

  Chapter 31 Ya Fei, the difference between medicine cauldrons

  Xiao Yan felt a little strange when he heard it.

  It felt like being inspected and comforted by a big leader in the workplace.

  Just a few words almost burned out his CPU.

  But Xiao Yan didn't think much about it and just regarded it as Su Yun's kindness.

  "Thank you for your comfort, Master."

  Su Yun saw his reaction.

  He laughed in his heart, how can I pua you if I don't destroy your CPU?

  Su Yun nodded and took out his pills for this month from the ring.

  Although the talents in the talent pool have not officially joined the company, they are at least listed in the company.

  Being kept by him, at least you can get a salary of 100 yuan a month, right?

  In this regard, he is still better than the capitalists in his previous life. Some people won't even give you a dime.

  Xiao Yan took the pill in his hand, feeling a little touched, but he couldn't say the words of gratitude.

  Family members know their own business. In his current situation, he may not be qualified to repay...

  Xiao Yan secretly hated that he had been using this pill for a year. Recently, the speed of absorbing the energy of heaven and earth and condensing the fighting spirit has been significantly faster, but it is of no use.

  Thinking of this, Xiao Yan felt a little guilty. Alas, he wasted the master's time in vain.

  But he didn't say anything to ask Su Yun to take the pill back.

  To put it bluntly, he still had some thoughts in his heart, thinking that maybe, if he took it for a longer time, he would be able to recover?

  Su Yun encouraged him a few more words and left.

  He planned to go to Mittel Auction House again today.

  When he arrived at Mittel Auction House, Su Yun was invited into the VIP room by the guards. However, to Su Yun's surprise, it was not Kuang Tang who came to greet him, but a woman.

  The woman was wearing a red long skirt, with a curvy figure, extremely hot, and a mature and charming style.

  "I guess you are Master Han."

  The woman's voice was charming, making people feel numb.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows, and he already had some guesses in his mind.

  With a thought in his mind, he said, "System, scan the woman in front of you."

  "Ding, the scan is successful."

  Name: Ya Fei

  Gender: Female

  Cultivation: Fifth-stage Fighting Qi


  None Attributes: None

  Skills: None

  Fighting Skills: None

  Items: Low-level storage ring...

  Su Yun nodded secretly. Sure enough, the plump woman in front of him was Ya Fei.

  Su Yun felt a little strange. According to Kuang Tang, wouldn't the Miter family have to change their positions in half a year?

  Su Yun asked Ya Fei directly.

  "I don't know, where did the previous Kuang Tang go?"

  Now he has the cultivation of an eight-star great fighter and the identity of a fourth-grade pharmacist. In Wutan City, he is already a top-level figure, so naturally he doesn't need to be too polite.

  "You ask the head of Kuang Tang. He was transferred back to the imperial capital. He succeeded in breaking through and became a powerful warrior of fighting spirits some time ago. After consideration, he was transferred back."

  Ya Fei said in a charming voice as she sat down. Her exquisite figure and perfect curves made Su Yun's mouth dry for a while.

  After all, he was just an old virgin. He had a low resistance to a woman as mature as a peach like Ya Fei.

  Although Su Yun was aroused by desire in his heart, he did not show it on the surface and continued to ask questions.

  "Oh, really? I heard him say before that he would be transferred in half a year, right?"

  Ya Fei was not surprised. According to the information she got before coming to Wutan City, the relationship between this Master Han and Kuang Tang was not bad.

  It was normal to know some things about Mittel's family.

  Ya Fei's eyes flashed with a hint of unnaturalness, but she had done her homework before coming to Wutan City. She had already prepared an answer for such a question.

  "Isn't it because Elder Kuang Tang worked hard and made great contributions? Elder Kuang Tang has a lot of experience and has become a powerful fighting spirit, so naturally he was transferred to the imperial capital in advance."   

  Ya Fei quickly concealed the unnatural look in her eyes, and covered her lips with her slender jade hands, smiling coquettishly.

  Su Yun suddenly realized something, although the unnatural look in Ya Fei's eyes only flashed by, but Su Yun still noticed it.

  It was his previous misconception.

  It was probably because Mu Zhan pursued Ya Fei too closely, and the matter fermented thoroughly in the imperial capital. Before the job transfer in half a year, Ya Fei was demoted in advance.

  Su Yun nodded. Since she didn't want to say it, Su Yun didn't expose it.

  But according to Ya Fei, this Kuang Tang was really promoted and became the elder of the Mitel family.

  Su Yun didn't dwell on this matter too much. He came here to buy medicinal materials.

  "I still don't know what to call you?"

  Su Yun pretended to be ignorant and asked Ya Fei.

  "My name is Mittel Yafei. Master Han can just call me Yafei.

  Now I am the new head of Wutan City. If Master Han has any problems in the future, just come to me.

  Although Elder Kuang Tang has returned to the imperial capital, the relationship between Mittel and Master Han will not be alienated because of this."

  Yafei said to Su Yun with a smile. This smile is exactly like an old fox.

  Obviously, this Yafei is just like his impression. Although her talent for cultivation is very poor.

  But she is still unwilling to be ordinary and wants to control her own destiny by pulling together various forces.

  Su Yun understood in his heart that this Yafei also wanted to pull him into the Mittel family like Kuang Tang.

  Su Yun exchanged a few polite words with Yafei, bought the herbs he needed, and planned to leave.

  Although Ya Fei made him feel amazing, Su Yun didn't want to put too much thought on her. After all, what he needed most now was strength rather than a woman.

  Time passed little by little. In two years, the Green Lotus Heart Fire would be taken away by Medusa. He had to plan ahead and not focus on meaningless things.

  When he breaks through the Fighting Spirit, it will be time to go to the Tagore Desert.

  Su Yun bowed.

  "If there is nothing else, Han will take his leave."

  "Master Han, wait a minute."

  Ya Fei stopped him.

  What else does this woman have to do? Su Yun raised his eyebrows.

  Ya Fei saw that Su Yun seemed a little unhappy and explained quickly.

  "Master Han, I am new here. I have just arrived in Wutan City. I hope you can take good care of me. I have prepared a gift for you."

  Su Yun was surprised. You should have told me earlier if you had a gift.

  It is undeniable that Su Yun is such a profit-seeking person. If you don't take advantage of it, you are a cuckold.

  Seeing Su Yun stop and look at her, Ya Fei breathed a sigh of relief and took something out of the ring.

  Medicine cauldron!

  Su Yun was surprised. With his eyes, it was not difficult to see that this was a fourth-level medicine cauldron.

  Seeing Su Yun showing interest in the medicine cauldron, Ya Fei smiled again.

  When she was still in the imperial capital, she bought this medicine cauldron at a high price in order to win over Su Yun. Now it seems that her thoughts have not been in vain.

  Su Yun was indeed very interested in this medicine cauldron.

  You know, this medicine cauldron also has different levels.

  From low to high, there are a total of one to eight levels, and there are thirteen above the eighth level.

  And these thirteen medicine cauldrons are all on this Tianding list.

  Yao Lao's Black Demon Cauldron is one of them.

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