of the cat-like reflexes Felicia had blessed her with. She could run incredibly fast without tiring and she could still leap up to the roof, but only just barely. Her eyes and ears had retained a portion of their sensitivity and she could smell as acutely as she could before.

"Oh you two... I love the blessings you have given me. I feel so wonderful. Get your things together girls, we're going down to the mall!" She exclaimed as she bounced around the bedroom, her tail bouncing around behind her.

"What things?" Felicia giggled, crossing her arms over her small breasts.

"Yea, let's go! Come on, let's go!" Canita bounced in front of the door.

"Well I still have to get dressed. Unlike you two, everyone can see me." Adriah said, slipping on her maiden clothes.

Two minutes later, they were out in the sunny spring day, walking down towards the shrine entrance. Canita was bouncing with excitement still and Felicia was walking nervously next to her. They stopped at the entrance as Canita bounced out of it and onto the sidewalk.

"I'm outside! Yaaaay!" Canita squealed happily.

"Umm..." Felicia mumbled and stared at the sidewalk.

Adriah reached out and grasped her paw. "Look, don't be scared. I'll be right here and I won't let you go anywhere."

Felicia smiled widely, her heart pounding a little, as they walked over the line. She shivered and stared around in awe at being outside of her shrine for the first time in decades. It was a fine morning and the temperature was nice. The sun wasn't too bright, but barely a few white wisps floated in the sky above.

It took them a little over an hour to walk down the long hill and into the first part of the city. It was mainly apartments and convenience stores for a mile more, but Canita and Felicia were ecstatic about seing it all. Everything was so different from what they knew. They had seen the taller buildings go up, but the trees across the street from their shrine did a good job of hiding the lower portion of the city.

"I'll never get used to cars. We were still young women when we died and the country was much different. Things were simpler, all the buildings were wood and only the richest of shopkeepers and nobles had horses and carts. The first time I saw a car drive in front of the shrine, I was mesmerized. I thought it was a metal demon or a runaway caravan." Felicia said as they crossed the street. The spirits stayed well away from anyone that passed them on the street and nobody seemed to notice Adriah was holding hands with nobody.

"You were alive once? I... I never thought to ask about..." Adriah was a little taken aback that it had never occured to her.

"Yes. We were born twins and we've never been apart." Canita said, smacking her sister's bum with a paw.

Adriah swallowed as the obvious big question came to her. "How... did you die?"

"Burned alive!" Canita exclaimed without a care.

"What?!" Adriah squeaked in shock, making a passing man jump in shock.

"Our home caught fire while we were sleeping. Before we could do anything, the entire room was on fire. I held Canita in my arms until we passed out... then we just woke up like this. Spirits." Felicia said more solemnly.

"Yea, it was scary and it kinda hurt! From the spirits we talked to before we took up residence in our shrine, we learned how we came to be. As it turns out, staying here as a spirit after you die is just kind of random. It's not because we were unfulfilled in life or we made some unhallowed pact." Canita bounced along, "We were just lucky!"

"So were you... I mean, did you have..." Adriah gestured to Canita's flopping dog cock, "When you were alive?"

"Well no." Canita said, shaking her head, "It wasn't all doggy-like."

"What she means to say is yes, we were born hermaphrodites. For a long time, I thought that might be why our house caught fire, because some man tried to peak at us in the bath and he ran screaming when he saw our penises. But it was only a year later when we learned from our parents that it was just an innocent kitchen fire next door." Felicia explained.

"Your parents could see you? What did they think of your paws and fur?" Adriah asked as they walked past a corner store and down another street.

Felicia shook her head and waved a paw. "Well they couldn't see us. But we tended to stick around them a lot and we just heard them talking about it. At that time we weren't so corporeal as we are now and we weren't furry yet. We just kind of floated around. Without something to tether them, a spirit is totally incorporeal and floats around. You're the reason we're not flying right now."

"So how did you two come to be at the shrine?" Her eyes wandered as they neared a busier shopping district of downtown.

