

Disclaimer: None of the characters or the anime/manga is mine only the plot. Now enjoy my story thanks for reading!

3rd person POV

Izuku Midoriya was a very curious girl who loved learning and analyzing things. Unfortunately she didn't carry any magic and neither did her mother, or anyone in the Endeavor Kingdom for that matter except for the royals. Which she wasn't very knowledgeable about, meaning she didn't know much about them.

"Izuku! Be careful okay?" Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mother, called to Izuku from their small, humble abode sitting near the beautiful forest of the village that Izuku has grown to love most. She was standing in front of the starting point of the forest.

~flashback time kids~

"Kacchan wait up" Izuku cried out to Katsuki Bakugo; her childhood friend from 4 years old. "Come on, deku you're so slow. Ugh!" Izuku got the nickname of 'deku', meaning useless because of her lack of magic. Katsuki got the nickname of 'Kacchan' merely because at the time she couldn't pronounce Katsuki, but it still stuck in her head so she still doesn't call him Katsuki. Anyway, back to the flashback teehee. At the moment the two 5 year old's were running into the forest, "Hey Izuku! There's this place I found in the forest and I wanted to show you it! Follow me!" Izuku and Katsuki went running, Izuku behind him. After a few minutes of running and twists and turns, they came upon a a beautiful, sparkling stream with flowers and moss growing everywhere around the trees and the stream itself.


(Open to see picture! It looks like this but the stream is bigger and the whole thing is bigger in general and they're looking at it from the side.)

~Back to the flashback~

First Person POV ~Izuku~

"Whoa... Kacchan, how did you find this?" Izuku exclaimed. Katsuki replied with,"I was taking a walk and I saw it. Amazing right?" He smirked pridefully. "YEAH!!" Izuku Screamed in awe. "Well, I brought you here for a reason Izu, I...um, need to tell you something..." "What is it Kacchan?" She asked inquisitively... Katsuki began" I-I....

A/n sorry left you on a cliffhanger muahahhaha teehee but anyways this is my first chapter, in my first fan-fiction on Wattpad and not everything is thought out just yet I'm sorry for the short first chapter but its the prologue sooooo... Hope you like and don't forget to add it Arigato gozaimashita sayo~nara!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Because I haven't thought the entire story through yet so i'm going with the flow kind of so if you have any ideas, please please, let me know I' be happy to listen.

W_o_o_P_Vocaloidscreators' thoughts