
Quill Pen

"Impenetrable, that's how I always see it". Varick, the youngest son of Rowan, walked around the walled city of Eragon. His emerald glanced at every corner of the walled city. Being in the middle of a great city made him feel small and the fascination with the great walls had haunted him for almost three decades. And so, he remembered a story. Great men like Eragon, Riverdell, Oneison, Andor, and Eire attempted to unite the Land. Man cannot change the fate of the human race alone. These great men were once masters and leaders of their own villages but the slavery of Leuronna, a mighty civilization, is slowly devouring them. Eragon swore his oath to protect the justice of men.

Yel_lue04 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Book 2:Chapter 1-The Resurrection of the Truths

#1: The Resurrection of the Truths

Rowan's Moat Castle

"Now that the King is dead, we have no assurance that Aystar of the House Raven will honor his words towards us. We should be taking precautions for our next actions", Mance opened the topic. The brothers were gathered at the round table with their swords laying on it. "House Rowan had been a freeman ever since. Our ancestors protected that freedom for generations. We can't let it slip off our hand", Norman clasped his hands.

"Varick is dead", Lester said in a low tone.

"His body was perfectly cleansed at Eragon", Oliver calmly informed.

"Varick is DEAD!", Lester repeated, now, with the slamming of the table which caught the attention of the brothers as well as the soldiers guarding the door.

"Tell me, how did he die?", Lester clenched his fists. "He was poisoned. There were no details yet but Wise Cressen had confirmed. It was his handwriting that was on the letter sent from the capital's citadel", Oliver dropped a letter in front of them. Lester grabbed it and tore it into pieces. "I am going to let that ingrate bite his dust!", Lester had death glares in his eyes. His blood lust overflowed inside the room which made the brothers feel a cold wind pass through their spine.

Wine Cellar

Dillon crossed his arms as he looked at the lady tied in rope sitting in front of him. He had some dilemma about how to tell the brothers that a woman passed through the moat. "I sneaked into one of the barrels", she finally spoke. Dillon furrowed his brow and saw that the dye was coming out from her hair. He grabbed a bucket of water and poured it into her hair gently. He stepped back and held unto his sword. "Woah! You wouldn't hurt a woman. Gentle Sir, I am just traveling across this vast land. It wasn't my intention to land in an unknown house", Reinys closed her eyes. Dillon calmed down and leaned on the wall facing Reinys. He looked at her once more. Her eyes are as blue as the sky and her hair seems to turn from blonde to white. It was long and silky.

"May you now remove the ropes?", Reinys gave a smile. Zefania's face flashed in Dillon's mind. If he was able to save her during that time, he would still be able to see her smile. He bit his lips and raised his sword. He swung it and removed the rope. Reinys mustered all her strength to push Dillon aside. She was able to leave the wine cellar.

Dillon was brought to sit on the floor. He saw a pendant on the floor which could have been owned by the lady. He grabbed onto it and followed her.


Reinys looked around to look for a lever but found nothing. She heard some footsteps and hid on the post. She gulped and felt cold sweat dripping on her cheeks. That was the stupidest idea she had. After a long time of searching for Noldorin, she finally realized that it reinforced her impulsive behaviors. Where could he be?

She peeked into the source of footsteps and sighed when she saw the soldiers leaving. She turned her face once again and was startled to see Dillon. She was about to scream but Dillon covered her mouth. "Scream once and they will know that a Riverdellian had left her nest", Dillon threatened. His eyes were a bit cold but Reinys was more than sure that there was something else in those pair of grey eyes. "Tell me your purpose for coming here", Dillon removed his hands from her mouth. "I am looking for someone", Reinys told him the truth. "That someone you are looking for... I bet he is a traitor from your place. A Riverdellian wouldn't leave unless they have been chased off", Dillon crossed his arms once more. "Who said that everyone who left had been chased off?! ", Reinys furrowed her brow and tried to leave.

