
Quick Transmigration: Changing the Male Lead's Terrible Fate

On the fourth day of May, Kevin was murdered in his apartment. He has no enemies and no friends. His parents have their own families, and he lives alone in a 200 meter square apartment – in other words, he does not have anyone who bores hatred against him. But he died. And the police concluded his death was an act of revenge homicide. Kevin pondered who would kill him when he suddenly woke to unfamiliar surroundings. And it took a few minutes to be processed in his head… Why are the furnitures so big?! The bed's mattress is so wide it's like the whole floor uses it as a floormat! The window is so high Kevin felt he was inside a church with glass walls as high as a three-storey building! Even worse, the appearance of a flower vase at his side is as tall as him! What the hell is going on?! [Host, you now possess the identity of the Male Lead's precious cat!] Kevin: What did you say? [Current Mission Progress: 0%] [Host, please work hard and prevent the Male Lead's terrible fate!] Kevin: …… What nonsense?! I just died! ………………………. [Host, the villain is one step closer to harming the Male Lead's life! Please prevent them!] Kevin: …… [Host, a villain's lackey wants to kill the Male Lead! Please stop them!] Kevin: ….. [Host, the Male Lead incurred a huge loss because of the villain, please bring him home and pamper him well!] Kevin: …… [Host, the Male Lead is injured because of the villain! Please nurse him back to health!] Kevin: …… Am I the Male Lead's mom or a pet?! ______________________________________________________ Updates are on Wednesday and Thursday.

phoenixhyperion · LGBT+
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143 Chs


Not when he ends the call saying, "I just need to come, right? Which means I don't have to see you and I can still get those 'rewards' you mention? Heh, looking forward to showing up in your office. Bye."

The more the editor thought about it, the more nervous he got. He immediately made a call to the security department and informed the personnel who were in charge.

"Tomorrow, our famous 'Constellation World' author, Kevin McLeen will come. When you see him step foot inside the gate, don't let him come out! You hear me? Drag him to my office as soon as you see his face!"

The security personnel who heard this command had a cold sweat on their backs. They exchanged looks, unsure what to think. Isn't forcibly dragging a person to enter another property out of their will considered kidnapping?

In the end, they chose not to say anything and just follow what was commanded of them to do.

The whole day Kevin spent his time reading several books for his next story. He slept later that night to visit the editor in the morning.

He got up at the same time yesterday and brushed his teeth and took a quick shower. He did not bother drying his hair since appearance is the last thing he cared for.

Besides, he could drive his small truck to the building and then make a quick visit to his father in the hospital, saving more of his time. The moment he stepped outside, a tall young man waited for him at the gate.

He was fairly surprised when the young man suddenly disappeared into the shadows, like a ghost that melted in the shadows. He was about to close the door when his personal mobile phone vibrated in his pocket.

He never gives anyone his personal mobile phone. Since he rarely used it and just put it in his pocket for the sake of communicating with his brother.

Kevin picked up the call and his brother's anxious voice whispered nervously.

"Brother, help me. What should I do? Help me please... "

Kevin sensed something was wrong and frowned.

"Where are you?" Kevin immediately locked the door and went down to his garage in his small apartment. But he forgot to bring his keys with him and have to rush back inside.


"Brother, I'm at school. And Dad is at the school gate." The knuckles that held the phone tightened. Kevin immediately dashed straight to his garage and opened the door of his truck.

"Hide, don't come out of your classroom - "

"Some men are looking for me in the classroom. Brother, I don't know them. They look so fierce with tattoos and black suits. Brother, I'm scared."

Kevin's brother, whose name is Calvin, hid in the toilet. He hid in one of the stalls and is hugging his bag closer to his chest while his legs are folded. His frail shoulders are constantly shaking. His tears constantly run down his cheeks but he forcibly bit his wrist just to not let out a sob.

Calvin is Kevin's only biological brother. Kevin is twenty - three this year while Calvin is still thirteen. Their parents broke up when Calvin is still three years old and the two brothers are separated.

Calvin was raised by their mother while Kevin stayed with their father. But even though these two brothers are raised separately, their mother still tries to find some ways to let them get along. Of course, the hidden intention of letting them meet is for their mother to ask for money from their father. In the name of 'It's difficult to raise our sickly son'.

Yes, since young, Calvin has had a weak heart. He wasn't supposed to be stimulated too much or his chest will tighten, making it more difficult for him to breathe. Kevin was careful in taking care of his brother.

Their mother was responsible enough to take care of Calvin. Although she already has a new husband with children, she can still sustain Calvin and not let him feel insecure about the new family.

But the peaceful life of their family did not last when their mother's new husband got addicted to gambling and drinking. He mixed with gangsters and loan sharks, borrowing money to satisfy his gambling addiction.

As days passed, it got worse. It even came to the point where their mother will come to Kevin and borrow money. Of course, Kevin could not give a single penny. What was there to give? He was already living impoverished, getting by each day with cup noodles and coffee.

Kevin opened his apartment door and searched the pockets of the coat hanging beside the door.

"Brother, I'm in the toilet right now. I could see Dad outside in the yard. He was held by the scruff. I can see blood on his face. W - was he beaten? M - Mom is there too with little Elaine. *Hic* brother what's going on? Why are they being surrounded by mean looking guys like that? Are they gonna kill all of us?"

Kevin took a deep breath and made his voice sound soothing as possible.

"Killing is illegal. Don't worry, as long as you stay hidden. Those people won't hurt mom, little Elaine, and her husband. Stay hidden and be quiet okay? You are inside the school perimeter so they won't act rashly and forcibly drag you outside. Wait for me there. I'm coming."

Kevin was able to find his car keys. He turn around but got his face slammed by something hard. His vision is filled with someone's black clothes that managed to shape the scary muscles underneath.

Kevin was taken aback. Because he hurried to get inside, he did not get to lock his doors, as a result, this person managed to come in?

A sharp pain suddenly came from his stomach. He can feel something dripping on his stomach, a cold feeling as if there was a cold sharp object impaling his insides.

When he looked down, he could see the other person's arm covered with plastic. A knife is sticking out in his hand and the blade pierced Kevin's stomach.

Kevin: I must be the unluckiest person in the world to die inside my own apartment.

Author: Hehe, nothing to be sad about, there's still more!

Kevin: "........" Fuck.

A/N: Do support us by powerstones ~

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