
The Vice President is Secretly a Sadist (2)

When Yin Mei finally finished all the work she had left, it was already dark outside. She would also have to complete her homework, but because He Lanying managed her time very well, there shouldn't be that much that was due tomorrow.

Just as she got up, a quiet voice interrupted her, "He Lanying, wait for me to finish this and I'll walk back with you." It was the vice-president who spoke, his gentle tone pleasant to the ears.

"There's no need," Yin Mei replied coolly. "The dorms are just nearby," she said.

"But, it's no good for a girl to walk alone all at night. We're in the same dorm anyways, so just let me walk you back, okay?" The vice-president's smile was warm, but had an unknown force behind it that seemed to make Yin Mei want to listen to him.

In the end, she sat down to patiently wait for the vice-president to finish.

The silence between them felt slightly uncomfortable now that Yin Mei had nothing to do, and she shot a glance at him.

His eyes were lowered, thick eye lashes casting a shadow on his face. He had skin smoother and softer looking than any girl, and his hands seemed especially beautiful, with long and slender fingers gripping his pen as he signed off on one last document.

His face was as beautiful as ever.

She liked this beautiful face of his.

She didn't want to see it in that way ever again...

Yin Mei paused. She couldn't recall in what way she didn't want to see it. She tried to concentrate why she thought this way, but was only pulling a blank.

In the end, her thoughts were interrupted by Yao Heyan's warm voice, as he said, "I'm finished. Let's go."

She looked up, and saw that Yao Heyan had already cleaned up and was holding his outer jacket on his arm. Yin Mei also stood, grabbing her own jacket. Exiting the building, the night sky was clear, and a chilly autumn wind blew past, the sound of tree leaves rustling reaching their ears.

"You always are so diligent aren't you? Staying up so late is bad for your health." Yao Heyan said, as they walked across the school courtyard. The student council had a special dorm that was a little bit outside the school campus, about a short five to ten minute walk away inside the forest surrounding the school.

"You say that, but you also stay up just as late, don't you?" Yin Mei answered in a cold tone of voice. But Yao Heyan didn't seem to mind, simply smiling.

In He Lanying's memories, her interactions with Yao Heyan were always like this. They were technically childhood friends, and it could be said that they got along rather decently. He Lanying understood Yao Heyan's bad personality, while Yao Heyan knew about He Lanying's crush on Rong Sheng.

"You shouldn't bully the new girl too much. I know she was invited by the president, but it's only because she's the only person to ever rank higher than him on the tests. You know that right?" Yao Heyan said.

For some reason, an ugly feeling arose in Yin Mei's heart. Was this him protecting her? Her face was expressionless, but inside, she felt gloomy.

She knew that Yao Heyan liked acting like a peacemaker to have everyone get along, but for some reason, she felt unsatisfied. She didn't want him to be kind to that stupid girl.

"I'm not bullying her." Yin Mei said with a short reply. "And I don't like Rong Sheng anymore." She added on, feeling it was important for the vice-president to know this, although she wasn't quite sure why.

The vice-president blinked, feeling this was rather unexpected. He had always been good at observing other people, so he had quickly found out about He Lanying's crush, even with that stoic face of hers that she always put on from a young age. It had already been many years since she started liking Rong Sheng? But to suddenly say that she didn't like him anymore... The vice-president glanced at Yin Mei, whose brows were furrowed just the slightest in an expression of dissatisfaction - like she disliked even the idea of liking Rong Sheng.

What in the world had happened?

He tried to recall if the president had done anything to make He Lanying's emotions change so quickly, and could only think of him inviting the scholarship student into the student council. But normally wouldn't she feel jealous, and not hate for the subject of her crush?

Before, he had felt that He Lanying was a straightforward person and easy to understand, as long as one looked a little closer at her actions and expressions, but now he sighed inwardly, feeling that he was having a hard time understanding the change in her.

Well, it was to be expected, as the person inside was no longer the same.

They soon reached the dorm, and bid farewell as Yao Heyan entered the elevator. The first three floors were for girls, while the upper three were for boys. He Lanying's room was on the first floor. Each floor only had a few number of rooms, each room very large suite rooms that seemed like they belonged in a five star hotel rather than a school dorm.

They could be remodeled as the student pleased, as long as the student payed for it themselves. But, He Lanying's room didn't have anything overly fancy in it. Of course, it was an extremely luxurious and beautiful room, but she hadn't remodeled it in any way, keeping it as it was when she had gotten it. At most, she had switched out the displayed paintings for ones that were more to her taste.