"Do you think I am going to buy your reason? Do you know what we do with spies?", Dillon blocked the lady with his long arm. "Dillon! You are needed by the Lord Commander-", Mance was startled to see Reinys. He gulped and raised his sword. "How many are you here?", Mance's confusion painted on his face. Dillon was distracted for a moment. Reinys was able to pull the sword out of the scabbard and raised it to Dillon's neck. She made him a hostage. "Whoa! Young lady, you would want to drop the sword", Mance suggested. "Open the gate and I will be on my way", Reinys negotiated. Dillon gave an eye signal to Mance. "We will. Just drop the sword", Mance forced a smile. As Mance turn around, he threw the sword at Dillon and he was able to catch it. He clashed the sword with Reinys. The girl was sent backward. She was startled by the brute strength.

"What is happening here?!", Lester and the rest of the brothers heard the clash of the swords. Lester dropped his stare at the lady and his eyes widened. "What business do you have with us?", Lester furrowed his eyebrow. "I am in search of a person", Reinys said with confident eyes. "We don't have time to deal with you, young lady but we cannot deny the fact that you could be a sent in Rowan to know how to bring this peaceful land into damnation", Norman shook his head. Reinys saw how fortified their castle is and how well-built the soldiers are. "I will buy you", Reinys raised her chin. Dillon was amazed by the lady's audacity. Does she know what kind of people she is dealing with? "I am the princess of Riverdell. Reinys Riverdell. The mines of the white gems were named for me. If you swore on my name, I give my word that you will own the mine", Reinys held onto her chest to show a sign of honoring her words.

Lester punched the walls and it made a hole in them. "What do you take us for? A fool?! ", he is still angered by the fact that Varick died. "I do not", Reinys stepped forward. "Name me your price and I will do mine", Reinys continued to walk towards the man. "Aystar Raven. That's the head that I want", Lester bit his lip. "Then his head shall be yours", Reinys placed her hand on Lester's chest. Reinys searched for something in her pocket. Dillon threw it in the air and she luckily caught it. Lester was startled by the pendant. It was indeed the princess of the Riverdell. He knelt. "Varick, my brother had always wanted a peaceful kingdom. I want to avenge his death. I want to establish a Kingdom that will honor his name", Lester voiced out his aims.

North Kingdom of Eire

Abandoned Castle

Prison Cell

Noldorin opened his eyes and saw Audric in front of him. He was curled in the corner bracing himself. Poor lad, he chose to leave his home and ended up in the den of the giants ready to be cooked for another meal. Cannibalism. These bandits practice such hideous ceremonies of eating the flesh of human enemies.

Noldorin heard another cough coming from the prison cell across them. "Declan, are you alright?", Noldorin was concerned about the huge man. "Worry about yourself lad, who knows you'd be the next dead meat", Declan sat straight and looked into his eyes. "We're leaving this place. I cannot stay here", Noldorin stood up and held onto the iron bars. "You don't have your sword with you. How are you supposed to leave?", Declan yawned. "Audric, we have to leave this cell. You still have to kill the man who killed the King whom you hated", the Riverdellian reminded.

They heard footsteps. "Here they are", one of the huge northerners chuckled. He opened the cell and went inside to grab Audric. Noldorin bit his lip and let them take the young lad. Audric had a confident look in his eyes. "You'd be the next. I wonder how a Riverdellian tastes? Unfortunately, it is not a woman", they commented. One of the giants grabbed Noldorin's neck and slammed him on the chilly iron bars. "Are you a woman? Why do you have such soft and smooth skin?", he licked Noldorin's cheek making Audric feel disgusted. "The leader calls", they decided to save the feasting for later and left the cell.