"It was a nice new shrine built a good way down the road from our parent's new home. Our mother went there one day to pray to god and when we followed her inside..." Felicia took a breath as they walked in front of a colorful storefront of clothing. She seemed to gather her thoughts and continued, "Up until then, we had been slowly fading away, doomed to lose ourselves into dark spirits. But when we entered the shrine gate, our entire beings returned to us and the world opened. A glorious light shone around us and we became these animal spirits. The spirit of god welcomed us to our new home and we have lived here ever since."

"Yea, the first Shrine Maiden there was so happy! We managed to actually contact her the first night we were there. She was so shocked to see actual spirits and I think we scared her pretty badly. But in the end she really liked jerking us off. I swear I can still feel her fingers around my knot." Canita giggled as her dick grew erect.

Adriah didn't notice as she was busy opening the door to a nice store, "Come on in here, this is my favorite clothing store. I love looking around here."

They followed close behind her before the door closed. The spirits were immediately enchanted by everything they saw. Smooth and colorful clothing filled the racks around them. They wandered through the store, staring in awe at each of the racks of beautiful dresses. They weren't high quality dresses but they were much brighter than any that Felicia or Canita had ever seen when they had been alive.

"Good morning ma'am. How are you today?" The saleswoman asked Adriah.

"Fine. Just browsing." Adriah nodded.

"Wonderful. You look like a Shrine Maiden. Is it a costume?" The woman asked as Adriah flipped through some shirts.

"No, I am the Maiden of the shrine up the hill from here." She looked at a bright yellow top before putting it away.

"A... Adriah..." Canita moaned, paws stroking her dog cock as it began to drip a little precum.

"May I use your bathroom?" Adriah asked politely.

"Sure, it's right over there." She pointed to a bland door in the back of the shop, "Huh? What's that smell?

She hurried over to it without answering and opened it wide for her spirits to go through. They all stepped into the small bathroom and Adriah dropped to her knees. She wrapped her lips around Canita's shaft and slurped up the precum that dribbled down it. The canine spirit moaned happily and she leaned back against the wall for support.

"You know... I'd like some too." Felicia said, her paws rubbing against her own spiny cock.

"How could I forget?" She smiled as she turned and lapped at her dick. One hand on each of their cocks, she rubbed them quickly and alternated between licking them. She worked them both hurriedly, trying to make them cum as fast as possible. Doing these things in public had never been enticing to her, but there was something very naughty about it.

"Oh your fingers are great!" Canita groaned in joy, "Faster! Yes! Ahhh~!"

Adriah felt her knot growing, so she began to rapidly suck on Felicia. Both of the spirits moaned together and their cum began to splatter all over her face and into her mouth. She drank down mouthfuls of Felicia's goo before turning to Canita and swallowing load after load of hers while Felicia's splattered her hair and cheek. By the time they were done, she had a lovely warm belly of semen and a well-basted face.

"That is so much better." The lusty dog spirit sighed.

"We can't even go out shopping without wanting to get off on you." The feline grinned. She leaned down and lapped a thick swath of her cum from the side of Adriah's face.

"Not that I really mind." Adriah giggled softly.

"And that's why you're the sexiest Shrine Maiden we've ever had." Felicia kissed her on the lips.

"Now, on you get. I want to put it in your pussy!" Canita woofed eagerly as she sat down. Her dick stood straight up, her knot still half-inflated. Adriah stared at it, hoping that her pussy had retained some of the stretchiness of Felicia's blessing. Not one to be scared though, she quickly lifted the bottom of her hakama and straddled the enormous canine cock, sinking down on it. She had to clamp both her hands over her mouth to keep from screaming. Sure enough though, when her pussy reached the knot, it easily stretched around it and it popped inside her.

"Oh it is so naughty that you don't have panties on." Canita cooed, sliding her paws up Adriah's thighs.

"Wow, it still fits. Oh I can remember how that felt in you. I'm still so jealous." Felicia moaned, stroking her dick back to erect with her fuzzy paws, "Well I'm gonna do your ass at least. I know that's always amazing."

She knelt down behind Adriah and lifted her clothing higher. She lined her cum-splattered dick up with her asshole and pushed inside, stretching her lovely anus around her shaft. Adriah gave a cry as her arms spasmed, hands clenching into fists. Felicia quickly shoved completely inside her so she could reach to clasp her paws around Adriah's mouth. She let out a little moan of her own, feeling Adriah's tight asshole clenching all around her cock. This woman's body was nothing short of heaven after their changes to it.

