
3.68 [M]

"I agree with everything that we have decided upon today, I don't have any discomfort in proceeding with it for sure." He Yiyuan was the first to voice his approval. "I have to thank you Advisor Xu. If it wasn't for you, how could we have achieved this kind of understanding?"

His kind comment was not made simply because he wanted to curry favor with Xu Jiaqi, but rather because he genuinely admired her, who was able to think in a fast speed akin to none when dealing with the tough topics that they had to bring up for the sake of their major moves.

Xu Jiaqi was logical, concise, and decisive. If he had to name a person who could be considered his equal, it would be her. And only her.

She was so perfect that his standards were raised to impossible levels, making him unable to look away and search for another potential partner. He didn't know whether this was a blessing or not, because truthfully, he didn't need any woman in his life to rule.