
Quirks of the Soul (BL)

Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction (BL/Yaoi/MalexMale) WARNINGS: Angst, Suicide Scare, Cutting. Something in Izuku's mind snaps when Kacchan flings the words "Make a leap of faith from the roof and believe with all your might that you will have a ‘Quirk’ in the next life" at him after he exploded his Hero notebook. It was the last push he needed to tip over the edge. Quirk!Izuku Pairing: Katsuki/Izuku ; BakuDeku Disclaimer: do not own the photo Discord: https://discord.gg/AzDQaDy

Rxel · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs


Izuku felt like he would've gotten a heart attack the moment Tsuyu commented how his Quirk seemed very similar to All Might. If it wasn't for his own Quirk telling him that Tsuyu was purely curious and wasn't trying to get any sort of confirmation from him, he likely would have.

Thankfully, he did have his own Quirk, so he was able to react calmly and maturely to the statement, especially when his other classmates started chiming in on how their Quirks really were similar. He felt like crying. All Might certainly hadn't been very subtle about showing a bit of extra attention to him. Luckily, he could pass it off as All Might having an interest because of similar Quirks. Heaven forbid someone start a rumour that he was All Might's illegitimate love child.

"If we're talking about cool and strong, though, it'd have to be Bakugou and Todoroki!"

Izuku felt an urge to cover his face when he felt how Kirishima's Aura reflected his emotions like he was inwardly grinning at his pun.

"Bakugou's so unhinged, though. He'd never be popular."

Katsuki exploded instantly. "Haa?! What was that, frog face?!"

Izuku nudged him, trying to hide his smile as Kacchan sat back with a huff, inwardly pouting. Why was Kacchan so cute?!

Ochako squeaked. She really did ship them together. "Aw, Deku. It's so cute that Bakugou listens to you. You guys make such a great couple.

Surprisingly, Kacchan didn't get angry at that. "Hmph. That's right. So, you lot better back off. Izuku's mine."

Izuku couldn't help the blush that broke out on his face at the statement. He was still feeling shy over Kacchan's declarations. They made his heart speed up and feel light and fluffy. Kacchan was just acting so sweet nowadays. He didn't think he would stop feeling this way for a very long time, if ever.

The green-haired teen took in the way his surrounding classmate- no, friends, were smiling at the two of them, and felt accepted. He was touched that felt happy for the two of them.

Tsuyu let out a small ribbit. "Yes, we don't know you very well yet, but based on what we've seen so far, you two really care for each other. You suit each other very well."

Kacchan looked away silently.

"Thank you," Izuku said, making sure to look each one of them in the eye to convey how sincere he was about his thanks. He never thought that a day like this would come where his feelings would be out in the open and accepted. It was making him emotional thinking about everything that had happened in the past. Somehow, it didn't seem as bad as it did when he was in the midst of all those negative emotions.

The moment they arrived at the destination, they were all blown away by the large and various zones that they couldn't see the end of.

"Woah!! Is this Universal Studios Japan?!"

"The flood zone. The landslide zone. Conflagration zone, etc. Every disaster and accident you can imagine. I built this facility myself."

Izuku silently evaluated the Hero that had started talking after they arrived. He was filled with a mix of hope and pride, and a strong desire to teach and pass on what he knew. Izuku's evaluation of the Hero Thirteen shot up almost sky high at the moment. It was rare to find Heroes who genuinely wanted to pass on what they wanted to know, but he had felt a high number of that in UA itself.

He supposed that was what made them become teachers. The green-haired teen respected all of his teachers because he could feel from using their Quirk that they were all genuine, even Aizawa-sensei who looked indifferent most of the time. He might have seemed like he was sleeping, but he was actually awake and seriously evaluating their every move.

"I call this the Unforeseen Simulation Joint!"

Izuku smiled. It really was USJ!

Aizawa turned around so the students couldn't read his lips, but still hid his mouth below his capture weapon for extra preventive measures. "Where's All Might?"

Izuku silently perked his ears while the rest of his classmates were making noise over how grand the scale of the facility was.

"It seems he just about reached his limit during his morning commute. He's resting in the break room."

Both Izuku and Aizawa wanted to cover their face. Toshi, Izuku screamed inwardly. But he couldn't begrudge him that. Even though he was depressed, the man was a Hero down to his bones. He couldn't stop himself from helping out whenever he saw a Villain and someone in distress. It was part of the reason why Izuku admired him so much. He could feel it even through a television screen. He just had this special charisma that exuded sincerity from his pores.

"The height of irrationality," Aizawa-sensei said with a black face, making it no secret that he disapproved. "So be it. Let's get started."

