
I’m The Protagonist?! 1

Waking up in a wooden chair, Feng Shi immediately searched her mind for the host's memories and this world's trajectory.

The host's name, just like before, was also Feng Shi.

She grew up with the life of a pampered princess but her mother, a famous great doctor, thought of her humility and kindness, ensuring that she was not spoiled rotten.

However, her perfect life ended in a blazing fire.

Their vacation villa in the mountain mysteriously caught fire. Her father was in the nearby city for an impromptu meeting while she and her mother were baking cookies.

All was going well, she was laughing and giggling with a face full of powder with her mother one minute, and the next, an explosion occurred.

Panicked, her mother tried to put the fire out. Unfortunately, it only ended with more flames bursting. The host always had nightmares of that day, the blazing fire that would seemingly engulf her at any second, and her mother's frantic action of trying to open the locked door of the kitchen.

She cried and cried as her mother called for help and tried her best to save her life. In the end, her mother could only coax her to slip through a small ventilation window when the smell of gasoline was becoming stronger and stronger.

She didn't want to leave her mother behind and tried her best to grasp her mother's clothes. But it was to no avail as her mother coaxed her with the promises of her return, of both of their safety.

But, as she jumped into the bushes below, an explosion knocked her mid-way. When she finally regained consciousness, she was already in a hospital’s private room three days after the so-called accident.

She searched the historical for her mother frantically and zealously but only to receive the informed information of the shocking news of her mother’s death. Somehow, deep down, she knew that someone couldn't survive that explosion. But she dared not believe it. She refused to acknowledge it, but she faced the cold hard truth. She no longer had a choice but to accept it.

Devastated, she shut everyone out. She blamed her father for not being there for her mother. If he had been there, her mother would have been alive. If he had not been so busy with her work, they wouldn't have gone to the villa, and her mother wouldn't have tried to make the perfect dinner so that he would spend more time with them.

What truly pulled the distance between the two was a month after her mother's death, her father introduced her to three strangers, a woman and a boy two years older than her, and a girl her age.

He told her that they would be her new mother and siblings from then on.

Needless to say that she was shocked and enraged by this turn of events. It hadn't even been that long since her mother’s burial.

In front of her father, the woman had treated her as one of her own, the girl acts like a good sister, and the brother pretends to be dotting. But away from her father's eyes, were harsh words of insults and ridicule, cold eyes full of disgust and never-ending bullying.

It did not help that her father had buried himself in his work after her mother's death.

Growing up in this environment, she slowly started to cave into herself. She had no one to rely on aside from the butler that had always treated her like his own daughter. The butler that she had come to see as her uncle. But the trio was cautious enough towards the butler as he was her father's childhood friend since the butler before him was also his father.

The brother could care less about her besides his disgusted look but the mother and daughter Dou did her best to take her father from her.

From framing her to turning events against her. Small things accumulated into big matters to the point that her father became more and more distant from her.

It was only when she started high school that she met a bubbly girl who finally managed to bring her out of her shell.

She started to smile again after a few months with her new friends and was even dub as

the school flower because of her charming looks.

Her supposed brother and sister had gone to another country to study there, and as such she finally managed to regain her peaceful life.

Everything was finally going well for her that is until the sister once again returned and went to her school during her last senior year.

Without her mother's help, the girl could not do much against her in school and it can be said that although charming, the girl could not compare to her blooming beauty.

But, the girl was not impatient, instead, she took her time and through various instances of 'bullying' managed to turn everyone against her aside from her two best friends who firmly stood by her side through it all, and the school's male God, her most loyal suitor, and friend.

This only managed to irritate the girl more since, the first time she saw him, she had fallen in love with the gentle boy.

However, no matter what trick she used those three just won't leave her and so she simply asked her brother to help.

The next day, the fact that her friend's father used to be in jail for being a drug addict and dealer circulated throughout the school, and her other friend's company began to have problems with the laws and sooner went bankrupt.

The male god's background was not simple however and so the siblings could not do anything to him.

But during their check on her friends' background, the trio realized something, and that was that she was investigating them and her mother's accident.

They could not allow her to keep on digging around.

This was what led to her demise.

They gave her a fake lead and led her to an abandoned warehouse where she was met with an ambush and brutally killed.

What astounded her however was the information Xiao Wang provided after.

This goddamn host was THE! PROTAGONIST! The heaven's favorite. But since she did not act according to her fate, she did not fall for the male lead, she did not win back her father's love, and did not face slap the trio. The consciousness of this world decided to eliminate her and choose her fake sister as the one to fulfill her role as protagonist. But for the transfer to happen, this roadblock must be removed.

She frowned heavily in confusion before summoning Xiao Wang by her side.

"If I am the protagonist or the failed protagonist, how am I going to collect the world's energy now?"

In response to that, Xiao Wang proudly raised his head before answering with a grin. "Master doesn't need to worry. We can just use the host's body to siphon the world's energy. The world's consciousness cannot transfer the halo until the host dies. I bet it never thought that it would give us an opening though hahaha."

That... Strangely made some sense to her.

"So, all master has to do is fulfill the host's wishes. And just do your best to learn here. However, we do need to be careful with the world's consciousness but as long as we try to give it a satisfying end, it should not be a problem" Xiao Wang added as an afterthought.

"And what can be considered as a satisfying result?" She asked doubtfully which made Xiao Wang silent for a while.

"It should be as long as you have a happily ever after..." Xiao Wang answered uncertainly in a small voice making Feng Shi sigh in resignation.

"It seems that the world's consciousness was dissatisfied by her lack of cooperation with its trajectory which is to counter-attack and not remain passive which the host has done and to clear the misunderstandings with her father" She thoughtfully said which sounded feasible.

As for the host's wish. It was to find out the truth about her mother's death. It was unreasonable for the servants to not help at the last minute. Thinking about it, there was the head maid in the villa then but how come she did not do anything to help at all?

The butler was unavailable then as he was on leave at the time. The second was to clear her name and expose the three as the horrible people that they are. This one, she would gladly do without hesitation as that trio disgusted her.

And the last one was to protect her friends. With Xiao Wang as a cheat, this would be easy but, this would mean that she is relying on an outside force to fulfill her mission. She cannot allow herself to be reliant on Xiao Wang entirely as she is unaware of what might happen in the future. With that in mind, since this world was created for her to learn, she decided to master computer science! It helps that she has photographic memory though.

Alright! Now that she has a direction in mind, she decided to act upon it now.