

Feng Zheng (Lucian) has a multiple personality disorder. He has always loved the night, the parties, the wild and the feeling of adrenaline rush. He had an accident while riding his Yamaha YZF R1 at 250 km/hr. The next thing he knows he is attached to a villain counterattack system. Feng Zheng: System didn't you say that after completing my missions i can live however i want? Then why am i held captive on an unknown island by that perverted lunatic. System: Host you cannot blame System for your own incompetence. Feng Zheng: Didn't you say that I'm the all powerful villain of this world then where did this OP character come from? And how am i suppose to escape this man. System: Host every world has at least one bug like existence, System would advice Host to forget about escaping. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! The Pervert: What the system said is right, wife don't run anymore lets be together forever. Feng Zheng: Who wants to be together with you *personality changes* Hey handsome gets get to know each other....... in bed. . . . *BOTH ROLLS IN SHEETS* . . . NEXT MORNING. . . . Feng Zheng: Yo-You how can you force me....*holds sheets tight* The Pervert: Forced? Wife that is not what you screamed last night *smirk* Feng Zheng: Give me back my chastity wuwuwuw *cries*

_chaos · Fantasy
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4 Chs


As the sun shined bright in the sky Grey had no intentions of getting up.

"Host wake up....." Kai shouted near Grey's ear but he only got a 'Hmmm' in return as Grey turned to other side covered his head with a pillow and fell asleep.

It has been a long time since Feng Zheng could stay in bed all morning, As Feng Zheng the CEO he had no time to lazy around or have a peaceful dream but for the first time in a while he was having a wonderful dream on beach with a dozen of handsome guys, swimming trunks, sexy abs and tanned bodies.

While Feng Zheng was having the time of his life, suddenly tsunami crashed onto the beach washing all his fantasies.

*splash* Grey suddenly woke up just to have more water hit him in the face.

"What the fu*k. What is wrong with your brain? Is it rusting already? Geez." Grey said as he undressed.

'I should have just beat the sh*t out of Kai when he was in his older body, bashing him now would only feel like child abuse.' Thought Feng Zheng

"Stupid Host today is the day Zhi Zun Breaks your engagement, you also have a movie to shoot in 30 mins and Grey has always been serious and punctual when it cam to acting." Kai gave Grey a look expressing he did it for Grey's own good.

Looking at Kai's expression Grey didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Grey just shrugged and got ready for the day.


"Cut, That was a good shoot Grey I am so glad that Yu Shen recommended you to me. You can rest for an hour or so, we will be shooting the female lead next." The director praised Grey, He was very happy to have Grey play as the male lead in his movie, Grey is a very good actor and has never been involved in any scandal.

"Good shoot there."

"Very well done."

"it was a one take, as expected of Grey."

Making his way to his rest room the staff on set kept on praising him. Grey didn't show displeasure or arrogance as the staff talked to him, He just thanked them and left leaving a very good impressions on the people on set.

Observing how grey was neither too friendly nor distant from the staff on set, He created an image of a super star who is humble yet cold, distant yet close. He could shine brightly like the sun in front of the camera while being low key off the camera.

Little did the staff knew that the current Grey was just too busy complaining to his System.

"Uhhh do i have to do this everyday for the rest of my life. How do other even handle this, it is legit torture. Why did this body had to an actor, His family is the richest in the country yet this young master wanted to go into the entertainment industry. Even if he wanted to act why couldn't he just use his parents influence to showoff his acting skill, Why did he had to join an agency with none of his family's influence. Isn't he just being stupid, don't you agree Kai?"

"Host not all humans are as shameless as you, Grey wanted to achieve something on his own without his family's interference." DISDAIN was written all over Kai's face.

"Kai why don't ya change you appearance to an adult body?"

"En? W-Why host What do you want to do?" Hearing what Feng Zheng asked Kai couldn't help but shiver, that oh so tragic incident was still fresh in his mind. If not for his monstrous strength Kai's chastity would have been in danger.

'Why else so that i can beat you like a dog without been seen as a child abuser.' Thought but didn't say anything.

Grey just entered his room when his phone rang. Looking as to who was calling him a sneer made its way on Grey's face as the oh so familiar name popped up on his phone screen.

"lo and behold, miss 'please give me attention cause i am so innocent' is calling." All his clam and serious facade crumbled when he threw his shoes who knows where and pulled his feet up snuggling into the sofa.

"Yes" Grey didn't say a world more after picking up Zhi Zun's call

"Grey I-I wish to break our engagement, I know you have always taken our engagement seriously but i really don't love you and thus do not wish to be in a marriage without love. I wi-" Grey didn't understand all the nonsense Zhi Zun said after breaking their engagement part.

When did Grey take this engagement seriously? This might as well be the joke of century Feng Zheng and Grey both have always been gay. What marriage? Grey couldn't even stand looking at her fake face for more than a few mins.

"Ok i understand, You don't have to worry i will inform my parents and yours as well." With that Grey hung up. Although it might seem that Grey was busy and serious because of his voice but Grey was playing games on his laptop while talking in such a serious and indifferent tone. The whole scene was just hilarious.


Grey's Grandfather's house in China

"Welcome Home Young master." The butler who opened the door looked a bit surprised. Grey hardly visited his old grandfather, it was also one of the real Grey's regrets that he didn't spend a lot of time with his grandfather.

"En, Where is my grandfather" Grey asked looking around the mansion although it might seem that he is calmly looking around for his grandfather but in reality he wanted to jump around the whole mansion he had never seen such luxury.

When he went through Grey's previous memories he saw this mansion many time but going through memories and experiencing it first hand are totally different. Granted Feng Zheng was a CEO of big company but his wealth in front of wealthy old giants like the King's It is like comparing an ant to an elephant.

"Master is in his study entertaining his old friend and his grandson." The butler bowed and replied.

"En." With a nod of his head Feng Zheng walked towards the Study.




"Come in" An old yet majestic voice came from behind the doors.

As Grey entered the room his eyes fell on the 'Delicious Treat' sitting on the opposite sofa from his grandfather with another old man.

Looking at the fine master piece created by the gods Feng Zheng's desire to conquer aroused. Feng Zheng in his last life liked men and was a very well known play boy in the circle, He has always loved challenges and the one sitting right there might be the hardest one he had come across.

No one saw the desire to conquer in Feng Zheng's eyes except the man sitting on the sofa and no one saw the man's smile on the corner of his mouth when he notice the desire in Feng Zheng's eyes not even Feng Zheng.

With a warm attitude Feng Zheng sat in front of his grandfather and smiled a charming smile.

"I'm home Grandpa."

Let the chase begin.