Yin Mei completed the homework that she needed to for tomorrow before finally going to bed. Even though this body was that of a rich young miss that shouldn't need to worry about anything, why did she feel like she was doing so much more paper work than ever before?

At least she didn't also have to handle any company matters, like Rong Sheng did. She felt it was good that Yao Heyan didn't either, seeing as he was the second son of his family and not the heir. Or else he would definitely end up overworked, right?

Yin Mei opened up the mission screen again, and it still said the same thing it had this afternoon.

"Main Mission: Marry Yao Heyan."

The more she looked at it, the more she felt it was odd. In the first world, it had first wanted the villain to get together with the female lead - this she could understand. Although she inwardly felt a little dissatisfied now thinking back on it, but the demon king was supposed to have been in love with the female lead.

After that, it became more along the lines of establishing the demon king in a position of higher power. The dragon throne. She could also sort of understand this. After all, she thought that many villains would have dreams of conquering the world, or something along those lines.

And then the next world after that...

How did she complete the mission then?

She couldn't recall... She remembered that the last mission was to get the zombie emperor to trust her, but she didn't really know why that had anything to do with "saving" him. And she was even more unsure how she had ended up completing the mission and leaving the world.

Thinking about it tired her out. And she instinctively felt that she didn't want to remember. In the end, she slowly dozed off, falling asleep on the bed.

She woke up early the next day. Yin Mei herself wasn't really a morning person, but it seemed that He Lanying woke up at 6:00am to start her morning. Her body just naturally woke up, so she just followed He Lanying's normal morning routine.

Before she didn't really care about following her former host's previous habits or personality, but maybe because this world was so peaceful and devoid of fighting and monsters or zombies that she decided to do so. Especially since any personality changes would be much more obvious to others now that they had the time to pay attention to them, unlike in the first world, where she barely interacted with the body's parents, or the second world, where her personality changes were chalked up to being dumped by Long Aotian, and then the third world, where no one cared if someone's personality had changed - it was the apocalypse after all.

She put on her uniform, tying the red ribbon at her neck and buttoning up the white blazer. Checking herself in the mirror, she nodded in satisfaction. He Lanying was a really beautiful girl, though because she had sharp eyes and an expressionless face, it gave her a really hard to approach aura.

"Today the student council is meeting again... it's really busy." Yin Mei said, as she checked the calendar. There were a lot of things to do to prepare for the cultural festival. It was a culture festival, but it was on an entirely different scale from any normal school's culture festival. Many people even received sponsors or would negotiate contracts... the amount of spending was on a whole other level.

She exited the building, and a few students greeted her as they all headed to class.

School wasn't particularly interesting, though she must say that it was more difficult than what she vaguely recalled of what her former high school was like. But, she didn't worry too much. Maybe because she was in a different body, the content of the classes seemed easy to understand for her.

When time came for the student council to meet again, she sat down and started working again.

She felt her life was very peaceful like this.

That is, if there wasn't a Wen Hua to worry about.

Especially since the person that the other student council members would come to complain to was exactly Yin Mei, pulling her out into the hallway to do so. They didn't dare to complain to Rong Sheng, as he was the one who invited her into the student council, and they wouldn't complain to Yao Heyan either, as Yao Heyan would most certainly not take a side and prioritize working together peacefully. So they would go to Yin Mei, who had the third highest position in the student council. In addition, with her personality, they knew that she would easily side with them.

They would complain about things like how Wen Hua would constantly slow them down because she didn't know about the school rules, or how she was incapable, or how she had messed up, or how she had messed up again...

Yin Mei felt like she had a headache coming on, wanting to punch someone in the face. Seeing that Yin Mei's face was slowly growing darker and darker, the three people who came to complain together shut their mouths, knowing that they had put her in a very bad mood.

"There's no need to say anything more. You all should go and focus on your own work. I'll take care of this." Yin Mei said with a heavy voice. They immediately brightened up and obediently went back to work. Weren't they just pushing all the responsibilities onto her? They were afraid to scold Wen Hua themselves in case they received Rong Sheng's ire, so they wanted her to do it instead.

What a joke.

But it was true that Wen Hua was making a few mistakes as the result of not properly understanding the school rules, so she would really have to go and tell her about this to get her to correct the proposals that had been submitted.

It was a pain every time the new year came when new students arrived who didn't understand the school rules and traditions. Because of this, they had to always carefully look over the proposals to make sure that nothing wrong went through.

Yin Mei entered the student council room, and saw Wen Hua sitting at the desk right next to the door, going through some papers. She walked up to her. "Come with me into the hallway." She said coldly, and the sounds of work seemed to pause at the moment as everyone glanced at her.

