
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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36 Chs

Chapter 9

Mr. Suzuki's anger was palpable as he glared at his wife and stepdaughter. "I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in my home. Pack your things and leave."Mrs. Suzuki's face turned red with anger. "You cannot be serious! I am your wife, Kaito!""And she is my daughter!" Mr. Suzuki shouted in frustration. "You have thoroughly disappointed me in just one night.""Kaito! You can't mean that!" Mrs Suzuki tried to grab his arm but he withdrew it immediately, scoffing at her pathetic appearance.Chiyo, her eyes wide with shock, reached for her phone. The only ones she could call to change her father's mind right now was her grandparents.Amaya stared at Chiyo, she had the phone to her ears as she bit her nails nervously.'If I want to kill her, would I be a bad person?'Her emotions were so strong and overwhelming, Amaya wandered how this body's owner survived this long. She really wanted to kill this bitch right now."Get out! I don't want to see you here after the doctor leaves!"The doctor picked up Amaya's thin hand and looked up at her to see her staring at the second young Miss. He didn't say anything but he checked her pulse and pulled out his stethoscope to examine her.Mr Suzuki closed the door behind them as he pulled out the chair by her vanity to sit down and watch the Doctor examine her."How is she?""The young Miss has experienced a great shock. I'm afraid she might need some time to recover."Mr Suzuki tapped his cane on the wooden board as if thinking. The pictures in his hands had been crumpled up he did not want to see them anymore."What do you want to do?" He asked her directly.She looked up to meet his eyes, he was not angry at her. "You are my daughter, there is no one who can make you cry and get away with it, so what do you want to do?"She looked at his stern face.'Amaya, there was someone who loved you.'"I want to take revenge." Her voice was broken and dry from all the crying, but she wasn't muddled, she knew what she had to do. "I will kill them!" This time her statement was more feral and raw. She was so angry at what they put Amaya through, the least she could do is repay them tenfold!Mr Suzuki nodded in approval, the child of a tiger could not be a mouse. "Good! Very good! Whatever you do, be unrestrained! I will support you!"She steeled her resolve and nodded."Please Dr, can you take my bloods for tests? I don't really know my health status right now."The doctor nodded in understanding, a full STI screen was necessary in times like these.There was a knock on the door."What is it?" Mr Suzuki asked."Boss, the old master is here." Mr Secretary said through the door.Mr Suzuki tsk'd in annoyance, so she had called his father to persuade him? How petty."Remain here, I will be back." He said getting up to leave.An old man with silver hair sat in the lounge.The two women rushed to him immediately kneeling at his feet."Please seek justice for me father in law!" Mrs Suzuki cried. Tears streamed down her face making her look quite pitiful. Chiyo knelt next to her mother in an equally pitiful state.The old man's heart ached to see his granddaughter and daughter-in-law in such distress. He helped them stand, his expression filled with concern. "Don't cry. You know how your husband is. He won't actually chase you away."Mrs. Suzuki felt a wave of relief wash over her upon hearing his words."Who said I won't chase her away? I told her to pack up her things and leave!" Mr. Suzuki's thunderous voice echoed from down the hall, and the old man frowned deeply."What is the meaning of this, Kaito? How dare you treat your wife and daughter this way?"Mr. Suzuki stood firm, his expression unyielding. "Why don't you ask your good daughter-in-law how she treated your granddaughter?""Kaito, you cannot chase your wife out for the sake of a child. It's ridiculous.""It is not ridiculous," Mr. Suzuki retorted, his voice steely. "Amaya is my child, and she deserves to be treated with respect and care, something neither of you seem to understand.""Presumptuous!" the old man said with anger. "Have you lost your mind!? Talking back to your father!"Mr. Suzuki's eyes flashed with defiance. "Father, you weren't here. You didn't see how they tormented Amaya. She was defenseless, and they took advantage of that."Mrs. Suzuki, her face streaked with tears, clung to the old man's arm. "Father, he's