

IT'S NOT MY STORY I TRANSLATE THIS NOVEL BECAUSE RECENTLY I LIKE QUICK TRANSMIGRATION NOVEL AND IN WEBNOVEL APP THIS CAN'T FIND SO I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU Little four: Your task is to fulfill the original wish, to care for the big brother, avoid suffering, avoid drifting away, avoid blackening, warm him, and love him . Su Qiao: Oh, understand, grab him, hide him, and then photograph him with a warm baby. But… it didn’t feel very dark, but rather a little cute. How did you feel fat? Xiao Sier: Hmph, host, you are still too young. The big man looked bloodthirsty and stared at Xiao Si: Who are you humming? Want to shit? later…… Su Qiao wanted to cry without tears: Xiaosi, help! I will never hate you anymore! The little four shivered, turned around and fled: Host, don’t persuade, show your courage, let’s roll up our sleeves and do it

Fiercearcane · Sci-fi
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941 Chs

Chapter 114 The sick prince is too clingy (35)

Miss has not yet been out of the cabinet, how can she hug a man?

She knew that the third prince was uneasy and kind to her young lady.

Su Qiao blinked: "Sister Chunhua, the old man said, I can get in touch with whoever pleases my eyes."

said, he pulled Duanmuhan and said straightforwardly: "I think he is very pleasing to the eye."

Although   Spring painting is good in martial arts, she is also a girl who has not been out of the pavilion, and she blushes for a while:

"But...but he is a man, you...you can't get too close."

Hmph, these three princes are obviously looking at her young lady's innocent temperament, so she is taking advantage of her.

Duanmuhan glanced at Chunhua with a gloomy look, with a warning.

If this little girl is not from Jojo, just say this, and he immediately pinched her to death.

Chunhua's scalp was numb, but thinking about the safety of her own lady, she gritted her teeth and carried the general out:

"Miss, if... if the general knew, he would be very angry."

Su Qiao's eyes flashed, and he gently pushed Duanmu Han:

"Have you heard? Don't lean too close to me, or my dad will beat you."

If Papa Su is here, it is really possible to beat him.

"..." Duan Muhan's entire face turned black.

General Su this is dead and restless.

I was angry but couldn't make hair to the person I liked, so I just glanced at Shibei on the side coldly: "What are you still doing in a daze? Dispose of the body."

"Dispose of the dead body?"

As soon as Su Qiao heard this, he immediately took out a small white jade bottle from another small embroidered bag and handed it to Shibei: "Here, this, one drop is enough."

Shibei didn't know whether to pick up or not, so he looked at his master.

Duanmuhan raised his eyelids: "Let you take it, you just take it."

"Miss, what is this?" Chun Hua was a little curious.

"This is the bone-forming water I got out last night." Su Qiao's expression remained unchanged, as if it were no big deal.

"Transform...to bone water?"

When   chunhua heard the name, her hair went frightened and her vest became cold.

"It's just a trial product, there are two kinds of poisonous weeds to find."

Duanmuhan immediately grabbed her little hand when he heard this, "I'll get you what you want."

"Okay, I'll go back and make a list for you." Su Qiao didn't know how to be polite at all.

Chunhua looked at the hands held by the two of them, opened their mouths, blushing and was about to talk, when they heard the strange cry of the paralyzed face from Shi Bei.

Looking for the reputation, he found that Shi Bei Na Mu did not know what horrible thing he saw, and the whole person quickly retreated several strides back and forth.

The guards and secret guards who were planning to listen to the corpse were also dumbfounded.

I saw the corpse where Shi Bei had dropped a drop of potion just now, and a burst of blue smoke rose from the sound of 'Zi Zi'.

Soon afterwards, even with the clothes, there was only one paralyzed black water left.

is just a small drop, not even bones left...

is really like a name, it's bone water....

If this thing drops on a living person...

As long as they think of this scene, everyone just feels that their backs are cold.

At this moment, Su Qiao became a more terrifying existence in their hearts than their master.

Spring Painting, the whole person is messed up in the wind, and my mind is blank.

She... her lady, when did she become so scary?

"Little...Miss, this, this...who is this...who taught you?" Does her general know?

Su Qiao had an innocent expression on his face, and said very naturally: "The teacher that Dad invited taught me."

"But she didn't teach me this kind of thing. This is what I saw in the booklet I took from her."


Spring painting is not good for the whole person.

(End of this chapter)