
Prologue: Chapter Zero

(Author's Note)

Hi all,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my creative writing with you! I am very excited to hear the feedback and will reply to as many comments as I can.

That being said, the first chapter, "Chapter Zero" will raise a lot of questions in the reader, but know that there will be answers as we continue on this journey together. I plan on releasing 3-4 chapters a week and no less than 2 chapters a week if I am extremely busy.

Quick Learner is a story that is simply about strength. Most of these kingdom building stories have the main character be some smart engineer of some sort that is able to bring technology from the modern era into that of the dark ages. In this story the main character learned the basics of chemistry and physics, but he is no engineer by any means. He is smart as hell in terms of computational ability and logical understanding, but thats about it when it comes to smarts. He also is not as merciless as most and will use his overbearing strength when he can. Of course, this wouldn't be as interesting (or maybe it would? who knows) if he didn't have comrades and how would the MC be able to build a country without people to rule over. Technological advancements in this story will be quite different from most other kingdom building stories.

With that being said, see you in the next few chapters :*


(End of Author's Note)



Name: Kimura Heiichi (木村平一)

Age: 24

Race: Japanese/American

Divinity: Atheist


I've lived a great life. There were no troubles with me getting through school and the only issues in my personal life were with my parents' divorce. But this resulted in my mother acquiring more than half of my father's millions of dollars in assets due to his unfaithful nature, and thus money was never a problem. Mom raised me on her own and decided not to remarry due to my Father's actions. I went to a first rate college and graduated with a degree in Mathematics with a statistics focus, and due to my family's monetary status went straight to business school and became a top notch quantitative analyst. Life was good. I got to indulge in my hobbies of Anime and Video games in my spare time. So why. Why was my mother taken away from me so abruptly.

It's been three days since the funeral. What a fucking cliche… My mom happened to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time and was ran over by a drunkard. Sure they arrested the guy, but that wasn't going to bring Mom back. I laid there on my old bed in my room from the mansion we lived in. All of her assets went to me as it said so in her will, but that didn't matter to me. Money never mattered. As long as I was happy that was enough. Seeing the world as gray as it was I decided to take a walk to the nearby convenience store to get some Energy drinks. If there was one thing that could occupy my mind and help me escape, it was video games.

I got up to the store clerk and presented three B3asts (Copyright!).

"That will be ¥648"

I walked out after paying. But on the way back home, after turning a corner, in the middle of the footpath, was a 2 meter tall, slim man wearing a black suit with a top hat and a monocle. He was about 5 meters away and looked sinister as hell. He was staring directly at me. Luckily, I knew how to fight and was taught in self defense so I wasn't too scared. Then he opened his mouth.

"Kuhuhuhu… Well looky here, Its lil' mister sad face. After your mother passed away all you can do is just dive into video games huh? Kuhuhuhu you're pathetic."

I was quite a calm minded guy, but by no means was I nice, and right now my blood was boiling from that comment. Also, how the hell did he know I was going home to play video games.

"Watch your tongue stalker, the next word could lead to an ass beating."

"Oh? Wow I'm so sca~~~red. Your mother would not be happy with the way you're acting."

That was it, I took a step forward, getting ready to punch the guy, but something happened, and an enormous pain started to pulse throughout my entire body. I couldn't breath. I buckled over and prostrated myself before him while clutching my throat. I was defenseless.

"Hmm? Weren't you gonna give me an 'ass beating'? Kuhuhu, well I only came here to let you know your mother's death was a true accident. A sad one as well. Although you haven't been a good person by any means, you haven't been an evil person either. And with such blank slate, I can't help but offer you a proposition."

After a couple seconds I could finally talk. This guy clearly possessed the ability to kill me, so I watched my words carefully.

"What are you talking about."

"Kuhuhuhu No need to be so tense boy. Now, what I am going to offer you will sound crazy, but bear with me won't 'cha. I don't have a name, but I'm known among you all as a deity of some sorts."

(I knew it this guy is crazy.)

"I said bear with me boy, I am not crazy kuhuhu."

At this moment, I couldn't tell if what I was seeing or hearing was real. This man just read my thoughts. Is it actually possible that God/gods exist?

"Kuhuhu. Now, I shall continue. What I'm offering you isn't necessarily a chance to bring back your Mother's life, yet, it is as well. Will you take it?"

Honestly this man was talking nonsense, but obviously if I could have my mother back I would take that chance without a second thought.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but if you're being legit then no shit."

"Kuhuhu not well educated on manners are you? Well, nonetheless, you shall be reborn, and how you approach your new life can affect your mother's ability to come back. Whether you are Good or Evil in this next life has nothing to do with that though, but you will figure it out as time passes. Good luck boy."

And with that he shoved me and I could feel my consciousness fading as I fell down.


In this Darkness I could see some words formed in a white light.