Thirteen inwardly took a breath to calm his nerves as he tried to convey how serious he was. "As you know, my Quirk is called Black Hole. It can suck in and tear apart anything. However, my power can easily kill just as it can save. I have no doubt that some of you with similar abilities." He paused to let the students digest the information, instilling in them a seriousness that they hadn't felt as they arrived. "In our super-powered society, the use of Quirks is heavily restricted and monitored. But we must never forget that a single mistake or an uncontrollable Quirk could cause someone to die."

Thirteen took in how grim and solemn the students were after hearing his words. He breathed a quiet sigh of relief, knowing that he had gotten through to them. "During Aizawa's physical fitness test, you learned of your own hidden potential. During All Might's battle training, you experienced danger that your respective Quirks can pose to others. Now this class will show you a new perspective. You will learn how to use your Quirks to save lives. Your powers are not to inflict harm, but to help people."

Izuku basked in the Auras surrounding him, feeling very warm as a rising sense of determination was born around him. It felt akin to a mother hen watching her eggs hatch for the first time. Everyone was growing and maturing so quickly. He would be proud to witness and grow together with the people here that he could call not just classmates but friends.

A hand grabbed his own. Surprised, he looked at Kacchan, his breath taken away at the pure determination blazing in the blonde's eyes. Instantly, he responded to the challenge as his own determination mixed with everyone else's, and burn just as, or if not brighter than the rest. They exchanged a smile, unspoken challenges hidden. They may be partners, but they were also rivals.

"That is all! Thank you for listening!" Thirteen bowed.

The class broke out into cheers and claps, having already learnt the most important thing from Thirteen even before the training exercise had officially started.

"Great," Aizawa-sensei said, calling the class' attention back to him. "First off…" he paused, something striking him with a sense of dread. He whipped around, shocked to find a black hole appearing in the middle of the air as a dry, withered hand made its way out of the hole. He immediately felt goosebumps appear as a sight that was more apt to come out of a horror movie greeted him.

Izuku felt a dense mass of manic Auras slam up against him, causing him to choke. He struggled to stamp down on the feelings of madness, glee and a general mass of swirling negative feelings before it could overly affect him.

"Huddle up and don't move!" Aizawa-sensei shouted. "Thirteen, protect the students! Don't move! Those are Villains!"

Izuku grit his teeth as he tried to draw his senses closer to himself and expel any negative feelings. He struggled to try and keep calm, flaring his own Aura around him. The surprised students who still had their attention directed to Aizawa-sensei moments earlier felt a wave of calm wash over them, suppressing their panic and confusion before it could fully start. Instantly, they felt their heads clear up as they felt calmer than ever before, letting them think more rationally and clearly.

"Thirteen and Eraserhead, is it…? According to the staff schedule I received the other day, All Might is supposed to be here…"

Eraserhead grit his teeth as an irrational anger surged up at the thought of how All Might was putting students in danger. Rationally, he knew it wasn't really the other Hero's fault, but he couldn't stop himself from feeling that way.

Izuku, realizing that he hadn't included Aizawa-sensei within his range, extended his Aura to try and press some of his calm to the teacher, and it thankfully worked.

Aizawa calmed down, his mind working at high speeds for a way out of this messy situation. He was alone with Thirteen with a bunch of new students who hadn't gotten much training as of yet. The students would be more of a liability than help at this moment. He had to look out for sneak attacks against them since Thirteen most likely wouldn't be able to handle everything thrown at him if the Villains had gotten hold of information that they would be there. There would be some of them able to counter the two of them.

"Where is he…?" came a dry, raspy voice. It sounded like a person who was unused to speaking was forcing out words. "We've come all this way and brought so many playmates… All Might… the symbol of peace. Is he here…? I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here?"

Izuku felt a shiver go up his spine at the chilling madness he could feel in the Villain's Aura. He could immediately feel that the other wasn't entirely in his right mind. He could feel that the Villain had a different thought process from other, regular people or even Villains.

Clearly, there was something that had affected his state of mind and all he could feel or think of now was destruction and madness. Izuku could feel that he was feeling a pure glee that was tinged and stained with madness. The look in his eyes could only be described with praise, and the way that the other had multiple hands all over him was pinging at something on his radar, but he didn't have the leisure to analyse it now.

Izuku's mind was whirling as he tried to figure out what to do. A part of him wanted to run very badly just to get away from the stifling sensation that the other's Aura had. Just his one Aura alone outweighed every other Villain's Aura in the vicinity.

Izuku grit his teeth, squeezing Kacchan's hand and feeling the squeeze back before letting go.

They had to get out of this alive.