
chapter 7: popcorn and movies

"Avery we're going home," Alex demanded.

"Okay the two of you can have fun at home," I said as I went to go back inside.

"No you're coming too," Alex said as he grabbed my arm.

He grabbed onto my arm with the stitches and as a reflects I turned around and maneuvered out of his grip. I irritated my stitches, but I didn't care. In a few seconds, I had him by the neck showing him I could easily kill him.

He glared down at me and I glared up at him and my brother broke the silence and said, "Avery let go of him. And Alex I'm taking you home. Leave her alone. And we are going to talk in the car."

I let go and took a step back. I was breathing hard. It took everything in my mind to stop my natural instincts and squeeze his neck. My brother knew that, so he didn't even look in my direction.

Alex sent me a sharp glare, and he followed my brother to his car. My brother watched Alex get in the car, then he brought me my overnight bag. He clearly packed it because I never leave the house and I never really plan to.

He patted me on the head, then he headed to his car and drove away. I didn't want to walk inside without asking, so I knocked on the door. It was probably strange for me to do so, but of course, I didn't care.

The door opened not leaving a second to spare. I was eminently taken into someone's arms. I looked up confused as Hunter was just hugging me. tears brimmed my eyes, but I wasn't going to let them fall again today. Once was enough.

"Are you okay little one," he said as he put his face in my hair.

I hugged him back and said, "yes. Can I come inside now it's cold."

It feels good some times to feel that someone besides family cares for you. This guy has known me for only like an hour, and he is already so nice to me. his brother has known me for six hours and has brought me here. It feels like I've known these guys all my life.

Everything seemed to be moving so quickly with them. I don't know why they are treating me so nicely. It's nice but strange.

He let go of me and I walked inside. The other two were trying to not act suspicious. I acted as if I didn't know they were listening in on my conversation. Honestly, it was obvious just by the way they were acting.

I sat on the couch and started to go through my bag. Of course. My brother just gave me one of his t-shirts and hoodies, a pair of my jeans, undergarments, a small stuffed toy, and a bunch of snacks. You could tell he knew me well by the amount of food I had in my bag.

"Why do you have so much food," Aragon said as he leaned over my shoulder.

"No clue," I said as I opened up these chocolate cake looking things and started to eat some.

Hunter walked over and sat beside me and grabbed something from my bag and Aragon followed pursuit and did the same thing. I didn't hit them like I really wanted to, but instead, I just ate another one. The girl tried to get one from my bag I sent her a glare. She quickly grabbed one and stuck out her tongue at me.

Hunter looked at the rest of us and said, "you want to watch a movie?"

Aragon and I yelled like children and said, "yes!"

"No," the girl said as she stared blankly at me.

Hunter looked at the girl and asked, "why?"

"Because I want to spend time with you in your home," she said with a flirty tone.

"Gross," Aragon and I said in together.

Aragon and I started to die laughing. Showing the immature selves of us. Hunter gave his brother a weird look, then he gave me an even weirder look. I smiled at him as I got up from the couch.

My face turned serious as I said to Hunter, "do you have any popcorn?"

"Yes," he replied looking at me to see what I was going to do.

I fist-bumped the air and I took off running into the kitchen. I started to look through cabinets until I found the holy jackpot. I cooked three packages of popcorn. No, I didn't put it in a bowl the bag is good enough.

Once all the bags were popped I rushed into the room and gave the girl her own bag, the brothers have to share a bad, and I got a bag to my self. But the girl was "watching her weight" so she gave her bag to Hunter.

"Hey Avery you seem a bit chubby maybe you should go on a diet," she said glaring at me.

"I'm proud of this fat," I said as I patted my stomach.

She glared at me, but I ignored her and talked to the boys about what to watch. Before we started the movie we were going to watch I finished my popcorn, so I started to steal some from them. They ignored it, but you could tell they thought it was entertaining. I wasn't doing it to be entertaining I just really like microwave popcorn.

When the movie started the lights were off and the blinds were closed. Hunter wants to be girlfriend moved, so she was now sitting in his lap. She was trying to make out with him, but he was trying to watch the movie and shove his face full of popcorn before I ate it all.

She gave up after a bit and left. She seemed pissed, but Hunter didn't seem to care. I laid my head on Aragon's shoulder and watched the movie. For goodness' sake, that boy is a comfortable pillow. Comfortable enough that I fell asleep.

I woke up clearly late at night since the TV was off. I sat up a bit and I looked around to see that Hunter was asleep on the floor. I was laying down, my head on top of Aragon's lap. He was reading, and he looked up and smiled at me when he noticed that I was awake.

"Good late-night sleepyhead," he said as he put down his book.

I looked around and I saw that the clock read 11:45 pm. the table lamp was turned on low, so he could read. Everything seemed homier to it for some reason too. I had a soft blanket covering me along with a pillow on top of Aragon's lap. This was heaven.

"Am I in heaven," I said jokingly as I laid back down and I looked up into his eyes.

A smile grew on his lips and traveled to his eyes. He started to play with my hair, and we sat in silence for a moment. He looked like he was in deep thought, so I didn't bother him.

"Sadly no, but this would be nice heaven," he said as he came out of his deep thought.

"It took you that... long… To come up with an… Answer to… That," I said as I laughed.

His face turned a cute red and I smiled at him. Something came over me and I booed him on the nose. He looked crossed eyed for a second, then he looked taken back. Then after a second he just gave me a cute smile.

I played with his fingers as he played with my hair. It was relaxing. We sat in complete silence, but neither of us felt the need to break it.

After ten or so minutes I slowly started to dose off as I was holding his hand. He turned off the light, picked me up and kicked his brother. His brother stood up and made his way to his room. And while Aragon was taking me somewhere I fell asleep.