
Quick Transmigration: Manual Mode [BL]

[The Host has finished bzz 1000 bzz worlds… C-Con-…] Host:"…this is bullshit." After being sucked into a wormhole and forced to possess bodies after bodies, he had grown tired and readied to disintegrate their soul to finally rest forever. But then the system seemed to break down and remain unresponsive. He thought they might be stuck in that space for eternity until a panel appear in front of their face. [Manual mode in progress] Host:"Manual mode…? After thousands of years doing these tasks, I have never heard of this function?" [Proceed to 1001st world?] [Yes/No] Host:"…Yes?" --- Host: "So this is the manual mode! HAHAHAHA I have to make the best of it!" ................................................. This is something I write for fun because I'm in love with the star-crossed lover trope. So it may be sporadic in updates. I love creating stories but am bad at writing... WARNING: There may be some steamy scenes (not that good at writing it) 1v1, cute-but-not-naive shou x gentle-to-only-shou gong Cover Art by me

Hellanutt · LGBT+
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63 Chs

Married again. (R18)

"Immediately send gifts to the Sun family! This lord will be asking their eldest ger for a hand in marriage! Hahahaha!" Zheng Guozi ordered his servants with a big smile on his face. The moment Sun Gui's carriage was reported to have returned, he had already prepared his best attire to greet his family-in-law.

There was a big spectacle as carriages and horses marched the street. In those carriages were gold and valuable jewels, rare fabrics, and even ancient poem books. There were many treasures that people have never seen before being delivered to the Sun family.

"Isn't that Lord Regent? Has he finally found his beloved?"

"A relative of mine worked in the lord's manor and she told me that his beloved was the beautiful eldest ger of the Sun."

"Huh? Didn't he enter the harem?"

"Stupid! The emperor just abolished the harem. So, he is basically divorced. No wonder the regent was unmarried for so long. The apple of his eyes married the emperor!"

Chatter scattered among the crowd as they speculate about the affair between the two. Sun Gui, who had been waiting for this day, was standing anxiously at the gate.

Behind him were his worried parents. When they heard the decree, they wanted to faint in shock because divorced gers were undesirable. Suddenly, a message from the regent's manor was sent to them soon after, asking for Sun Gui's hand in marriage. They were scared the regent would change his mind so they agreed immediately. Now, they were seeing how grand and desirable their ger son was to the regent.

"Guigui!" The man in red wedding clothes jumped down from the horse. With his handsome sharp jawline pairing with those magnetic eyes, all the people around drooled.

"My Lord!" Sun Gui jumped up in joy and immediately ran into his man's arms. It had been a suffocating time living in the harem knowing he was married to someone else. They ignored all the look of doubt and astonishment of the people around them.

Finally, a sense of relief washed over him as he sank himself into the man's chest. They could finally be together openly again.

Receiving such a tight embrace, the smile on Zheng Guozi's face deepened. He quickly whisked him away after saying goodbye to the Sun family.


As soon as they entered the carriage, Sun Gui's tongue instantly dove inside the man's mouth. He licked and savored the roof, the gum, and the tongue. Their wet tounges entwined and played around. The sensation that Sun Gui had been missing finally resurface. He tightened his arms around the regent's neck and straddled the man's lap. They kissed fiercely on the carriage seat for ten minutes before finally letting go.

Sun Gui leaned onto the man's chest to catch his breath, still holding onto his neck. Zheng Guozi's eyes were full of smiles as he kissed the top of the youth's head. Thanks to their kissing session and 36 years of being a virgin, his dragon was awoken and touching the round butt on top of it right now.

"Baby, I miss you like crazy." However, he dared not act on it in fear that this beauty would run away again. His large hand grabbed the back of the beauty's head and took in the alluring scent. Then he heard a rustle under him.

"Ugh, it's so hard to open these clothes." Sun Gui was struggling to take off the man's robe. Ancient clothes had always been a hassle for him, and with his increasing sex drive in each life he lived with his husband, he soon grew impatient.

The man who was controlling himself finally snapped and helped Sun Gui open his robe. Sun Gui whistled at the revealed abs and pecs as his hand slightly glided over them in admiration until it touched the hard rod. Zheng Guozi's breath became heavy and hot as he looked at his beloved got off his lap. Sun Gui removed his inner pants and lifted the long robe up, displaying the beautiful mermaid line and smooth white legs.

Zheng Guozi marveled at the sight, especially the hard thing between those legs. He pulled Sun Gui to let him sit on his bare lap again.

"Why are you so seductive? You're driving me crazy just by a blink of your eyes." The regent whispered into the beauty's ears. His large hand covered both of their penises and slowly stroked up and down. Their breaths got faster accompanied by sensual moans. The guards outside could only turn a deaf ear.

"Ha... Ha... Ung... Did you... know how much I miss... Ung... you?" Even if Sun Gui met his man immediately after transmigrating, he could not do anything about it as he was still in the emperor's harem. He knew that his husband would sneak into his bed when he fell asleep but how could it compare to when they bared themselves to each other, face-to-face?

Instead of answering, Zheng Guozi's hand started to speed up and his other hand pressed the back of the beauty's head. Sun Gui opened his lips and thrust his tongue into the man's mouth again. His hands grasped tightly at the loose robe of the man's back. His eyes started to become wet from all the stimulation and his face flushed red.

Liquid beads started to flow out of the smaller rod making his hand wet. He used his thumb to press on that tip and heard a hiss of pleasure from the body on top of him. He smeared his thumb around and teased the tip which made the other's back curl, pulling the plump red lips away and pressing the slender body onto himself.

"Ah, stop teasing me!" Sun Gui, in a fit of pleasure and anger, bit the man's ear. But how could it hurt that man? It only brought a bout of ecstasy and his eyes heated up in flame. His hand's movement became faster and rougher until a roar sounded in the carriage. They both released white liquid and dirtied their clothes.

As Sun Gui lay bonelessly onto Zheng Guozi, still straddling the man, he could feel his hole behind was wet with some unknown liquid. It must have been one of the ger's body properties.

The carriage then stopped. They must have arrived at the manor.

"All of you! Dismissed!!" The regent roared a threatening command as he wrapped Sun Gui with his outer robe and then simply tied his clothes. Zheng Guozi opened the carriage to see that his people had retreated and carried Sun Gui in his arms.

He walked hurriedly to the wedding chamber that he had painstakingly prepared the moment Sun Gui said that they were destined. Sun Gui looked at the hurried man with a smile. His arms wrapped around the man's neck again and leaned up to kiss his lips. He slowly removed the clothes on him as well as untied the robe on Zheng Guozi's body.

Zheng Guozi just let him do it while swallowing his saliva in thirst. Articles of clothing trailed behind them, leading to the wedding chamber.

The moment the door closed, there were only two naked bodies facing each other.

The end.

JK I get busy with school so maybe I will continue next week

Hellanuttcreators' thoughts