overreacting! I was only trying to instill discipline. Amaya has been a disruptive influence since she arrived.""Disruptive influence?" Mr. Suzuki's voice was cold. "What has she done? Tell me? What the fuck has she done!?"Mrs Suzuki 's face looked like she had swallowed a fly."Are you really going to throw away our entire marriage for a street rat!?"Pa!Another slap landed on her cheek. "I will kill you if you keep talking like that!"Chiyo, desperate to defend her mother, interjected, "Father, please! Mother was only worried about Amaya and her morals. She didn't mean any harm. You shouldn't be mad at her."Mr. Suzuki's gaze softened slightly as he looked at Chiyo, but his resolve remained firm. "Chiyo, your mother is a bad influence, do not defend her."Chiyo felt rage in her heart, her father was kicking her out for that girl? She hated her to the bone. She couldn't leave this place, her birthday party would be coming up soon, if her parents separated everyone would know!The old man, sensing the intensity of the situation, tried to mediate. "Kaito, let's find a compromise. Your wife and daughter are clearly upset. We can work this out without resorting to such drastic measures."Mr. Suzuki shook his head. "There is no compromise when it comes to my child's safety. If they stay, it will be under my terms. Any more incidents like this, and you will regret it."The argument continued, voices rising and echoing through the house. Mrs. Suzuki, emboldened by the old man's presence, stood her ground. "I will not leave this house, Kaito. This is my home too!"Mr. Suzuki's face was a mask of controlled rage. "Do what you want. But know this: I will not allow anyone to harm Amaya. If you stay, do not even blink in her direction."Mrs. Suzuki's eyes flashed with defiance, but she said nothing. Chiyo looked between her parents and grandparents, her face pale and strained.Mr. Suzuki turned away from them, walking back towards Amaya's room. His heart ached, but his resolve was unwavering. This was his only chance to protect her, he had left her to the wolves and now she was finally under his care.Back in Amaya's room, he found her sitting up, the doctor just finishing his examination. "How is she?" he asked, his voice softening as he approached.The doctor nodded. "She needs rest, but she'll be alright. I've prescribed something to help her sleep.""Thank you, doctor," Mr. Suzuki said, his relief evident.Once the doctor left, Mr. Suzuki sat beside Amaya, taking her hand gently. "I'm so sorry for what you've been through," he whispered. "I promise, things will be different from now on."Amaya, still shaken, looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. "Thank you," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.Mr. Suzuki's grip on her hand tightened slightly. "Rest now. We'll talk more when you're feeling better."As he watched her drift off to sleep, Mr. Suzuki vowed to himself that if she wanted revenge he would let her be unrestrained!Chiyo who had witnessed the fallout of her actions went back to her room biting her nails, she didn't expect her father to defend Amaya, he was always so stern and valued conservative values above all else, but why for that woman!Her rage drove her insane.She quickly went through her contacts calling 'Kenji' and waited for him to pick up.[How did it go?] The voice from the other side of the phone came."It's not enough! My father is unwavering, I need something to kick her out! She can't live here!"[..Should I take care of her personally for you?]Hearing his offer calmed her down. "You'd do that for me?"[If It makes you happy Chiyo.]"... Can you do it before the party? I don't want everyone seeing her here, I won't be able to save face."[Leave it to me, once she comes back to school as long as we keep Lucas distracted she won't be able to escape this time.]"... Kenji, the person who took the pictures wasn't you was it?"[Do you really want to know?]"No, don't tell me, it doesn't matter anyway."[Good girl, I'll see you in school, It's been a while since we've done it, meet me at the usual place?]Chiyo was not in the mood, "can we talk about this another time?"[Don't be a fucking prude, I'm helping you aren't I? You should give me some benefits, you don't even want to be seen with me in public.]Her heart kept at his sudden crude tone, the reason they kept their relationship under wraps was obvious, she had a reputation to keep and he did not fit her image."Fine, I'll see you then."