

IT'S NOT MY STORY I TRANSLATE THIS NOVEL BECAUSE RECENTLY I LIKE QUICK TRANSMIGRATION NOVEL AND IN WEBNOVEL APP THIS CAN'T FIND SO I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU Little four: Your task is to fulfill the original wish, to care for the big brother, avoid suffering, avoid drifting away, avoid blackening, warm him, and love him . Su Qiao: Oh, understand, grab him, hide him, and then photograph him with a warm baby. But… it didn’t feel very dark, but rather a little cute. How did you feel fat? Xiao Sier: Hmph, host, you are still too young. The big man looked bloodthirsty and stared at Xiao Si: Who are you humming? Want to shit? later…… Su Qiao wanted to cry without tears: Xiaosi, help! I will never hate you anymore! The little four shivered, turned around and fled: Host, don’t persuade, show your courage, let’s roll up our sleeves and do it

Fiercearcane · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
941 Chs

Chapter 240: The black man, so innocent (15)

"Supernatural violent disorder?" Su Qiao looked for relevant information in his mind.

Dad Su thought that his daughter was also a mutant now, and quickly helped her popularize knowledge.

"Ability violent disorder, which usually happens to some high-level abilities."

"Some are caused by the ability to reach the apex of level 9 and cannot cross the level 10 card, and some are for the sake of being strong, but because of personal aptitude, unable to advance further, and want to force a breakthrough."

"Once a supernatural violent disorder occurs, the outcome is either to become a bloodthirsty and murderous lunatic, to be killed by the upper echelon, or to die in violence."

"In short, the ending will be as miserable as it is, but the research institute has been studying for many years, and I heard that there is still no way."

Dad Su's eyes fell on the man on the bed, with some regrets:

"His ability level should be very high, it should be forcible cultivation or breakthrough, and it became what it is now."

Su Qiao was taken aback.

Isn't this the same as she used to forcibly break through through cultivation and become crazy?

"There is no effective training method, and no cure for it?" Su Qiao felt strange.

It's been hundreds of years since the end of the world. Whatever the case, some effective methods should have been researched out.

"How to practice?"

Dad Su shook his head slightly, with a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth:

"Someone has studied it before, but in the end all ended in failure. As for the effective treatment medicine, there is no such thing for now."

paused, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes:

"Your mother...your mother found out that her abilities started to riot, fearing to hurt us, so she... just accepted such a dangerous task, and finally..."

Which is she to complete the task, she committed suicide at all.

When he arrived, there was only one last breath left.

He only hates that he knows it's too late, it's too late to go, if it could be earlier...

Su Qiao didn't know how to comfort this sad man, so she patted him on the shoulder: "It's all over."

"By the way, mother's power core..."

Su Yunyan did not get the power core, so he would not give up.

Papa Su wiped the corners of his eyes and strengthened again.

"Xiao Qiao, it was not that Dad refused to give you your mother's power core, but your physique was a little poor, even if you used the power core, you couldn't make it through."

"Besides, using power cores to stimulate abilities, the success rate is only 23%, I..."

If he is allowed to choose, he would rather choose to let his daughter live a life as an ordinary person.

This way at least life is still there.

"And you are already a power mutant now, let's not use this power core, okay?"

Su Qiao saw his misunderstanding, and quickly explained: "I didn't say to use it, I just want to see what it looks like."

Su's dad hesitated: "Xiao Qiao, your mom has gone, and you are the only dad."

"Look in front of you, isn't it okay?"

Su Qiao actually just wanted to see it with his own eyes and touch it.

Look at what kind of existence it is.

"That... okay." Dad Su couldn't help but pulled out the black rope around his neck.

took out a small blue diamond crystal from the small cloth bag hanging on it and handed it to her.

"This is the power core?"

Su Qiao looked at the small sapphire crystal in his hand in surprise.

She can feel that there is indeed a strong energy substance in it.

Papa Su nodded slightly and fell into the memory.

"Your mother is a very special ice-type supernatural ability person, she was born a supernatural genius."

"At a young age, I have risen to a height that most people can't rise in a lifetime, and become a level 9 ability person."

"Plus your mother is very beautiful, at that time, people outside called her the ice queen of our North City."

"Then why did she choose you?"

(End of this chapter)