
Quick transmigration: Novel world rectifier

Andrew wins a new age gaming device that promises a gaming experience no different from the real world. It claims to able to let the blind have vision in the game world! ... [The great Dao has created 3,000 small worlds, the worlds are based on novels made by the most creative creatures from the first world it created. Then the great Dao let it's subordinates, the heavenly Dao, oversee the small worlds, but now, it has been accused of being unfair! The protagonists of some worlds have too much luck and cheats, and so, they bring lack of balance to these worlds. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to travel to these worlds and rectify the situation. The more worlds you rectified, the greater the reward you shall receive!]

chrysantheater · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Hawk family

Before going home, Garfield walked around to check up on his new recruits.

To his surprise, 8 out of 10 of them had not set up stalls on the places they to!

If it were just one or two of them, then it wouldn't be a big deal, after all, it could be explained by sickness or something, but 80 percent meant that something was wrong.

Garfield decided to investigate the cause, and he found out from the present few that someone had tried to poach them.

The person who recruited them was actually the same person who had tried but failed to win over a few day ago.

"Courting death!"

Garfield felt very murderous, ever since he came to this world, almost everything went smoothly for him, and this was the second major setback he had encountered.

This man just became the second person he would kill after he became a strong martial artist, the first being the carriage driver who threw horse poop at him.

The poacher gave very generous terms to them, the terms were so generous that Garfield even wondered why these few people remained with him.

"Ungrateful bastards!"

He couldn't help swearing at the people that betrayed him.

"After all I have done for them, how dare they treat me like this?!"

"If it wasn't for my knowledge and the skills I imparted onto them would they be coveted by other people?"

Thinking of how that man would use his own skill to make money, thinking of the two women he had an eye on but now suddenly ditched him, he couldn't suppress his anger.

Garfield kicked a dog that was walking on the same path as him.

The dog was dumbfounded at first, then angrily growled menacingly at him without really attacking.

Realizing what he just did, Garfield came back to his senses.

After the initial panic, he realized that the dog was a coward, so he kicked 2 more times before walking away.

A few moments after he left the place, someone else walked by, but he was bitten and chased by a very angry dog.

In the shadows, in different locations, people quickly recorded their observations — 'The power seems to be able to also affect animals.'.

During this period of time, the parties involved have been keeping their eyes on Garfield without making any contact.

The General sent by the imperial court is still fishing for bait using both Collins and Garfield, as for the the yellow wing sect, they were still investigating.

As the two major players on the scene didn't take action, the other players did not take action either, most of them were of the mind of fishing in troubled waters and reaping benefits.

They found the current water (situation) to be too clear, if they tried to arrest Garfield then they might be met with suppression from all sides, so they decided to wait.

Garfield happened to pass by a stall of someone selling candy apples and decided to buy one on a whim.

He took a skewer, handed over the silver, and took a big bite as he walked away.

Unknown to him, a golden light flashed by when he paid, and the the stall owner suddenly stopped him.

"Sir! Sir!"

"Have you ever heard of the Hawk family?"

Garfield turned around with a confused face.

He had to think for a few moments before asking in a low voice,

"You mean thee Hawk family? The imperial city's Hawk family?"

This was the family of the dynasty's current prime minister, a very corrupt man.

If it could be said that the current king owns two fifths of the country, then the prime minister owns another two fifth, of course the last fifth is shared among the big sects.

The numbers are inaccurate due the current chaotic situation, as the control on the imperial court has been dropped way below the original four fifths.

"Yes, the Hawk family,"

The Stall owner could not help but show a smug look.

"Well, you see, I work for the Hawk family!"

"Well, Maple city's Hawk family, which is a distant branch of the imperial city's Hawk family."

Hearing this, Garfield showed a suppicious look, and questioned the authenticity of the words.

"Really? Then why are you selling candy apples here"

As a transmigrator who lived in the twenty first century, Garfield did not believe he would be easily brought fall into a fraud scheme.

Thinking of this he turned around and was about to leave without hesitation.

But, after he turned around, he found that the man he was talking to was actually in front of him!

Garfield looked back to where the man was previously standing, but was met with no shadow of him.

This let him breath a sigh of relief.

'It doesn't look like he is a ghost. He must have used a martial art technique for movement .'

"Hear me out first, okay?"

At this point Garfield realized that this man was actually a martial artist.

From the sweat on his forehead and his slightly ragged breathing, he could tell that the previous action took a lot out of him, meaning that his martial arts level is probably low.

But that was not important, what he found alarming was the fact that there was a martial artist selling candy fruits on his path home!

No matter how down and out a martial artist gets, it would definitely not be to the point of becoming a hawker.

After searching his memory, he realized that this stall was new.

'Then could he have set up this stall to monitor me?'

As a self centered person, Garfield immediately jumped to conclusions, but in this case, like a blind cat chancing upon a dead mouse, he was correct.

Garfield showed a wary look as he took a step back, and he cautiously probed.

"What do you want from me? I don't have money, and I'm not into men."

He was a firm believer in the philosophy that criminals are either motivated by wealth or sex, so he made his position known to his possible perpetrator.

Howard's face darkened when he heard such words, and he responded angrily.

"I'm not into men either ok?!"

He took a deep breath to calm down before continuing.

"Look, I just think you have a great talent, and I want to recruit you for our family."

"You will receive more wealth than you could ever be able to spend."

If he had come to him yesterday, Garfield would definitely tell him to fuck off, but given his current situation, Garfield hesitated.

After thinking about it for a while, Garfield thought that as a person who had transmigrated, he should not spend his life under other people.

As a person destined to shine, how could he possibly give up after such a small set back? So decided to decline the offer.

"Sorry,, I am not interested in working for other people!"

"Wealth? I can make it for myself!"

"As a man born between the heavens and the earth, how could I simply accept an easy life."

Garfield spoke while arrogantly looking at the sky at a forty five degree angle, with his hands behind his back.

Howard was dumbfounded for a few moments, before feeling angry.

He couldn't believe this poor kid actually rejected his solicitation, but for some reason, he felt that he should take him away no matter what.

Seeing that words were not going to work, he decided to directly arrest him.

"You think you have a choice?!"

The man grabbed Garfield's arm and twisted his shoulder.

"Ouch! You... Let me go! Do you have any idea who I am?!"

Howard completely ignored him and dragged him to his carriage.

The people hiding in the shadows were very displeased by this behavior.

"He is just a lackey from a side branch of the Hawk family, how dare he be so courageous?!"

One man muttered in a low voice.

His partner slowly caressed his goatee and narrowed his eyes, while responding.

"He was probably affected by the strange power."

"Impossible! That kid didn't seem to be aware that he was not a candy apple seller at all, so he wouldn't have thought to affect him."

"What if the power can be activated passively?"

"Still impossible! We have been observing him for so long, you should also be aware that not everyone around him is affected by that power."

"Yes, the higher the number of people affected the lower the effect, but, that man was clearly intent on just observing just now, but he suddenly changed his mind, besides..."

"Don't you think that too many coincidences happen in his favor?"

The partner was quite for a while before speaking.

"Many coincidences mean that it is not really a coincidence, right?"


Howard was just to drag to drag Garfield into his carriage when he was stoped by a group of uniformed.

"How courageous! You dare arrest people in the street?"

"Your Hawk family clearly doesn't take our public security bureau seriously!"


To be continued
