

IT'S NOT MY STORY I TRANSLATE THIS NOVEL BECAUSE RECENTLY I LIKE QUICK TRANSMIGRATION NOVEL AND IN WEBNOVEL APP THIS CAN'T FIND SO I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU Little four: Your task is to fulfill the original wish, to care for the big brother, avoid suffering, avoid drifting away, avoid blackening, warm him, and love him . Su Qiao: Oh, understand, grab him, hide him, and then photograph him with a warm baby. But… it didn’t feel very dark, but rather a little cute. How did you feel fat? Xiao Sier: Hmph, host, you are still too young. The big man looked bloodthirsty and stared at Xiao Si: Who are you humming? Want to shit? later…… Su Qiao wanted to cry without tears: Xiaosi, help! I will never hate you anymore! The little four shivered, turned around and fled: Host, don’t persuade, show your courage, let’s roll up our sleeves and do it

Fiercearcane · Sci-fi
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941 Chs

Chapter 509: Gao Leng, the actor, please hug (16)

Su Qiao raised her eyebrows and looked at the woman with a faint smile: "What? Do you know me?"

It's been ten years, and this woman can see herself at a glance.

It can be seen that over the years, this woman has always remembered what happened back then.

Just remember.

It's fun to remember.

Fu Jingyao glanced at Xia Yao who was a little panicked, then lowered her eyes to cover up a trace of loss that he didn't even notice.

When Fu Jingyao looked over, Xia Yao suddenly became sober and hurriedly shook her head: "I don't know."

"Really?" Su Qiao responded lightly.

The strange atmosphere between the three of them gave Director Lu a trace of doubt in his heart.

[Host, he is your younger brother and the demon king. ]

444 is also a little confused now.

When it didn't meet the big devil, it couldn't find him.

Only after encountering the scan, will you know who he is.

But this is the situation...My brother has become a man...

It feels a little weird.

[Host, how do I feel that the person is not good? ]

Looking at the indifference of the Great Demon King who is not close to strangers, it seems to be very uncomfortable.

I don't know if it's against Su Qiao, or he is this temperament himself?

Su Qiao narrowed his eyes slightly: "Haha, sure enough."

When she first said about the man's tragic life, she said that a sense of familiarity came to her face.

Her man, which life is not a miserable life?

It is simply that God is asking him for trouble, and he will be abused thousands of times throughout the world, forcing him to be blackened.

"Look at how much his blackening value is."

444 is very heartbroken:

[It was originally 8%, but after I saw you just now, it grew to 9% suddenly, so host, is it better for you to stay away from him? ]

does not fall but rises, how big is this resentment?

"Don't worry, this guy is just a squiggly M. Just a few more beats."

Su Qiao didn't pay attention to the man's cold air at all.

[...]Suddenly felt that the big devil was a little sheep, and stupidly slammed into the mouth of the evil wolf like Su Qiao.

444 was silent for a moment: [Ahem, domestic violence is undesirable. ]

Director Lu gave the photographer behind him a wink, and then said to Su Qiao: "Miss, we'll start shooting as soon as we enter the yard, don't you mind?"

"Whatever." Su Qiao turned and walked in front, leading them inside.

A group of four stepped into the yard, and was immediately fascinated by the scenery in front of them.

Director Lu opened his mouth wide: "You... your yard is so beautiful, no wonder you are reluctant to let us live in."

"Well, a new house just renovated."

Su Qiao glanced at Fu Jingyao and explained patiently: "It's not reluctant, but it's just a habit to live alone."

"And I live alone, for the sake of safety, I have to be cautious."

Director Lu nodded: "That's right, you are a girl, and a stranger suddenly lives in the house. It's really not very good."

When he was in the village, he had already inquired that Su Qiao was an orphan and had no relatives.

glanced at Fu Jingyao's cold face again, Su Qiao's heart moved: "Well, why don't you go find another house?"

Fu Jingyao finally got an expression, "Director Lu, nothing is wrong with you."

"Okay, I just happen to have a lot of things left to do, so I'll go ahead and do it first."

Director Lu finished speaking, and left in a hurry.

Fu Jingyao finally gave alms to Su Qiao, but with indifference: "Where do I live?"

Install it! Just pretend!

See when you can install it!

Su Qiao pouted.

walked to the remaining bedroom and opened the door: "You live in this room."

"New, no one has lived, there are new quilts and duvet covers in the cabinet, you can put them on yourself."

Fu Jingyao pursed his lips, a little overbearing and said: "I won't, you help me."

(End of this chapter)