"Oh its gripping me so much! God your pussy feels amazing!" Canita howled, arching her back and thrusting into her. Her knot quickly grew back to full size and she continued fucking her. Her pussy might've been able to stretch enough to let the knot in and out, but it was far from loose. She was very elastic in both her holes.

"I can't last. I just can't. It feels too good and doing it here in this store is way too wrong!" Felicia moaned openly, burying herself completely inside Adriah again. A huge eruption of cum filled her backside with glorious warmth. Canita didn't last long either, her huge-knotted dick blowing an immense load right against Adriah's womb. When she was so full of cum she could barely stand up, the spirits pulled their dicks from her and let her rest on the cool floor for a moment. She sat there breathing heavily as the girls licked each other's dicks clean. Canita then crawled forward and lapped Adriah's entire crotch free of their mixed spunk. The gentle ministrations of her tongue brought Adriah back to herself just in time.

"Ma'am? Ma'am, are you okay? I'm hearing strange noises. Are you throwing up?" The shopkeep knocked on the door.

"Uh... Um... Yes... I apologize. I'll be out in a second!" Adriah called out quickly, scrambling to her feet. The spirits had to catch her to keep her from falling down. Her legs shook a bit just from the sheer pleasure of the lusty double penetration.

In the end, they only visited two more shops before going back. The spirits were just too horny today and she had to walk all the way back with both of their erections taunting her sopping wet pussy. They barely made it three steps into the door before they spit-roasted her, Canita's cock in her cunt and Felicia's phallus in her face.

Truly, they were all blessed to be together.



Adriah stood at the gate to her parent's home. Canita and Felicia had convinced her to come try to reconcile with them and it was then they told her they wouldn't be coming. They said they had to remain and look after the shrine, but she knew that didn't make sense because they had all left it together to go shopping. Her only guess was that they wanted her to face this alone, not to look to them for help. She hated them for trying to help her in this way.

With a deep breath, she smoothed out her hakama and opened the gate. She crossed the small yard to the front door and rang the bell with a shaky hand.

"Look, we told you three times this week! We don't want..." Her father's angry voice almost scared her away from the door before he opened it. The moment his eyes fell upon her, he immediately lost whatever words he was going to say.

"Hi dad." Adriah said, waving nervously.

"Adriah. You don't look like yourself. What are you doing here?" Her father said bluntly. Ryugu had always been a blunt and unwavering man, the traits that had garnered him so much respect at his job. According to her mother, he had once been charming and gallant, not the serious man he was now.

"Yea dad. I'm a Shrine Maiden now." She said, trying not to look away from his steely eyes, "Fate threw it in my lap and I decided it was better than anything I've done with my life so far."

"You're true there. Well if you've got changes in your life to share, then come on in. Your mother will want to see you." He said, waving to her as he turned and walked away. He was a tall and slender man, aging more gracefully than most. His goatee and slick black hair was mixed with strands of silver. He still wore his fine work clothes and tie even though he was supposed to have today off.

Adriah followed him inside and immediately felt weird. She hadn't been in this house for a long time and it hadn't been her home since before college. She followed her father into their sitting room where her mother was occupied with knitting a sweater and watching television. Unlike her husband, Ino was a shorter and little more portly woman. She was curvy and well-endowed, the exact traits that had drawn Ryugu to her and continued to fuel his lust for her.

She glanced up and saw Adriah standing in the doorway as Ryugu sat down next to her at their kotatsu. Her eyes widened and she dropped her knitting on the short table, "Adriah! Oh my goodness, that's you! You look so different! You're... well you're a woman! You finally got some of your mother's curves and your hair is so much longer now. You look gorgeous! How have you been?"

"Fine mother. I'm a Shrine Maiden now." Adriah said, her cat ears twitching a bit as she blushed from her mother's comments.

"Well I could see that. Look at you. The outfit looks so good on you. So where is this shrine at?" Ino asked eagerly.