"That boy will soon turn into their waste", Declan sighed. "Audric is a wise boy. He'll do what I asked him to", Noldorin sat down on the floor. "Tell me again, what did King Aragon ask you to do?", Declan knew it but just wanted to hear it once more. "He asked me to look for a King who will reign the Kingdoms and bring the peace that Eragon brought to this land", Noldorin answered. "How are you supposed to look for that person?", Declan. "Someone gave me a premonition to head north. I have to gain an army", Noldorin remembered Hyria, the snake witch. "People here in the north had become useless over the years. Due to the lack of food, they resorted to eating their kind. Don't tell me that you are going to put your bet on a premonition, what a fool. ", Declan had a short laugh.

"Since we all have the luxury of time to wait for our death, shall I tell you a story", Declan crossed his arms. "The night that the Town of Hinter was raided and burned into the ground, I was there. I saw my father die with blood gushing out of his stomach. The soldier who had him had that smirk on his face as if he was so proud to kill the most important person in the town. I was dragged along with my mother to the tower where my father usually took me for some fatherly talk. She was made to choose to show where my younger brother was hiding. Men in our family are such a bother to the North Kingdom. She chose to be pushed out of the tower to hide my brother's existence. That's when King Aragon came to rescue the remaining people in our clan. Together with a few Hinter villagers, we were allowed to be refugees in the Riverdell. Since we were outsiders, the council suggested that we'd be given enough to start our lives outside. We were given precious gems. He also gave me the ax forged by the flames of Fiery Mountain. That's why I owe a lot to His Grace", Declan explained his devotion to the deceased King.

"Declan, I am not a fool. I now understand why I headed North", Noldorin heard footsteps. Audric ran towards his cell and opened the lock. Audric also had his sword. Other soldiers followed afterward. Noldorin danced with his sword and was invincible to the huge men. He was agile and gave accurate hits and slashes. No action was wasted. "Declan. Your true name is Declan Erythia, the eldest son of the second brother of the previous King. One of the true descendants of Eire", Noldorin hit the lock and opened the cell door of the ginger head. Declan carried Audric on his shoulder as they ran upwards. Noldorin cleared the way neatly. Declan saw his Ax lying on the floor next to the soldier's corpse. "Now we can leave easier", Declan cheered. "We're not leaving", Noldorin went to the other stairs. They reached the leader's room.

The bald leader sat on his chair anticipating the three. "You killed my men", Gezer, the leader of the bandits grabbed his sword. Noldorin gripped his sword as well. "I am here to offer a trade", Noldorin dropped his sword which made Declan's eyes widen. "I didn't kill your men. I was trained to know where people's vital parts are. I didn't hit them there", Noldorin explained. "You were trained to know the vital parts to kill your enemies and not to spare them", Gezer laughed. "An enemy yesterday can be a friend the next day", Noldorin stepped closer. Declan raised his Ax. "Declan, we're here to make trades. It is clear how you are lacking food to eat", Noldorin started the negotiation process by pointing out the real problem. "Lend us your strength and you will be one of the lords of this Kingdom. You wouldn't want your people to keep eating rubbish foods", Noldorin offered a handshake. "Where is your confidence coming from?", Gezer spat on his hand. "Behind me is the heir to the throne. Declan Erythia. You must have heard of that name. Once this kingdom learns that their heir is still alive, they will start to rise against the current Queen. Plus, it seems that Her Grace is not working well", Noldorin hit the spot.

"Is that true?", Gezer looked at Declan who clenched his fist. He never thought that it would be too early for his secret to be revealed. The rest of the giant laughed and Gezer grabbed Noldorin's neck. "The Queen sat on the throne not because she was placed as a figurehead. You don't know what grave sins she committed to keep the scepter in her hand", the bald man glared at her. Noldorin slapped Gezer's hand and was able to be freed. "Then tell me, pretty man. Can you sacrifice your nature to put back the heir to the throne? To fight monsters, you have to become one as well", Gezer's voice turned softer as he sees Audric hiding behind Declan. "Only the weak say those words, I am not weak", Noldorin pointed a small dagger at Gezer's nape. "You are not willing to give that sacrifice", the bald man seemed to turn more gloomy.

Chapter end.