

  Chapter 180 Auction, the remaining picture of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire!

  Entering the Black Seal City, the architectural style here is obviously not the same world as the Gama Empire. The black walls give people a gloomy feeling. There is always a faint smell of blood in the air. From time to time, there will be a burst of noise and fighting in the ears. It shows that the public security in this city is very bad.

  "Big brother~"

  "I haven't eaten for three days and three nights. Can you give me something to eat?"

  A ragged girl with a pretty face was approaching Yun Tianming pitifully.

  The big watery eyes gave people a feeling of pity.


  Yun Tianming stretched out his palm to the girl with a kind face, ready to pull her up.

  Suddenly, the corner of the girl's mouth outlined a cold smile, took out a poisoned dagger from her sleeve, and stabbed Yun Tianming's chest fiercely!

  "Go to hell!"


  The dagger stabbed Yun Tianming's body and was blocked by a layer of solid energy armor.

  "Battle Qi turned into armor, are you also a great fighter?"

  The girl retreated decisively after failing to strike. Judging from her agility, she is also a great fighter!

  "Hey~ Isn't that Yan Hui from Luoshamen?"

  "She is good at disguising her appearance and specializes in deceiving some young people who have just entered the Black Horn Region."

  "I didn't expect to meet a tough guy today."

  The passers-by around knew the girl's identity very well, and they all watched the show with gloating.

  "This Black Horn Region is just right."

  Yun Tianming smiled with narrowed eyes, flicked his fingers and a purple-black flame quickly expanded into a huge lion head, biting Yan Hui.


  In a shrill scream, the battle qi turned into armor on Yan Hui's body was burned and melted, and his body was reduced to ashes!


  "So cruel!"

  "This young man is not easy to mess with!"

  The onlookers cast fearful eyes. It is common sense not to have good intentions in the Black Horn Region.

  Yun Tianming's ruthless and iron-blooded wrist successfully intimidated other villains. No one dared to provoke him along the way, and he entered the auction house in Black Seal City.

  The light in the passage leading to the auction house was a little dim. Walking along the corridor to the end, a giant auction venue appeared in Yun Tianming's sight.

  "This auction house is even bigger than the headquarters of the Mittel family."

  Yun Tianming was amazed.

  The densely packed seats in front of him and the auction platform that was almost entirely built of dazzling crystals made people a little dizzy.

  "Sir, do you have a VIP card?"

  A maid in revealing clothes walked over quickly and asked respectfully.


  "But I have this."

  Yun Tianming slightly opened his robe, revealing the purple-gold alchemist robe inside, with five shining gold stars hanging on his chest. This dress is the honorary elder robe of the Alchemist Guild. Yun Tianming dislikes the color of this dress is too flashy, so he usually only wears it inside. But it must be said that having this set of clothes is still very convenient.

  "A fifth-rank alchemist?!"

  The maid's eyes widened. It's not like she had never seen an alchemist before, but this was the first time she had seen such a young fifth-rank alchemist. Her attitude also became more humble, "Sir, according to the rules of the auction house, you can go to the highest-level VIP seat."   

  Walking into the spacious and gorgeously decorated sofa seat, Yun Tianming lay down comfortably and was able to enjoy the massage service of the maid. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that privilege is a good thing!

  "Well~ You can leave."

  After enjoying the massage service for nearly half an hour, Yun Tianming threw a low-level pill to the maid as a tip.

  "My lord, I'm OK."

  The maid knelt down shyly, her thin lips slightly opened, and her clever tongue licked.

  "No, I don't think you can."

  Yun Tianming refused coldly.

  You are a mediocre woman, you don't deserve it!

  After dismissing the maid, Yun Tianming's eyes returned to the auction square. An old man in expensive robes shouted arrogantly: "I am Yuan Mu, the third elder of the Eight Gates! Let me say this in advance. If anyone dares to make trouble, don't blame me for forking you out!"

  After that, he waved his hand to display the wood attribute fighting spirit, condensed a trident, and stood heavily on the ground.

  Fighting spirit condenses things, fighting spirit strongman!

  The noisy scene immediately became much quieter. Of course, there were a few people who didn't care, but they didn't get angry because of the face of the Eight Gates.

  "Now, I declare that the Black Seal City Auction Conference has officially begun!"

  As Yuan Mu's voice fell, a yellow-brown long stick rose on the crystal stand, exuding a strong wood attribute.

  "This stick is called Huangfeng Bamboo. It is made of hard bamboo deep in the Warcraft Mountain Range. It is very tough and inlaid with a fifth-level wood attribute magic core. The reserve price is 400,000. Please take it!"

  "A wood attribute weapon?" Looking at the long stick in Yuan Mu's hand, Yun Tianming's face was calm and he didn't have much interest. His original weapon was a mountain-knocking stick. Later, after he switched to practicing the Burning Art, this wood attribute weapon was not used much.

  Of course, his disinterest did not mean that others were not interested. In the end, the stick was bought by a three-star Douling for 700,000. After the first auction went smoothly, fighting skills, skills, elixirs, etc. appeared on the auction stand one after another, but the level did not exceed the Xuan level, and the elixir did not exceed the fourth grade.

  Yun Tianming waited patiently, the real top-quality items were still to come.

  "The items to be auctioned next are all treasures, and this is also a lost fighting skill."

  "Flying fighting skill: Thunder Bat Sky Wings!"

  Yuan Mu pulled open the scroll, and saw a pair of miniature black bat wings that looked a bit eerie and spooky, appearing in everyone's sight.

  "Low-level Xuan-grade, nothing more than that."

  Yun Tianming shook his head with a look of disdain. The flying fighting skill he obtained in the Warcraft Mountain Range was originally a high-level Xuan-grade, and after being strengthened by the system, it reached the low-level Earth-grade, which was incomparable.

  However, even though it was a low-level Xuan-grade, the rarity of the flying fighting skill still caused a sensation on the field, and various forces competed fiercely.

  ".Congratulations to the Blood Sect's Young Master Fan Ling for bidding for this flying fighting skill at 1.9 million."

  Yuan Mu smiled from ear to ear. The transaction price of this low-level Xuan-grade flying fighting skill had a lot of premium, and as an auction house, it was naturally a huge profit.

  "Young Master Fan Ling is really generous. I hope you still have enough money for the treasures that will come later." The

  one who spoke was Elder Qing from the Heavenly Snake Mansion branch.

  Yun Tianming glanced at it indifferently. The Heavenly Snake Mansion's influence spread all over the place. When they ambushed Han Feng in the Black Horn Region, there were people from the Heavenly Snake Mansion branch who provided intelligence here.

  "The next item to be auctioned is a mysterious fragment of a map. Although I don't know what it is used for, the texture of this fragment is extremely tough. Even the sixth-level beast fire can't burn it."

  As Yuan Mu took out a palm-sized fragment of a map, Yun Tianming's eyes suddenly lit up.

  "It appears, the fragment of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire!"