

In a world of trackless jungles, colossal beasts, and cruel pre-human civilizations, you must survive the past if you want to save the future! You were only meant to guard the laboratory, but when a treacherous power cripples Doctor Sabbatine's time machine, you're left stranded! Face the savage inhabitants of Silverworld and build your own civilization—or plunder the past and return home unimaginably rich!

HUGUEL_0568 · Urban
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275 Chs


At last Control manages to install the "Golden Eye of the God" as the Specular's central cog wheel.

You're still a long way from home, but the doctor wastes no time congratulating you and promising that all of Byzantium knows of your fascinating and terrifying plight.

Of course, the doctor also wastes no time reminding you of everyone's obligations to the Empress, who regards this whole endeavor as a profit-making venture, despite the objections of her heir, Prince Zeno.

"She expects 1375 solidi worth of accumulated valuables," Dr. Sabbatine says.

"An outrage!" Alexius says. "We worked hard to take these treasures from the people who worked hard for them!"

"Nonetheless…" Dr. Sabbatine says.

The silence stretches.

"Do it," Control says.

With the controllers' help, a disconsolate Alexius loads your varied treasures into the rift, one bundle at a time.

"It is positively indecent, Crowchar," Dr. Sabbatine says. "The greed of our Empress, I mean. It's all so shortsighted, and of course, so inconvenient for me, personally!"

As the last of the treasure vanishes, a visibly frustrated Alexius turns to you and says, "We worked hard for all of that. What will we have to show for our time in this world?"

"Please understand," Dr. Sabbatine says, "you will see your money returned after the Empress invests it. If you please the Empress, you will, in fact, be quite rich upon your return!"

"Hmm," Alexius says.

"The imperial accountants are here," the doctor says. There's a long stretch of silence. Finally, the doctor says, "The Empress sends her regards. She is pleased with your performance in the other world so far. I suspect that upon your return, you will be a wealthy and respected man. If you do not fall out of favor."

Hours pass as you finish tabulating the expenditures and checking the Specular's functionality. But at last the rift shuts down.

"It will be some time before I can finish analyzing and integrating the cog," a controller informs you. "Quite some time, in fact."

You look out on the village of the River People and wonder how close Stralchus is to completing his "Ziggurat." You could claim that fortress, you know, but first you will have to prove yourself to the people of this world. What better place to start than here, in this village? Stralchus claims to fight the False Icon, but with your help, the River People can demonstrate their worth, too.

You estimate your various sources of revenue from the village total 570 solidi.

Alexius, you've noticed, has been spending more and more time deep in the forest, returning only when Control stokes the Specular's boilers. That seems unusual for a city boy like him.