"On the hill north of Tokyo there is a bit of a rural district. It's back in some trees there, probably three hours walk from here. I live there with... well..." Adriah scratched her ears nervously, "Kind of hard to explain. I'd never thought to ask if I'm allowed to or if its a secret."

"Who is your elder at this shrine? Who thought you would make a good Maiden? You're clearly not virtuous or holy of spirit." Ryugu said without looking away from the television. There was a baseball game on and her father was a huge Yankees fan. It was the only thing he appreciated about America.

Adriah just let the comment go, knowing that he only spoke that way because he was still judging her based on her academic abilities. He didn't know that she could see spirits or was, according to Felicia and Canita, a very righteous young woman. She sighed, "There is no elder there, I am the only one that lives in the shrine."

"So you just moved into some abandoned building like a hobo. I guess that's all you can do to care for yourself when you're a failure." Ryugu sighed.

"Ryu! Don't belittle our daugher like that! She is trying her best to make something of her life and I'm proud of her. It's a good thing to become devoted to god and the spirits of this world, it can bring great fortune. You would do well to pray more." Ino said, fuming at her husband.

"There's a reason I am the only one there. The shrine was abandoned when I went there, but the spirits took me in. They cared for me when no one else would and they opened their home to me. Felicia even offered to let me stay there without becoming their Maiden." Adriah said passionately. She snapped her tail about angrily against her leg where it lay hidden in her clothes, "I don't care what you say about me father, but do not insult the spirits I am living with. They are wonderful girls and they've not had it easy with their shrine being abandoned since the war! You don't know what it's like, that many years of loneliness and neglect."

"What are you going on about? Are you telling me you actually see spirits around there? Are you inhaling the incense?" He asked flatly, actually staring at her for once.

"Yes, I can. Canita and Felicia are spirits that died centuries ago and they've lived at that shrine for a long time. Canita, she's the canine spirit of joy and peace. Felicia is the feline spirit of life and alacrity. Through me, they can once again bless those in need." Adriah exclaimed happily. She hoped her parents would be overjoyed at hearing how important she was to the spirits and the mystical powers she held.

"You are still so immature. Talking about all of this as if it's the honest truth and yet you're still wearing those stupid toys!" Ryugu exclaimed in annoyance, reaching across the table. He grabbed one of her ears and yanked.

"Mrrreoow! That hurts!" Adriah screeched, tears welling in her eyes at the pain of having her ear yanked so hard. She shoved his hand away and sat back, nursing her pained ear. "Don't pull on my ear dad. Yes, these are actually my ears, it's part of merging spirits with Felicia. That and these teeth." She pulled her lip back to expose her sharp teeth. "Don't even know how you missed these, they're not exactly subtle. Eating is a whole lot easier though, these things will bite through anything."

"You merged with one of the spirits?" Ino's eyes were wide with awe.

"Both of them, but only for about a week each. It was interesting and they both left me with some of their power. Canita, she made my body how you see it and she made me stronger. Felicia gave me these ears, as I said, and she made me faster." Adriah explained.

"So you didn't actually grow like that since I last saw you?" Ino looked a little disappointed.

"No, but watch this!" Adriah gripped the edge of the table with one hand and lifted it over her head as easily as she would a twig. Her father showed real emotion for the first time; he jerked back in shock and almost fell over. The table was not a light table and even a grown man would have to use two hands to just lift it off the ground, let alone over one's head.

"Amazing honey! You really are blessed by the spirits! Oh I'm so happy for you! It seems destiny that you couldn't make it through college!" Ino exclaimed happily as her daughter put the table back down in front of her. Tears of joy brimmed from her eyes and she got up to hug her, "I can't believe our daughter is a true, blessed Shrine Maiden. This is such an honor."

"I... I must admit..." Ryugu seemed to struggle with the words. He even turned off the television to address her properly, "I am relieved to see my daughter becoming a great young woman. I am glad to call you such again, my daughter."

"Oh daddy!" Adriah cried happily, letting go of her mother to jump across the table to him. They hugged tightly and she kissed him on the cheek, "I'm so glad I've made you proud!"

"Wow! Even I'm surprised. I didn't think you would come around so quickly, you haven't spoken a single word about her since you swore to disown her." Ino said, her heart clenched with joy. She wrapped her arms around her husband and daughter, kissing them both. "We're a family again and everything is right."

