
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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36 Chs

Chapter 12

A fiancé? At her young age? What the hell?[The Suzuki family is quite high-class so it's not surprising.]"Just give me a second to change." Amaya said and her father nodded before leaving to the receiving room.'That's strange, how does no one know about this fiancé?'Down in the receiving room a couple and their son sat around the dining table exchanging pleasantries wth Mrs Suzuki."Mrs Suzuki, it seems like we should be thinking more broadly, being bethrod in this day and age is quite backward don't you think?" The lady said, her hand covering her mouth as she spoke. She had soft brown hair braided and tied back in a beautiful bun. Her words sounded pleasant but her meaning was clear.Break the engagement.Mrs Suzuki felt her rage bubble but she quelled it instantly. She hated his woman for looking down on her daughter, her son was definitely nothing to write home about and here she is going on about breaking their engagement."Mrs Wanatabe, you can't be serious. This engagement is between families, it cannot be easily changed!""Don't be so narrow minded, besides it's not like your daughter is the real one."Just as Mrs Suzuki was about to explode footsteps came from the hallway. "Good evening Mrs Wanatabe, Mr Wanatabe." Amaya greeted respectfully.Mrs Wanatabe took in the girl and a smile broke out on her face. "What a well mannered daughter, with the grace of a proper young lady." Chiyo, who had been silent clenched her spoon until her fists went white, she had to remind herself Amaya would be dealt with soon and she would have her life back."Amaya, this is Mr. Watanabe and his son, Hiroshi," Mr. Suzuki introduced. "Mr. Watanabe, Hiroshi, this is my daughter, Amaya.""Pleasure to meet you," Amaya said, bowing respectfully."The pleasure is ours," Mr. Watanabe replied, his voice deep and authoritative. "I've heard a lot about you, Amaya."Amaya smiled politely, taking a seat beside her father. Hiroshi, Chiyo's fiancé, looked at her with mild interest. He was handsome and well-groomed, with a calm demeanor that seemed to compliment Chiyo's mother mary personality. Hiroshi looked familiar, she had definitely seen him before."Amaya, I'm so glad you could join us, why don't you have some tea?" Chiyo suggested, her tone sweet but with an underlying edge."Of course," Amaya replied, keeping her tone equally pleasant.As they sat together, sipping tea and making small talk, Amaya couldn't shake the feeling that Chiyo was up to something. Her sister's eyes held a glint of something that made her uneasy. She decided to stay alert and watch for any signs of trouble."So, Amaya," Hiroshi began, breaking the silence. "I heard you and Chiyo are in the same class, what is she like?""Hmm, Chiyo is pretty popular, everyone likes her, she's like a passive watcher undefiled by worldly wants and desires."Her words caused Hiroshi to laugh, "what is she a fairy? A cultivator? Why did you say it like that?" His laugh was unexpected but she felt her neck heat up."No it's just she doesn't involve herself with anyone, she stays ok her own."Mrs Suzuki cut them off annoyed by their conversation, "that is how a young lady should be, unlike someone like you who-" she was caught off by a sharp glare from me Suzuki who silenced her promptly."Mr Hiroshi." Chiyo asked softly, "can we have a walk in the gardens?"Hiroshi looked at his mother who nodded and he stood up leaving with Chiyo.The both of them walked silently, going outside to the cool spring night. A beautiful cherry blossom was in bloom covering the ground in pink petals."Mr Hiroshi, I hope you don't get any ideas, even though I am merely a step daughter my sister will never be the woman you need." She said coldly.Hiroshi was amused, this ever kind fiance of his only had one emotion - kindness, so seeing her show something other than that was quite nice. "Are you upset? That I am paying her attention?"She didn't reply, pursuing her lips stiffly. Hiroshi laughed at her reaction finding it amusing."I thought you wanted to break our engagement, why did you change your mind? Are you afraid your sister will take what is yours?"Again he had no answer, he didn't expect one. He had liked Chiyo since they were children, so despite his mother's endeavors he had no plans on letting her go."Whoever makes my Chiyo sad, I should break her shouldn't I?" His hands traced her pretty face. She held his cold hands tenderly. Her eyes seeing a number tattoo peeking out from under his open collar.Amaya did not overstay her welcome, after talking and exchanging pleasantries she retreated to her room.'I can't deal with such enthusiastic people.' She thought as she collapsed sprawled in bed.Her phone buzzed."Hello? Arthur?"[Remember my promise?]Amaya sat up quickly. She remembered. That night after her breakdown he came to visit her again, she hadn't left her bed all day and felt listless."Amaya, do you feel better?" His voice sounded like light piercing dark clouds. He helped her sit up in bed and he brought her something to eat.Seeing how silent she was made him irrationally angry."Amaya, I promise you.. The people who did that to you will pay." Those were his heavy words.His eyes held such deep darkness unimaginable for a young man. She wondered behind thos eyes, what he had experience."I remember." She said softly, his actions and words had comforted her greatly.[Can you sneak out? I'd come to you but I'm afraid I'd get caught.]Amaya snickered, with the system alerting her it was definitely easier to sneak around compared to a normal person."Alright, I'll see you soon."Arthur's room was well arranged and full of books. She knew he was a study maniac but this was on a next level, she jad never studied as hard as him in her multiple lives."Wow, you study a lot." She muttered admiring his workbook collection. He blushed in embarrassment."No no this is just... Um just sit at the table I'll bring my laptop." He changed the topic, it was undeniable, he was a good student. She was impressed at his dedication.His laptop was placed in front of her, "what's this?" She asked."So I've been trying to figure out where the photos are from and It took longer than usual precisely because it wasn't in a building, it was on a yatch.""A yatch?"Arthur nodded, "there are only a hang full of kids in school with a yatch but the one person that does is..""Ichiko."Arthur nodded in confirmation.Ichiko was chiyo's best friend, if you could call their master slave dynamic a friendship. But they were so close that Ichiko was allowing Chiyo to use her yatch for her birthday party that weekend.Amaya's fists clenched tightly, no wonder Chiyo had the pictures.Seeing Amaya's cold face he took a deep breath and continued."The only one who throws parties consistently on Ichiko's yatch is Kenji.""Who is Kenji?" She asked, she'd heard him in passing but whenever she thought about him she has a splitting headache like she never could quite remember."He's the one in charge of the gangs in our school, so they all answer to him.""I thought Lucas was the strongest?""He is, but he doesn't want to take the place of the 'Boss' since he's a loner."Amaya nodded in understanding, somehow Kenji had gotten his hands on her, and gotten away with it.Arthur looked up at Amaya. "What do you want to do?"Wasn't it obvious? She wanted him dead. But she couldn't say that, after all Arthur was just a teen, dragging him into this was unfair..."If you want to kill him, I will be your sword."His words took her by surprise, for a second she saw the guard in the Kuraltai clan sitting in front of her.'... Arthur is this kind of person..' he was always ready to help her. She placed a hand on his cheek caressing his face."I can't do that Arthur, you have the rest of your life to live, you need to focus on graduating next year. "He grabbed her hand as it withdrew, his eyes pleaded with her, "please don't throw me away."His words stunned her, why did he say it like she was going to leave him?"I would never do that, we are friends, Arthur." Her words comforted him a bit."Then let me do this for you, let me destroy them for you.""Arthur.." Such fierce devotion, where did it come from?╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗Assign Shadow Knight 1/4:ArthurAccept/Decline╚══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╝"Alright."

My sister read this book and liked it which made my week, I can brag about this because she is younger than me. Hahahaha

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