
Quest to Reclaim a Homeland

A trip that started for supplies and trading goods ending up being something more. A hunter from Lothinum set out on a four week journey through Galendin to reach the small town of Gianapo. When he arrived he was met with worrying news. He met an anonymous man who requires the hunter’s assistance. He agrees and together they set out to reach the other side of Haldin. They encounter many threats and although they do not find a liking to each other, they must work together to reach Epikindynas, the lost kingdom of the Hybrid race.

RudyGasparrini · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Castian Lovos

The two men road north-east. They made little to no conversation during their trip. There was nothing to say.

The nights were cold the closer to the mountains they got. There was snow on the tops of the evergreens in The Forest. The lakes were frozen and the deer looked hungry. Bannel followed Sandruil lead. After all, he had no other options.

They stopped in a small town called Castian Lovos. Sandruil headed straight for the tavern as soon as they hitched at the fence post.

"Damn Sandruil, I didn't take you for a drunk," Bannel smirked as they sat down at the counter.

"I'm not," he glared back, "I need to talk to the woman who lives here" He rung a small bell that was placed on the counter top. Almost immediately after the high pitched sound rung through Bannel's ears a small woodland pixie flew in from the back room. She was almost microscopic, no more then an inch tall.

"Sandruil," she smiled and said in her soft spoken voice.

"Hello, Liliannelie. It's good to see you again. My acquaintance and I must make our way to Jorguna and it is far too cold to travel in this weather. We would be so grateful if you could offer us your kind hospitality for the night and maybe some warmer clothes for I further travels," Sandruil practically begged. Without hesitation Liliannelie tossed a small key into Sandruil's hand.

"There's a room upstair."