"I suppose this means we're going to have to come pay tribute to your shrine then?" He sighed with relief as they let go of him.

"No! We will need to go visit our daughter and meet her friends!" Ino said happily. Adriah couldn't have been happier. When her father had disowned her, her mother had only gone along with it because she believed a good wife should support her husband. But in secret, she still tried to stay in contact with her and help her. In truth Ryugu hadn't been heartless and unaffected by his decision to push her away, he had spent many restless nights over it. But he thought it best to give her a shock of cold reality to try and get her to pick herself up properly. Only his stoic nature and strong will had kept him from trying to bring her home.


"I can't believe it! My dad doesn't hate me anymore! I mean, he's not exactly loving, but he's never really been. It's just good to know that I'm not a disappointment." Adriah sighed with relief as she slumped into bed between the spirits.

"Told you it would be fine." Felicia smiled cheekily.

"Wanna celebrate? Huh? Huh?" Canita asked, thrusting her dick against Adriah's thigh.

"Oh you know I can never tell that dick no." Adriah giggled, turning over on her stomach. She stuck her ass up in the air and wiggled it back and forth.

"Mmmm, yea! Look at that butt!" Canita cooed, running her paws over it as she stroked her dick between her cheeks. Felicia leaned over and ran her tongue over the head of her cock, making her shudder and spurt a thick load of pre down her crack. Her tongue continued to play around, licking up the sticky goo and thoroughly lubing up Adriah's ass.

"Come on, I want to see your knot stretch her out right here. She'll love it." Felicia cooed, pulling on her asshole a bit. Canita nuzzled her tip right against it and slipped inside, sliding easily on all the slick fluid.

"Yes~!" Adriah moaned happily. Pleasure coursed up her spine and she shivered happily. Such wonderful bliss filled her mind and made her tongue roll out of her mouth. Canita's long, thick dog dick buried completely inside her backside and they were joined in wonderful ecstasy.

"Ahhh, it's so hot watching you two." Felicia was stroking her dick with both paws.

"Not gonna fuck me... or her... sis?" Canita grunted, seeing her self-pleasuring.

"I feel like jerking off." Felicia said simply, fondling her balls lovingly.

"Oh harder... harder! Stretch my ass out!" Adriah panted like a whore in heat.

"Do what she asks. Make her scream." Felicia instructed. Her dick was bubbling pre all over her furry paws as she moved quicker.

"Alright! I'll make you cum! I'll make you cum again and again from your tight little asshole!" Canita cried out, burying herself with a new strength and desire. She gripped her hips tightly and rammed her dick as fast as she could in and out of her. Adriah's eyes were wide and her pussy soaked her thighs in hot juices. Her mind wasn't coherent enough to even tell if she was cumming, it was all just a mindless blur of heaven.

Canita sank herself in more slowly and her knot began to grow. Cum shot from her dick and burbled deep inside her lover. She held her hips close and pushed down on her, sinking her dick and knot absolutely as deep as it would go. Her cock twitched and spasmed, more and more thick splooge pouring from it.

"Yes! Oh that looks amazing!" Felicia moaned as her own orgasm struck her. A beautiful fountain of white spunk erupted from her cock and stained her paws. It splattered up her chest and rained down all over herself.

"Your ass... oh your ass feels so amazing." Canita cooed, practically laying on top of Adriah as they came down off their high. After a good long while, in which Felicia curled up tightly next to them, her knot softened and she pulled herself free. Together they all cuddled close under the blankets and fell asleep.

Felicia, naturally, slept for the shortest time. As she stirred and got up, Adriah awoke next to her. "Heya." She spoke sleepily in the dark.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Felicia sighed.

"It's fine. Todays been such an amazing day." Adriah stretched and rubbed her eyes.

"Nothing could make it better, huh?" Felicia guessed.

"Well I could think of one thing." Adriah smiled shyly.

Felicia leaned down to her and kissed her on the cheek, "And what could that possibly be my maiden?"

"Make love to me..." Adriah blushed in the dark, "As a man would his wife. Gently and passionately, just like this." She spread her legs and pulled her pussy open with two fingers."

