
Quick transmigration: Novel world rectifier

Andrew wins a new age gaming device that promises a gaming experience no different from the real world. It claims to able to let the blind have vision in the game world! ... [The great Dao has created 3,000 small worlds, the worlds are based on novels made by the most creative creatures from the first world it created. Then the great Dao let it's subordinates, the heavenly Dao, oversee the small worlds, but now, it has been accused of being unfair! The protagonists of some worlds have too much luck and cheats, and so, they bring lack of balance to these worlds. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to travel to these worlds and rectify the situation. The more worlds you rectified, the greater the reward you shall receive!]

chrysantheater · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Sea of suffering

That's right, Andrew's planned path of action it to print a newspaper journal.

Not only will he be able to make money via the newspaper, and expose the abnormality of Garfield, but he will also be able to advertise for Garfield's business opponents.

This is a move that will be able to kill 3 birds with one stone!

The old artisan promised to complete a prototype of the press printer within 2 days, given the lack of technology in this world, such efficiency was very fast.

Satisfied with the old man, Andrew told the butler to double his pay.

Looking at the moonlit night sky as he left the side hall, Andrew realized that it was already very late.

He ordered one of the maidservants to prepare some bath water for him, to ready himself for bed.

"Sir, a letter from your fiance just arrived a few minutes ago, and it has been placed in the study."

Mordecai, the house keeper/ butler reported.


Had he not been reminded, Andrew would have totally forgotten that the character he is playing as has a fiance.

Given how super realistic this "game" is, Andrew really didn't know what kind of attitude he should have towards this woman.

"Then I will trouble you to go fetch it for me."


Dear Mathew

It has been a few days since we last met, I hope this letter reaches you in good health.

My parents invite you over for dinner tomorrow evening, but you don't have to come if you don't feel like it.

My mother will personally prepare the food, and I will cook a few dishes as well.

Yours sincerely,



The general meaning Andrew got from this letter was: "why haven't you visited me these past few days? I don't miss you at all I was forced to invite you, but you better come over, hmph!"

Andrew felt a bit amused by this letter.

"This girl seems to have a bit of a tsundere character in her."

"A tsun- what?"

Mordecai was confused by the new term.

Andrew just awkwardly cleared his throat, and shook his hand to indicate that he should ignore it.

He wondered if he should write back, after all, he was not really Mathew, and although it was just a game, to him, these "NPC's" were no different from living and breathing humans.

If he acted differently, Latoya would most likely notice that he had suddenly changed.

Most importantly he felt uncomfortable with this feeling of stealing someone's life, and inheriting his relationships.

In the end, he decided to write back, and simply accept the dinner invitation in a few words, without adding too many emotions.


Dear Latoya

Thank you for the invitation, I will arrive on time.


The reason he accepted the dinner invitation was because he had a scene with the protagonist at the occasion, and he needs to show up.

The response letter was handed to the house keeper to arrange the delivery, as Andrew went to wash himself.


The next day.

Garfield had increased his charging price by to twice the previous number.

The board written "20 silver" was quite eye-catching, but there was still a group of people surrounding him.

Most of them were just there as a popcorn eating crowd that was there to join in the fun, but there were still a lot of customers.

Even though he had a lot of customers, Garfield was limited in drawing speed, and he could only draw 5 portraits a day.

Inorder to make the most of this situation, of course he had to auction off the drawing spots, hence the money he got from doing portraits skyrocketed.

Currently he was drawing his last portrait of the day, the object being drawn was a cute dog.

The crowd looked enviously at the dog that was chasing it's own tail as it was being drawn.

Not far away from the dog, stood the lady who was Garfield's first customer.

The lady had brought both her husband and dog together with her today, and she snatched 2 of the 5 spots that were auctioned.

It is worth mentioning that after finding out that the lady was married, the protagonist started acting ambiguously towards the lady while her husband was not paying attention.

In his heart, he claimed to be able to see that she was neglected by her husband.

Being an upright man of righteousness, he decided that he will save this lady from the sea of suffering.

As for the lady herself, she went from being very resistant to to Garfield, to slightly less but still resistant.

The protagonist, Garfield is not an impatient manner, and decided to slowly save her.

After spending some time on the painting, Garfield showed the results to the people and packed up for the day.

After being a street painter for two days, Garfield had already made a small fortune for himself, he had accumulated wealth close to 500 silver.

This accumulation of wealth could put all street artists to shame.

Having accumulated so much money, he decided to go get himself some identification documents, after all, it is very inconvenient to live without identification.

Everything went smoothly on his trip, and after greasing the palms of the people in the government office (bribing), he even fabricated his birth place'to be a village a few miles away from Maple city.

After he was done, his next task for the day, he was going to visit the most influential government official in the city, aside from from the city lord.

During the day, he had inquired from the people that patronized his business, and he had concluded that this man, Frank Oswell, was the backer he needs.

So he was going to pay him a visit, and convince him to be his baker.

Garfield was planning on expanding his business scope recently, and he had to get a backer before he started his expansion.

He felt that if he didn't do so, he might be assassinated by his business rivals one day.



Andrew was meeting with the man who had tried to solicit Garfield to work for him.

He was here to enlighten this old fellow who had his IQ dropped.


To be continued

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