Name: N/A

Age: 0

Race: Human

Racial Passives: None

Divinity: klaw9dkad092

Loyalty: None

Latent Abilities: [Quick Learner]

Acquired Abilities: None

Followers: None

Light started to enter my eyes and the words faded away. It burned.

(Why am I crying. What is this.)

In front of me was a man looking to be in his late 20's.

"His name shall be Mikael"

Holy shit, I was actually reborn.


Chapter Zero: Growing Up

(Quick Author's note):

I suggest you read the prologue or you'll be hella confused

(End of Author's note)



Name: Mikael

Age: 3

Race: Human

Racial Passives: None

Divinity: 12pokd"Aokd210

Loyalty: None

Latent Abilities: [Quick Learner]

Acquired Abilities: None

Followers: None


Finally, at the age of three, I was able to control my body's movements. I didn't want to raise any suspicion, so I decided to take my time in this world before setting out on some adventure. Besides... are three year olds even allowed to go on an adventure? And thus I began my unordinary, new, life from scratch.



Name: Mikael

Age: 5

Race: Human

Racial Passives: None

Divinity: Ht?O&3a@K!8Mqz

Loyalty: None

Latent Abilities: [Quick Learner]

Acquired Abilities: None

Followers: None


My new parents were kind, hardworking people. I learned that Father was a hardworking fieldworker on the farms for the lord that owned these lands, while Mother was the main shop clerk at our family store. Our village was in the Kingdom of Landeng, and it appears that we are in medieval times. The most surprising thing about this world is that there is magic. Yes, magic. And that justice being upheld in these lands is nothing, but a fantasy. I still have no idea what the acquired abilities and my latent ability "Quick Learner" do, nor do I know why my Divinity is acting so weird (or what it does), but hopefully these question will be answered on their own. When a resident of the village becomes of age, they are able to decide on whether to stay or leave. Staying would ensure the protection of the Lord as well as a steady, ordinary life. But I was not an ordinary being of this world. I need to explore and understand the mysteries of this world in order to solve the problem of my mother's revival.

I met an idiot today. Nice kid, but an idiot. His name was Raphael. When I went to sleep, Not only did my status show in my dreams, but his did as well.



Name: Mikael

Age: 12

Race: Human

Racial Passives: None

Divinity: zO3CCoV2sMLTJb

Loyalty: None

Latent Abilities: [Quick Learner]

Acquired Abilities: None

Followers: None

Name: Raphael

Age: 11

Race: Human

Racial Passives: None

Divinity: None

Loyalty: None

Latent Abilities: vxLwPFcBjhHKqx

Acquired Abilities: None

Followers: None


Raphael didn't show up at the church today. Although I don't need to make friends in this world, and my only goal is to save Mom, it still concerns me. The next day he showed up, but he had a gash on his forehead that was starting to scab. It was definitely going to scar. The nun tended to his care, and because he was an idiot, it was believable when he said he fell and hit his head on a brick. But having known Raphael for such a long time I could tell when he was lying. Afterwards on our way back home, I asked him about what happened.

"Oh haha... you know me. I just tripped and hit my head on the corner of a brick wall."

He even lied to me. This must have been serious. I stopped walking and grabbed Raphael by his collar. I wasn't gonna have him lie to my face.

"What happened."

"Haha… So I guess you saw right through me huh? As expected of you."

He then told me in detail about his family and his life recently. His mother wasn't in his life since he was born (I knew that much), but he suspects that she died early on.

(What a coincidence)

His Dad beats him and although its usually nothing more than a shove or a smack on the back of his head, when he gets drunk it can get real bad. Two nights ago he came back completely smashed and dragged him out of his bed and threw him against the table. The gash on his forehead was from his head nicking the corner of the table. He didn't show up to church because he was trying to tend to his wound by himself and didn't want everyone to know.

"What about your Sister is she okay?"

"Lucy? She's fine and doesn't know about the beatings. Luckily Father doesn't lay a finger on her. Hey, so now that you know, can we keep this secret?"

"Would you have told me if I was the type to tell people?"

I gave him a nudge and we kept walking home. I was being cheery to him to try and get his feelings up, but inside I was starting to fill with anger. It was then that I vowed his father would be my first victim in this world.