Felicia was a litle taken at her request. She blinked for a second and smiled, "Only for you." She kissed her again and took her proper place between Adriah's legs. While they were still kissing, she gently slipped her dick inside her wet slit.

"Ahhh~! I never get used to those spines. It feels amazing." Adriah breathed, her nethers tingling with pleasure.

"Well some day you will. We have a long time together yet." Felicia thrust slow and long, pushing her dick in all the right places. Adriah's body was throbbing with heat and pleasure. Other times they had fucked had been wonderful, and in some ways, far better than this. But there was a closeness between them that Adriah was desperate for. She wrapped her arms around Felicia and held tight to her.

"I want to feel it inside me. I want to feel your warm seed in my womb." Adriah begged quietly.

"I will fill you with it. I'll bathe your insides in my love." Felicia whispered in her ear. Adriah's pussy seemed to clench and pull on her at these words. A few more thrusts and sweet, hot cum began to flood her innards. Her womb was rapidly filled and it ran out of her. They moaned weakly together and Felicia just laid down on her.

Adriah smiled and held her close, her body relaxing as she cuddled with Felicia. The wonderful night had been a perfect end to the wonderful day.


A month more passed, they were getting at least a person a day coming to the shrine. Blessings were plentiful and people often returned happily to give thanks and praise to the spirits. Even Adriah's parents had come by a few days after their reconciliation, it had been just as awkward as she feared. Her dad barely said a word and her mom complimented a lot of different things. They both paid their respects to the shrine and the only show of support Adriah received from her father was a surprisingly large donation. Thankfully though, as spiritually inclined as Adriah was, her parents did not share that talent. Neither of them paid any mind to the naked dick-girl animal spirits standing near them. Obviously Canita adored her mother for all the praises she said about the shrine and even Felicia was moved to smile. After they left, they both agreed that Adriah had wonderful parents, even if her father was a bit stern.

The sun shined brightly above and she finished sweeping the stone path clean of dirt and stray leaves. The trees all around the shrine grounds were in gorgeous bloom and her garden was no less lively. It had taken her some time to finally get used to her new body, but once she did, she loved it. She happily swished her tail about behind her, having made a hole for it in all her clothing. With a happy smile, she walked inside and put the broom away.

"Hey Adriah, there are some really weird characters coming in the gate." Canita said from where she sat in front of the shrine. Adriah glanced out and raised an eyebrow.

There were three men in leather coats and jeans walking towards them. They were loud and boisterous, not at all heeding the sanctity of the shrine. One of the men stepped on some flowers that were growing at the side of the path and another spit on the ground. They walked up right in front of Adriah and looked down at her. Felicia and Canita were standing at her side, both of them glaring darkly at the men. A threatening growl was rising in Canita's throat.

"Where do we donate?" He asked with a forced tone of sincerity.

"I believe you men should leave. You have damaged and desecrated the shrine grounds." Adriah said in an unwavering tone. These men did not scare her, with the spirits at her side, nothing bad would happen. At her words, however, the men laughed openly and mockingly. The lead man reached in his coat and pulled out a rather long knife.

"My boys and I have a little place near here and for the longest time we remember this shrine being abandoned. Now someone has moved in and there have been all kinds of people coming here. You gotta have a nice big box of money back in there somewhere. We would make so much better use of it than you." The man brandished the knife at her. She didn't wince in the slightest as she heard Felicia give a loud hiss.

However, A glance over her shoulder startled her more than the men ever had. Felicia and Canita were no longer their normal selves. Fur had sprouted across their entire bodies, long and shaggy. Their teeth had lengthened over their lips and their eyes were feral and bloodthirsty. Their claws extended an inch from their paws and they looked absolutely terrifying. Adriah could feel their anger and hatred flowing into her and an adrenaline fueled strength filled her body.

"Leave! Now!" Adriah yelled loudly, her voice reverberating with the spirit's own strength. The hair on her neck was standing up and her tail flicked angrily behind her. The men behind their leader looked a little shaken, but none of them backed up.

"Get out of my way!" The lead man backhanded her with his empty fist.

