

"Is he your acquaintance?" Xu Jiaqi was intrigued.

Big Brother is Angry!: I wouldn't say so, but I have spoken to him a couple times. Both of us are frequent visitors of Archaen's Light's community platform, so we have talked a bit there.

Xu Jiaqi pursed her lips as she thought. "I see... Well, today's stream doesn't have a topic yet. What do you want me to do? Spend more money?"

Big Brother is Angry!: Well.. if you could get me another skin.. I would be eternally grateful!

Big Brother is Angry!: If you do so, then I will lead you to play Archaen's Light if you want! I'm a pretty high ranker, and I could definitely bring you to places. You say it, I'll take you there!!

Big Brother is Angry!: Trust this big brother!