

Zenith, was an oddball out of his siblings. He was a lazy, unoptimistic, and gloomy young man. One day, he was suddenly dragged by a system to hop into worlds and complete missions. While the other players are running around trying to survive, he just sits around muching his popcorn. While others are searching hard for clues, he just have to lay down and complete his missions. That's when he fond out that the other players was actually playing a horror infinity game. Zenith:“.....” Other players:“ T^T ”

LAZYToDEATH101 · Horror
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Sunlight peeked inside as it illuminated the youths pale snow like skin. The curtains was drawn leaving a little gap for the sunlight to pass through.

The door opened revealing Astrophel who was dressed neatly. He strode towards the sleeping youth. He gently tapped the young man's shoulders, waking the drowsy man up.

" Hmm... Three more minutes "

The young man bargains as he buried his head in his pillows.

" Master, madam Leila is here. "

Astrophel whispered glancing at the youths sleepy figure.

" What? Leila? Who? "

The young man sleepily mumbled, obviously not fully awake yet.

" Friend. "

Astrophel stoically answered.

" Your Friend? Then why are you calling me if it's your friend? Go away, let me sleep peacefully! "

" Not my friend. Yours. "

With a deadpan voice he opened the curtains. He glanced outside and saw the gardener wholeheartedly taking care of the roses.

" Mine? "

" Yeah "

Suddenly he heard a loud thud.

" Oww... It hurts! Ophel, help me up! "

" Yes. "

He lifted the man up and seated him at the already waiting wheelchair.

" I'll go call Hanzel to prepare your bath. "

" Hmm... "

After a whole hours of bathing and dressing, he was finally pushed towards his long ago waiting friend.

Leila, she was Vivendel's friend. She might appear young but she was actually 22 years older than him. Vivendel was age was considered young, for he was still 16 right now. Of course Zenith who has occupied this NPC's body was already a full fledged adult.

Leila was as he said the owner of the apartment building where the other players are staying. He suddenly remembered the ghostly silhouette he saw the other day, his house might truly be haunted!

" Vendel! My dear! Why are you so late? "

After arriving he saw the woman who has been waiting for him, Blondie long hair simmered coupled up with her British accent, her perfectly accented body, and pale skin made her appear petite.

" Sorry Lei. You wouldn't blame me right? "

Zenith said embarrassed. His pale cheeks reddened appearing very appetizing and cute.

" Yeah! Who would have the heart to blame it on a cutie like you? Anyway, Darling look what I brought for you? This big sis of yours has brought a thank you gift for taking care of the new tenants the other day. "

After saying that she raised a box wrapped luxuriously with a ribbon at the middle. She handed it towards the youth appearing happy.

" Go open it! "

Zenith hesitated for a minute before slowly opening it. He was also quite curious about what's inside.

After opening it his eyes widens making him appear cute, but he didn't even notice it. His eyes was glued at the present Leila gave.