It was like he was moving in slow motion. Adriah easily grabbed his wrist and stopped him. She twisted his arm violently and there was a loud pop of his shoulder dislocating. He cried out in pain and jerked his injured arm out of her hand. His eyes burned angrily now, no longer trying to coerce or threaten. She could see that, with the first blood drawn, he now wanted her dead. He stepped warily back, "Boys, take her down. Carefully. She's got some weird shit about her."

The spirits roared unholy screams and Adriah leapt forward with all her might. She tackled one of the men to the ground and sank her sharp teeth into his shoulder, easily biting through the tough leather. He screamed in pain and warm blood filled her mouth. It splattered over her face and she stood up next to him, his blood running down her chin.

"What in the fuck!?" The man yelled angrily, holding his bleeding shoulder.

Near Adriah, the spirits were floating off the ground and their full strength was flowing through her. An unearthly dark glow surrounded her and she stepped over the injured man. This power felt a lot like when the spirits would give a blessing through her, but it was full of malevolence and rage.

"You creepy fuck!" The other man roared and charged her. She responded by crouching, grabbing him by the leg and twisting hard. He was swept off his feet and she hurled him around and over the wall of the shrine as easily as if he were a pebble. He screamed in fear as he flew through the air and crashed into one of the large trees nearby.

Before the lead man could turn and flee, Adriah pounced on him. She bore him to the ground and cracked his head against the stone pathway. She knelt on his chest and put her hands around his throat, "Don't you ever think you can just desecrate this shrine and threaten innocent people without recompense!" Her voice was unnaturally deep and it resonated beyond the mortal world.

The man's eyes were wide and he stared up at her in total fear. It was then that he saw them, floating above both her were two feral looking spirits with murderous intent in their eyes. He immediately pissed himself and gave a shrill scream. Adriah stood up, took him by the collar and grabbed the man of the other arm lying on the ground. She walked forward, dragging them like sacks of rice to the front gate. She unceremoniously dumped them on the sidewalk and glanced down at their whimpering forms, "And if you ever decide to come back here again, it better be to pay tribute and pray for your own black souls!"

They both scrambled as quickly as they could down the sidewalk in the direction that she had thrown the third man. She huffed and nodded, spitting a thick glob of the man's blood into the street. Without another look in their direction, she turned back to the shrine and looked at the spirits. They were already calming down, their shrine now safe once more. The fur slowly receded from their chests and faces as the bloodrage drained from their eyes.

"I cannot believe someone would do that. I mean, who tries to rob a shrine?!" Adriah cried out in annoyance as the rage and turmoil that had been filling her slowly drained away.

"You'd be surprised. It was much more common longer ago, but marauders and thieves loved to pick shrines because we don't lock away our money or deny anyone entrance. It was easy to sneak in and make off with the donation box." Felicia said, shrugging as the long mane of fur down her back disappeared.

"So wait, that was the first time you've ever seen us angry and you're more confused about the thieves?" Canita asked in surprise.

"It was a little surprising, but it makes sense. You two are amazing and it's not that strange that you can become like that. It felt... it wasn't good... it was... powerful. When it coursed through me, I felt like nothing in the world could stop me." Adriah said as they walked back up to the shrine, "Did I really throw that man that far?"

She was staring at the tree outside the shrine grounds that had a few broken branches where the man had crashed through.

"Spirits are not to be trifled with. That's what happens when both of our strengths fully inhabits your body. Because you merged spirits with us, we have a permanent connection. When you get older and more skilled, you will be able to feel it. Maybe you will even be able to call on our strength without us giving it to you." Felicia said with a smile.

"Something tells me I still have a lot to learn." Adriah sighed, sitting down on the deck. She watched a bird flutter by and land in the bird bath that sat in the far corner of the yard.

"You've made amazing strides as our maiden, but yes, you are right. There is much you do not yet know." She leaned over and kissed Adriah on the lips, "That's why we're here."

"We'll teach you and we'll all live together forever!" Canita exclaimed, leaping on Adriah and kissing her hungrily. It took her a minute to push her off and they laid there, laughing together as the clouds floated overhead.

"I guess my life as a Shrine Maiden is just beginning!" Adriah exclaimed joyously.