

IT'S NOT MY STORY I TRANSLATE THIS NOVEL BECAUSE RECENTLY I LIKE QUICK TRANSMIGRATION NOVEL AND IN WEBNOVEL APP THIS CAN'T FIND SO I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU Little four: Your task is to fulfill the original wish, to care for the big brother, avoid suffering, avoid drifting away, avoid blackening, warm him, and love him . Su Qiao: Oh, understand, grab him, hide him, and then photograph him with a warm baby. But… it didn’t feel very dark, but rather a little cute. How did you feel fat? Xiao Sier: Hmph, host, you are still too young. The big man looked bloodthirsty and stared at Xiao Si: Who are you humming? Want to shit? later…… Su Qiao wanted to cry without tears: Xiaosi, help! I will never hate you anymore! The little four shivered, turned around and fled: Host, don’t persuade, show your courage, let’s roll up our sleeves and do it

Fiercearcane · Sci-fi
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941 Chs

Chapter 511: Gao Leng, the actor, please hug (18)

"Su Qiao!" Xia Yao was very angry, biting heavily, with a warning.

The more anxious she is, the happier Su Qiao will be.

This woman, even if she cheated away her clone, now she even dared to remember her own man.

It's almost reckless!

"What are you talking about?"

Looking at the two people who seemed to be very familiar with each other, Fu Jingyao's eyes flashed a suspicion, and his eyes fell on Su Qiao's body.

Did she recognize Xia Yao?

Still, she actually recognized herself, but she just didn't want to recognize herself?

Heh, this woman is as cold-blooded as ever.

Since he recognized himself, he didn't even mention a word, as if he was just a stranger.

Sure enough, she shouldn't have too much expectations of her.

Xia Yao hurriedly stood up: "It's nothing, I want to ask her to let me stay. After all, we are in a group. It's not a good separation."

Xia Yao didn't want to be separated from Fu Jingyao, she would be even more vigilant when she saw Su Qiao.

Su Qiao gave her a look: "Want to stay?"

"Yes, I can only sleep on the sofa."

Xia Yao was too late to be happy, and almost died of anger in the next moment.

Who is she?

She is a big star now, how dare this woman let her sleep on the sofa?

Endured and endured, Xia Yao pulled a slightly stiff corner of her mouth and said, "Can I sleep with you? Anyway, we are all women, so we can sleep together..."

Su Qiao doesn't care if she's shooting now, she doesn't give her any face:

"I am not used to sleeping with people, especially strangers."

"Also, I have a poor sleeping posture, thinking about the day and dreaming at night. Sometimes I have dreams of hitting wild boars and wild foxes. If you are not afraid of me hurting you, then come."

As soon as Su Qiao's words fell, there was a lot of noise in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, anyone else has this kind of dream? Still thinking day by day, dreaming at night, why doesn't she say that she fights tigers?"

"Hmph, she is obviously embarrassing us Xia Yao."

"That is, a little village girl dares to let us Xia Yao sleep on the sofa. Who does she think she is?"

"Isn't it just a broken wooden house? What kind of luxurious villa?"

"Broken wooden house? Such a beautiful broken wooden house, can you also get one out and have a look?"

"And they are right. After you changed to you, a stranger suddenly ran into your house. Not only did you want to live in your house, but you also had to sleep on a bed with you. Can you get used to it?"

"That is, I didn't see that they lived alone without relatives? If you change me, don't even want to come in."

"You should also be sensible when chasing stars, and don't use trivial things to do harm to others."

"By the way, didn't you really find it? Isn't this owner's face the owner of the photo that has been very popular on the Internet recently?"

Someone finally found the owner of Su Qiao's previous controversial photo.

"It's really yeah, no wonder how I feel so familiar."

"Everyone guessed wrong. They are not P, nor are they posing for photos, nor are they doing shows. They are just a beautiful little village girl who lives in the mountains and makes a living by hunting and farming."

"Yeah, in this lens, there is no makeup at all. People are so beautiful."

In the living room of the log cabin, Su Qiao paused and looked tentatively at Fu Jingyao with a pensive expression: "Or, you are willing to give her the house and you sleep on the sofa?"

Fu Jingyao's face turned dark, and he turned and went back to the room: "I'm tired, go back to sleep."

In the live broadcast room, everyone was amused by the scene.

"Brother Haha Yao's face is so dark that he can almost compare with the bottom of the pot, photographer brother, please follow up and see if he is sleeping in real or fake."

"I bet a pack of spicy strips, it must be a fake sleep, he obviously doesn't want to get involved between the two women."

The photographer brother lived up to his expectations, and indeed followed into the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)