Name: Mikael

Age: 18

Race: Human

Racial Passives: None

Divinity: 04RgtiyHUPlxtc

Latent Abilities: [Quick Learner]

Acquired Abilities: [Unarmed Fighting] Mastery: Novice

Followers: None

Name: Raphael

Age: 17

Race: Human

Racial Passives: None

Divinity: None

Latent Abilities: BoWeYbRqJW8TIC

Acquired Abilities: None

Followers: None


Once I turned 18 years old, I left the church and went to work. The application of my college and further learning from my previous life would have to wait. Not forgetting my vow from when I was younger, I began training in martial arts in my spare time. My knowledge in fighting from before my rebirth was certain to help. I took up my Father's advice and started working in the fields with him. Father was a built man. This was clearly the product of working in the fields for such a long time. Seeing as weightlifting is not a thing of this world, strength training can only be done through physical training of this sorts. And after a year, my body was physically fit. During my training in martial arts I made a shocking discovery. Quick Learner must be the cause, but I was reaching heights that easily surpassed the professional MMA fighters of my previous world. All within a month's time. Not only that, but my physical capabilities were inhumane. I could punch a tree and blow halfway through it. I also felt almost no pain and took nearly no damage from doing so. After learning of this, I started to do sprints as well as explosive bodyweight exercises in order to increase my cardiovascular endurance. The results were astounding. I acquired two more abilities: [Athleticism] and [Charge]. The increase in my muscle strength led to even more inexplainable growth. Raphael was still busy studying at the church, but his graduation was coming up, and I wanted to leave this town after making sure he was safe.



Name: Mikael

Age: 19

Race: Human

Racial Passives: None

Divinity: H9fWZqR93Zsixg

Loyalty: None

Latent Abilities: [Quick Learner]

Acquired Abilities:

[Unarmed Fighting] Mastery: Master

[Athleticism] Mastery: Master

[Charge] Mastery: Master

Followers: None

Name: Raphael

Age: 18

Race: Human

Racial Passives: None

Divinity: None

Loyalty: None

Latent Abilities: 063KxMItYsVOTy

Acquired Abilities: None

Followers: None


The fateful day landed on a cloudy one that signaled rain. I went to congratulate Raphael on his graduation at our usual meeting place. He wasn't there. As I get off work after he does from the church, I could only feel as though something wrong has happened. I rushed over to his house and knocked on his door. His old man answered the door. He was a tall man with a big beer belly.

"What do you want kid."

"Is Raphael home?"

"Yeah he's feeling sick. If thats all can you leave. You're being a nuisance."

Having been conscious for 43 years by now, he must have mistaken me as just some 19 year old brat that would take his shitty attitude. Fuck that. I kicked him with minimal power and sent him flying into the table that started all of this.

"What are you doing! Do you want me to fuck you up kid!?"

Raphael came out of his room with Lucy peering over behind him. His face was bruised up. (I fucking knew it).

"What are you doing Mikael!?"

I looked over to Raphael and responded.

"What does it look like. I'm returning the favor to your old man."

His father stood up and took out a dagger from his pocket. Lucy looked shocked. I guess she really didn't know that much about her father. And to be honest, neither did I. It was later that I would find out it wasn't actually the "table" that gave Raphael his scar. Raphael's old man charged at me.

"You're fucking dead kid!"

His movements were sluggish. I easily dodged his slow movements and grabbed him by the wrist that was holding the knife. And squeezed.

Acquired Ability: [Reaction Speed] Mastery: Adept



The knife hit the floor and you could hear his bones completely shattering, as well as his wail of pain immediately after. I then took the liberty of kicking, and thereby breaking, his femur.

"Do you think its fun to prey on those that are weaker than you? I can end your life right here."

"P-please. Do-don't do anymore. PLEASE! Those are my two kids over there. I'll do anything please don't do anymore!!!"

"Mikael stop! Thats enough!"

Raphael ran over and shoved me aside.

"If you lay a hand on either of your kids again, your life is over you worm."

I left their house and sprinted home. With my athleticism, it took, but a minute to cover a kilometer's distance. I started packing my things. I knew it wasn't going to sit well with my current parents, but I wrote them a note stating that I would be back after a while. And that I was going on a journey. Just as I was about to leave, there was a knock on the front door. It was Raphael as well as his sister, Lucy.

"Look Raphael, if its an apology you're looking for you're not getting one. Your old man was a bad person and he deserves worse. I don't care if he's your father, anyone who lays their hands on their child are horrible people."

"I'm not looking for an apology. I figured you were gonna be leaving town since everyone was gonna find out about what you did. I wanted to ask you if Lucy and I could follow you."


"I'm being serious. Lucy told me that she's known about my beatings as well as why she doesn't get beat. When I confronted Father about it, it was right after his daily visit to the mead god."

"I'm heading out now, if you wanna come along its now or never. And Lucy are you sure you want to do this too?"

She responded with a nod.

I was honestly expecting this to be a solo adventure, but to be honest I didn't feel comfortable with Raphael and Lucy being home alone with that screwed up old man. I don't know how useful they will be, but one thing is for sure, I don't want Raphael to die. And with everything packed and ready to go...

thus began our Adventure.


Please don't hold back. Be relentless with the constructive criticism. Also, tell me what you liked and I'll try to improve my writing. Thank you! :)

Gold_Aucreators' thoughts