

IT'S NOT MY STORY I TRANSLATE THIS NOVEL BECAUSE RECENTLY I LIKE QUICK TRANSMIGRATION NOVEL AND IN WEBNOVEL APP THIS CAN'T FIND SO I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU Little four: Your task is to fulfill the original wish, to care for the big brother, avoid suffering, avoid drifting away, avoid blackening, warm him, and love him . Su Qiao: Oh, understand, grab him, hide him, and then photograph him with a warm baby. But… it didn’t feel very dark, but rather a little cute. How did you feel fat? Xiao Sier: Hmph, host, you are still too young. The big man looked bloodthirsty and stared at Xiao Si: Who are you humming? Want to shit? later…… Su Qiao wanted to cry without tears: Xiaosi, help! I will never hate you anymore! The little four shivered, turned around and fled: Host, don’t persuade, show your courage, let’s roll up our sleeves and do it

Fiercearcane · Sci-fi
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941 Chs

Chapter 116 The sick prince is too clingy (37)

General    said a long time ago that her lady was extremely smart when she was a child, like a child prodigy.

Although he fell ill later, but his temper became simpler, he was not a fool.

But the people outside don't believe it.

Hmph, there are times when they suffer!


The Second Prince's Mansion.

Duan Muyuan looked solemn when he heard that his subordinates had missed.

Fearing that Duanmuhan would get in the way, in order to completely solve him, he sent two teams this time, but he did not expect to be defeated.

"Where is Su Qiao?"

Duan Muyuan was not only for the anger that Juxianlou received today, but also just in case.

After all, his father wanted to give him this woman Su Qiao as a concubine from a very early time.

Although the father didn't mention it after the woman burned her brain, he never corrected her concubine.

I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case his good father gets a fever one day.

"Miss Su...It's okay."

"Not dead yet?"

Duan Muyuan completely cold his face, and kicked it out: "You can't handle even a woman, what do I want you to do?"

The subordinate did not dare to complain at all. After getting up, he hurriedly kneeled down respectfully and said, "Your Highness, please punish me."

"Get me down."

Duan Muyuan was full of anger when he thought that he had lost so many people, not even a woman was killed.

Wei's eyes shot out a cold light: "Huh, I didn't expect it to be a hidden wolf."

"My good third brother, you are really amazing, you have hidden under my nose for so many years."

"What on earth do you want to do?"

"Do you still want to use your dilapidated body that will die at any time, won't you win the throne with me?"

Because of this, no one of them took him seriously before.


When no one noticed, such a wolf was raised.


Because of the sudden disappearance of Su Ruifeng, the general protector of the country, the tribe in Saibei was a little ready to move. Therefore, the emperor decided to advance the autumn hunting in Saibei this year.

Don't know why, he suddenly ordered Su Qiao and Sister Su Yan to follow.

No need to pretend to be a small servant, Su Qiao generously sat on the road in the carriage.

Su Yan, who was a little haggard at first, didn't know what good things had happened these days, her whole face was radiant, and she looked much better than before.

The two sisters were sitting in the same carriage, and Su Yan did not act as a monster along the way.

just occasionally secretly glanced at Su Qiao with a triumphant look.

Su Qiao's gaze swept secretly over her left wrist, and then she should eat, sleep, and look happy.

scrupulously guarding men and women, Duanmuhan did not come to pester her along the way.

Just from time to time, Shibei will send her some delicious and fun things.

When she arrived in Saibei, in addition to food, she also sent her a lot of Saibei clothes and accessories.

In Su Qiao's tent, Su Yan looked at the things on the couch a little jealously: "His Royal Highness is really kind to my sister."

Although she was a sick child who would die at any time, Su Yan had to admit that the man was really kind to Su Qiao, a fool.

Thinking of the second prince Duan Muyuan's indifference to him these days, it is even more uncomfortable in my heart.

She originally thought that with her charm, Duan Muyuan had been fascinated by herself, but she didn't expect that it was just a small incident, and he was anxious to avoid suspicion.

Su Yan came here after all, and her mind was not completely assimilated.

She didn't realize how serious it is in this era for a woman who has not been out of the cabinet to spend a night in the wild with a few gangsters.

In the eyes of the world, she is no different from being unmarried and losing her virginity.

is even more serious.

(End of this chapter)