

  Chapter 28: Cultivation at the Gate of Life and Death

  Jiang Xing said, "Grandpa, this seems to be a secret place. The wind energy is very dense. You should stay here to cultivate. Maybe it can help you break through the realm."

  The wind energy in this place is so dense that it can be said to be the most suitable place for Jiang Cheng to cultivate.

  "Haha, it's not so easy to improve the realm after fighting the saint, but the wind energy here is indeed dense. Then I will cultivate beside you."

  Jiang Cheng smiled heartily and did not refuse.

  Jiang Xing said, "Grandpa, the wind and strong wind here are just right for me, but it may not be enough for you. You can go deeper."

  The wind energy here is three times denser than outside.

  Looking ahead, it is still endless.

  Jiang Xing couldn't imagine how dense the energy was in the depths of the Gate of Life and Death!

  So Jiang Xing wanted Grandpa to go to the place in front where the energy was denser to practice.

  "How can I feel at ease when there is no one protecting you?"

  Jiang Cheng hesitated.

  "Grandpa, you see there is no living thing in here, I won't be in danger, and even if there is danger, I will definitely crush the jade slip in the first place. With such a short distance, you can rush over to save me in time."

  Seeing that Jiang Cheng was hesitant, Jiang Xing continued to persuade him.

  "Well, that's what I said, but I'm a little worried."

  "Grandpa, the wind attribute energy ahead will definitely be more concentrated, maybe it can really help you break through!"

  "Also, although we said we had released Xiao Yan last time, we still offended Gu Yuan's daughter. If you can break through here, Gu Xun'er won't dare to attack easily."

  "Well... okay, then you can practice well here, and grandpa will go forward."

  Jiang Cheng originally wanted to stay with Jiang Xing to protect his grandson, but after hearing what Jiang Xing said, and just exploring this place, there was indeed no danger, Jiang Cheng agreed.

  After a lot of talking, he finally persuaded the grandfather to leave.

  But what Jiang Xing just said was indeed the truth. He really hoped that his grandfather could break through the realm here, even if it was just a small realm and reach the middle stage of the six-star fighting saint.

  After Jiang Cheng walked towards the direction where the wind attribute energy was more concentrated, Jiang Xing also began his stop-and-go cultivation life.

  After tempering his body to be able to adapt to the strong wind, he walked forward for a while and then stopped to cultivate.

  In this way, a year and a half passed.

  During this period of time, Jiang Xing did not absorb the strange fire. He only relied on the rich wind attribute energy here to cultivate, and his realm was raised to the nine-star fighting sect, a full six small realms.

  This was when Jiang Xing spent half of his time on body refining.

  The Gate of Life and Death has these strong winds, and it is a great place for body refining. Jiang Xing would not miss it.

  He spent a lot of time refining his body, and the final effect did not disappoint Jiang Xing.

  Although it has not been tested in actual combat, Jiang Xing believes that his current body is definitely not weaker than the monsters of the same level.

  You must know that human cultivators generally only cultivate fighting spirit and hope to improve their realm quickly, so they have no time to practice their bodies.

  Therefore, the physical strength of human cultivators is completely incomparable to that of monsters.

  Jiang Xing feels that even if an ordinary fighting emperor attacks him now, he cannot cause any harm to him.

  After understanding his own strength, Jiang Xing is very satisfied with the past year and a half of cultivation.

  He didn't know how long he could stay in the Gate of Life and Death. If it was two years, at this rate, it should be no problem for him to break through to the Dou Zun level.

  If it was three years, that would be even better. He might be able to reach the six-star Dou Zun level or even the seven-star Dou Zun level!

  After putting an end to his fantasy, Jiang Xing continued to practice on and off.

  Two months later, Jiang Xing broke through to the Dou Zun level.   

  This made Jiang Xing swell up again. A twenty-year-old Dou Zun!

  Looking at the entire Dou Qi Continent, there shouldn't be many people who can compare to him.

  In addition to being excited, Jiang Xing was even more curious about what realm his grandfather had reached. Has he broken through to the middle stage of the six-star Dou Sheng?

  The wind attribute energy here is seven times more concentrated than outside. Logically, the concentration of his grandfather's wind must be even more terrifying!

  At the Dou Sheng level, it is no longer possible to break through by just practicing hard in daily life. This is what his grandfather told him before.

  Jiang Xing could only pray silently in his heart that this place could help his grandfather break through.

  After four months of practice, Jiang Xing has reached the peak of the two-star Dou Zun realm. He believes that he will be able to successfully break through to the three-star Dou Zun in the near future.

  Just as Jiang Xing was about to move forward, a strong suction force appeared.

  Before Jiang Xing could even react, he was brought out.

  Soon, Jiang Cheng also appeared beside him.

  As soon as Jiang Cheng appeared, Jiang Xing felt that his grandfather's aura had changed.

  In the past, he exuded a powerful and domineering aura, but now Jiang Cheng gave him a sense of restraint and stability.

  As a time traveler, Jiang Xing could not have guessed that his grandfather had a major breakthrough in there!

  Then, Jiang Xing asked excitedly: "Grandpa, have you made a breakthrough?"

  "Haha, yes, the wind attribute energy deep in the Gate of Life and Death is indeed dense. Grandpa cultivated inside and fortunately broke through to the late stage of the six-star fighting saint."

  Jiang Cheng answered Jiang Xing, and did not forget to be Versailles.

  However, when Jiang Xing heard his grandfather's Versailles this time, his first reaction was not to roll his eyes, but to be excited.

  Although the wind attribute energy in the Gate of Life and Death is dense, it has only been two years, and Jiang Cheng has broken through a small realm. It is already the top.

  I didn't expect Grandpa to be so awesome that he broke through two small realms directly and reached the late stage of the six-star fighting saint!

  The late stage of the six-star fighting saint! Jiang Xing remembered that the patriarchs of the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan were only in the late stage of the six-star fighting saint.

  Even in the ancient clan, the only five people who could steadily suppress his grandfather were Gu Yuan, Gu Lie and the three immortals of the ancient clan.

  Jiang Cheng was a little dazed by Jiang Xing's admiring eyes. After he calmed down, he paid attention to his grandson.

  Seeing that his grandson had broken through to Dou Zun, Jiang Cheng was very pleased: "Not bad, not bad, you have also broken through to the two-star Dou Zun."

  Jiang Xing smiled at his grandfather's compliment.

  Then Jiang Xing said: "Grandpa, how long will it take for father and mother to come out of retreat?"

  The wind attribute energy here is so strong that Jiang Xing will naturally not forget his father.

  His father is at the peak of the wind attribute Jiuzhun Dou Zun .

  If he can enter this gate of life and death, he may be able to break through to the semi-saint in it!

  It's a pity that Jiang Xing's mother doesn't have the wind attribute, so she can't enter the Gate of Life and Death.

  Jiang Xing was raised by Jiang Cheng, so he could guess what Jiang Xing was thinking and said, "You want your father to enter it as well."

  Jiang Xing said, "Yes, if my father could enter the Gate of Life and Death, he would be able to break through to the semi-saint level when he comes out."

  "Before I came, your parents were still in seclusion. Now two years have passed, and I think they will soon come out."

  Jiang Cheng laughed and said, "Besides, your father should not need to rely on this life and death gate to break through to the semi-saint level."

  Jiang was surprised and said, "Grandpa, do you mean that my father can break through to the semi-saint level after coming out of seclusion?"