"E-eh, d-d-did I do something wrong?" Wen Hua stammered out, looking like some sort of frightened squirrel.

Yin Mei sighed loudly. She honestly hated this type of person the most. "Do you want me to talk about it here, or in the hallway?" She said, and Wen Hua's eyes darted around frantically. The others all looked down, pretending to be occupied with their work. Rong Sheng wasn't here today and had instead gone to attend a board meeting for his father's company, and Yao Heyan looked like he wanted to interfere, but in the end, didn't make a move.

"Th-then, in the hallway..." Wen Hua said, feeling that if she was going to be scolded, it was better if it wasn't in front of the rest of the student council members.

The two stood out in the hallway. There were some students passing by, but they weren't many. All of them greeted Yin Mei respectfully. Even the clueless Wen Hua knew that this girl was from a really great family and that she was also childhood friends with the vice-president and president.

"The proposals that you submitted need to be revised again," Yin Mei said, getting straight to the point. She didn't really want to deal with her for too long, or else who knew who she would go crying to about being bullied.

"E-eh? Wh-what w-was wrong with them..." Wen Hua said. Even though Yin Mei wasn't even doing anything, it already looked like she was being bullied by her. See? This was why she didn't like dealing with this type of person.

"They don't comply to the school rules. Did you not read the student handbook when you first entered our school?" Yin Mei said, and Wen Hua seemed to shrink into herself as Yin Mei looked down on her.

"N-no..." Wen Hua said, slightly embarrassed. She was already so busy with studying, who had the time to read the student handbook? In the first place, not many people would read that anyways.

Aside from maybe He Lanying, that is. So Yin Mei had all the school rules clearly remembered. For most of the members of the student council, though they might not have the handbook memorized, they had been at this school since kindergarten and had a good grasp of the rules as well, even if they hadn't read the handbook at all.

"Then you should quickly read and memorize it so you don't make this mistake again." Yin Mei once more sighed. "We're so busy, yet you made such a basic mistake... It's clear that you lack the basic understanding of the school necessary for a member of the student council, yet that idiot had to go an invite you..."

"Who are you calling an idiot?" A deep and annoyed voice echoed, and Wen Hua jumped like a scared rabbit while Yin Mei coldly turned around without a change in expression.

Rong Sheng was standing behind her with his chin slightly raised, a man in a black suit and sunglasses behind him whispering in his ear before bowing and taking his leave. "Aside from you, who else is there?" He Lanying replied haughtily. "You invited this girl, so how about you take responsibility for her mistakes and resign already? Yao Heyan does more than you ever do anyways. I'm sure even if you're gone, no one will miss you."

Yin Mei's words were sharp and biting, but also completely true. Rong Sheng was constantly absent from the student council room and duties due to handling matters at his father's company, yet since when had the student council ever been inconvenienced because of that? The answer was never.

"You've got nerve, saying something like that to me." Rong Sheng said, but the two both knew that he wouldn't take any action against her for it, except maybe something petty, like ordering all of her favorite sweets at the lounge for himself.

But, their families got along well, and they were childhood friends after all. He Lanying had understood Rong Sheng's personality, and Rong Sheng had understood He Lanying's personality... well, at least, as much as could be expected from someone like him.

Plus, because He Lanying was a complete tsundere, she always talked to him in this manner. He was basically used to it already.

"What? You know it's true." Yin Mei answered curtly. This guy was mostly only in it because this position was the highest in the school, and he had to always be number one.

"If she doesn't know then she can learn. She ranked higher than me and Yao Heyan in the midterm exams, so she isn't incapable." Rong Sheng said, but Yin Mei looked at Wen Hua with a disdainful gaze. She was just book smart, but one also needed more than that to be able to succeed in life. Plus, all of Wen Hua's actions just made her doubt what level her IQ was really at. Aside from being good a studying and tests, she was an idiot at everything else.

She really wanted to yell at whoever wrote such a stupid character.

Yin Mei finally looked away, seeming to let it go. "As long as she doesn't slow us down, then that's fine. But if she does, then no matter what you say, your eyes are clearly the incapable ones."

Rong Sheng raised in eyebrow. Why is it that Wen Hua's incapability would suddenly become his own? If this wasn't He Lanying but someone else instead, he definitely would have already destroyed their social life.

But, he knew that He Lanying was someone whose words were sharper than her actions, though what he didn't know was that was only toward himself... And what he further didn't know was that He Lanying was now different, and those words had been spoken in complete seriousness.

2/9 regular chapters of the week.

Chapter 50 milestone, yay!

Song of the Day: Dancing With Our Hands Tied by Taylor Swift (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq6d1_e6ysY)

littlemistcreators' thoughts